Izzat Sultan (1910-2001)


The great literary critic, talented playwright Izzat Sultan was born on November 1910, 21 in Osh in a family of craftsmen. After the death of his father, he was brought up in an orphanage. In 1924 he came to Tashkent to study. First he studies at the "Namuna" business school, then at the educational college. After graduating from technical school, he works as a teacher in schools.

Izzat Sultan studied at the Central Asian State University in 1930 at the Faculty of Social Sciences. He is the executive secretary of the Samarkand-based Batrak newspaper. In 1934 he entered the graduate school of the Institute of Language and Literature, graduating in 1937. From 1943 to 1948 he served in government positions. Since 1948, the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan A. S. He worked at the Pushkin Institute of Language and Literature (now the Alisher Navoi Institute of Language and Literature).

Izzat Sultan has been publishing literary articles in the periodicals since 1932. He authored a textbook, Literary Theory (1939, 1979). Of particular importance are a number of works of the researcher dedicated to the study of the legacy of the great Uzbek poet and thinker Alisher Navoi. As a comprehensive scholar, literary critic, he is the author of dozens of mature works on folklore, classical literature, the modern literary process, fraternal and world literature, literary theory.

Izzat Sultan was also a prolific writer in the field of fiction. His first dramatic work, The Flight of the Eagle (1939), is important in terms of educating his contemporaries in the spirit of love for the Motherland. Alisher Navoi (1940), co-authored with Uygun, was one of the achievements of Uzbek drama. In the dramas "The Unknown Man" (1963) and "Faith" (1960) the moral norms and qualities of modern people are glorified. The author's work "Fidoyi" (1966) shows the struggle between the new world and the world of superstition, the novelty of which is a powerful force in this struggle. His works "I did not see the thorn", "Childhood of Ibn Sina", "Last days" by Abdullah Qadiri played an important role in his work.

Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan (1995), Honored Artist of Uzbekistan (1964), Honored Scientist of Uzbekistan (1981) Laureate of the Beruni State Prize (1970), Medal of Fame (1992) Izzat Sultan July 2001, 29 Tashkent died in the city.

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