Baby reflexes


Baby reflexes

💠Khartum reflex. As a result of touching the baby’s lips with your fingers, his lips twitch and stretch forward.
💠Robinson reflex. In response to the touch of a finger or pencil on the palm, the child holds them with such force that he does not let go, even if he lifts them. By 4 months, this reflex disappears.
💠Moro reflex. If the table or bed on which the child is lying is pushed, the child first spreads his arms, then bends them. This reflex is also noted when the child in the hand is quickly lowered. It belongs to the group of statokinetic reflexes and is observed until the child is 4 months old.
💠Bauer reflexes. While the child is lying on his stomach, the palms of his feet are lightly pressed against the palms of his hands. The child is then pushed out of the palm and moves like a crawler. This reflex also disappears after the baby is 4 months old.
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