In what cases does a coronavirus infection cause pneumonia?


Barno Adilova, a member of the Coronavirus Control Staff, answered this question:
- Doctors and scientists have different views on the mechanism of disease development in the human body under the influence of coronavirus infection.
In articles by doctors and scientists from China and South Korea, the virus has played a major role in the development of coronavirus-induced pneumonia. It describes the emergence and rapid development of the virus under the strong influence of zotiljam. Scientists in European countries say that cytokine storms play an important role in the development of this disease, and there are articles about the fact that such a storm aggravates the patient's condition and exacerbates respiratory failure.
In some cases, the coronavirus has passed more easily, and the human body has developed rapidly despite the end of the viral cycle due to a weakened immune system, which has been implicated in the development of secondary infections, such as bacteria. Such cases have been cited as a complication of coronavirus in patients who have not been treated in a timely manner and who have not received timely and appropriate treatment.

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