If the child is not eating well or is chimpanzee, how can it be overcome?


We often hear mothers complain, "My child eats less," "I force my child to eat." Really, what is the reason kids don’t eat well?

The cause of parental concern is understandable. Because if a child is not fully nourished, he may not grow up healthy and develop well. There are many reasons why children refuse to eat. To prevent them, parents need patience, attention to the little one.

The general condition of the child

When a child is sick, his behavior suddenly changes. He will be capricious, stubborn, crying. Appetite is suffocated. At this time, the child is immediately measured temperature, put to bed and a doctor is called. Boiling water or sweet tea is given to the child until the doctor arrives and diagnoses the disease.

Congenital disorders of appetite

According to experts, in some girls born prematurely, as a result of damage to the nutritional center of the brain, vision loss and loss of appetite may occur.

Appetite disorders

For example, in anorexia there is a general refusal to eat. If you invite such children to dinner, they will not forget, and may even vomit. The child relaxes and loses weight. Most often, anorexia is caused by the influence of different diets in adolescent girls, and in young children as a result of acute fear. In this case, the child needs the help of not only the attending physician, but also a psychiatrist.

In anorexia, it is recommended to use apilak, milk and sour milk products (yogurt, cottage cheese, whey), bifidum and colibacterin, bifikol, milk lactobacilli on the advice of a doctor to improve the body's trophism and intestinal function. Adequate appetite disorders can be prevented by ensuring that children have enough fresh air, a proper regimen, a positive mental balance, massage, exercise, exercise, and taking healing baths.

Separation of small amounts of saliva

Nervous children produce less saliva during meals. They can’t even eat small cutlets or dark foods. At this time, fresh fruits (apples, pears), fruit and vegetable juices are given before meals.

If your child is healthy, but he eats it when he eats, if he insists that he eats it, if he is chewy, if he chews bread after everyone has eaten, do not pay attention at all. Your ally in this work is the child’s appetite. Allow the appetite to open naturally.

You are afraid that your child will go hungry

Many mothers suffocate their appetite by giving their children bread and biscuits between breakfast and lunch. You need to stop doing that. When a child is well hungry, he eats deliciously. Instead of refusing to eat, he asks for extra food to float.

Do not put all foods (salads, juices, sweets, fruits) on the table at once

Babies who are exclusively breastfed can choose the food they need when they are under one year old. Because their ability to taste is still intact.

Children aged 2-5 years should be fed the first meal first, then the rest. Otherwise the child will be picky, whimsical.

Avoid pampering

Encouraging a child to eat by promising different sweets, giving only one candy, will be enough to make your child completely give up food and put you in the mood you want. At this time, the most acceptable form of maternal affection is strict adherence to the diet necessary for the health of the child.

Turn lunch or dinner into a spectacle

If the child is a little stubborn, the whole family will fly in front of him. Immediately fairy tales are told to interest him, applause is given, and his favorite toys are placed on the table. "Stimulating candy or other sweets" are promised when eating. Instead, remove the food from the table and wait for the child to open well.

Forced feeding

We have witnessed many mothers forcibly feeding their children, saying, "One spoon for the bear, one for the father." Forced food only harms the little one. On the contrary, it increases your hatred for any porridge, sour cream or vegetable puree. Every adult will have a food they don’t like at all. Usually, this turns out to be a forced meal in his childhood. So if a child insists that he will not eat the rest after his stomach is almost full, never force him.

Do not overdo it while eating

The benefits of this or that product will not be clear to children. So don’t over-advise on the benefits of different juices, porridges or toothache if you don’t eat it. If your child’s taste is spoiled (he has tasted a lot), he may deliberately eat a lot of chocolate. Instead, feed your child simple, wholesome home-cooked meals.

Milk is a incomparable heavenly blessing

Milk and dairy products are the main and irreplaceable products in proper nutrition of children. Milk reduces the acidity of gastric juice, which leads to its use in gastritis, ulcers, gallbladder and liver diseases. Cow’s milk contains 2,8% complete valuable protein. The essential amino acids in milk protein are lysine, methionine, tryptophan, leucine, valine, arginine, which have antimicrobial activity. Cow's milk contains 3,5-6% fat and is easily digested. The sugar content of milk is lactose - 4,5%. Milk is rich in various mineral salts, especially phosphorus - 0,9 g / l and calcium - 0,5 g / l. Milk is low in iron, but it is well absorbed. Also milk Vitamins C, B, A, D, E.ga boy. Goat's milk is recommended as a treatment for children who cannot tolerate cow's milk protein.

Sour milk products are widely used in children's diets, including yogurt. Yogurt is recommended in the diet, in children with intestinal infections, dysbacteriosis, rickets, malnutrition, anemia, pneumonia, food allergies and anorexia, as well as when antibiotics are widely used. Yogurt allows the body to increase calcium, iron and vitamin D. Improves digestion and absorption of food in the intestines, strengthens gastric juice. Yogurt prevents the growth of humus and pathogenic microbes, normalizes the intestinal microflora. Sour milk products are high in vitamins B2 and B12. Freshly fermented yogurt improves the stomach, while two- to three-day yogurt, on the contrary, hardens the stomach.

Cottage cheese is a valuable product in baby food. It is rich in protein (14-18%) and is rich in various amino acids. Cottage cheese is especially rich in methionine, which is extremely useful for children with a growing organism and liver disease. Cottage cheese protein is easier to digest than milk protein. Cottage cheese is rich in calcium, potassium and phosphorus. Therefore, it is a very necessary product for children with rickets, osteomyelitis.

Dairy cheese is also rich in protein, fats, calcium and phosphorus salts. Young children are given small amounts of non-sharp, soft varieties of cheese. It is advisable to recommend the cheese to children suffering from infectious diseases, weakened, sick and out of surgery.