How do you know if a newborn is healthy?


How do you know if a newborn is healthy?

In 1952, American physician Virginia Apgar came out with an offer to evaluate newborns. According to him, it is possible to determine how healthy a child is based on some indicators. This method of assessment is called the APGAR scale by the author and it includes the following indicators:
A (appearance) - the skin color of the baby;
P (puzzle) - pulse;
G (grimace) - facial expression;
A (activity) - movements, muscle tone;
R (respiration) - the ability to breathe, reflexes.
The rating on the APGAR scale is calculated from the sum of these 5 indicators. That is, the baby’s skin color, heart rate, reflexes, facial movements, muscle tone, and ability to breathe are rated on a scale of 0 to 2, all added up and a total score.

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