About Jenshen


There is a saying in the East: "The king of animals is a tiger, the king of plants is ginseng." The tiger really looks like the “king of beasts”, but the “king of plants” is very invisible. Its stem is weak, the leaves are elongated claws, the fruit is small and tasteless. Sometimes the human-shaped root is fleshy and thick. Ginseng collectors have been searching for months for ginseng root, which is very valuable in the taiga of the Far East. Many people would perish in the taiga, but those who sought this magical root - the "king of plants" - would not be disappointed.
The word “Jenshen” means “root of life” when translated from Chinese. It is no coincidence that Jenshen is so called, that his root is so expensive. Jenshen's root is used to make medicines to treat serious illnesses.
However, ginseng is a very rare plant, it was declining year by year. It was then that people began to wonder if ginseng could be grown on their own. This work was not done easily, but people did not come empty-handed because it was about saving the lives of thousands of patients. Eventually people managed to do it. There is no need to go to the taiga in search of ginseng root anymore, people have learned to grow it in special ginseng plants. Such ginsengs now exist in the Far East and Central Asia. This plant is also grown in the mountainous regions of the North Caucasus, Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova.
From the children's encyclopedia.

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