Breastfeeding diet


We all know that a breastfeeding woman should follow a strict diet. This notion is wrong - the diet of a breastfeeding woman must be complete and correct, because the products consumed by a woman are converted into milk in the breasts.

Today, in this article, we will talk with you about the right foods for breastfeeding women, in short, about the products that can and cannot be consumed.

Basic principles of diet during lactation

A breastfeeding woman does not have to follow a strict diet, unless prescribed by a doctor for a pathological condition.

The process of lactation is not an indication for "starvation", but during lactation a woman's diet should contain 400-500 calories more energy than usual.

Also pay attention to the amount of fluid consumed. Limit fizzy, caffeinated energy drinks.

  • Consumption of alcohol is strictly prohibited.
  • It is possible to consume all products consumed before and during pregnancy.
  • The diet must include meat, fruits and vegetables, and dairy products.

If a child develops an allergic reaction to a particular product, it should be discontinued.

What products can breastfeeding women consume?

A woman after childbirth pregnancy va birth In order to restore the "power" lost in time, it is necessary to pay close attention to the order and quality of meals. At this time, mothers should consume the following products:

  • Black bread;
  • Beef and veal;
  • Yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese (in case of low fat, it is better);
  • Kasha;
  • Vegetables: zucchini, potatoes, cabbage, carrots;
  • Dried fruit compote, green tea;
  • Different fruits.

The products that breastfeeding women should consume for a month after giving birth are:

  • Unboiled milk;
  • Coffee, energy, carbonated drinks;
  • Sweets;
  • Fried, oily and smoked products;
  • Alcohol;
  • Seafood;
  • Bitter and salty products;
  • Concentrated juices;
  • Canned goods.

Important! In the gastrointestinal tract of a child who is breastfed as a result of consumption of high-fat and sweet products gas accumulation and abdominal relaxation observed. This is because the enzyme system in the baby is not yet fully formed, especially the amylase enzyme function is not fully restored. As a result, carbohydrates are difficult to break down and colic occurs in children.

Breastfeeding women eat meat and eggs

When eating meat, pay attention to its fat content. It is advisable to eat low-fat beef and chicken. It is recommended to eat boiled and steamed meat.

Limit the consumption of smoked meat products. Because they contain various chemical additives.

Eggs - Chicken and quail eggs are a protein-rich product. However, allergic reactions can occur when a child eats eggs.

Fruits and berries - in the diet of lactating women

It is important for breastfeeding women to eat fruits. Fruits contain a lot of fiber. Fiber stimulates digestion and normalizes diarrhea.

It is recommended to eat only locally grown fruits. Consumption of citrus fruits can cause allergic reactions in children. The amount of fruit that should be consumed daily is 300-400 grams.

Consumption of apples during lactation causes gas accumulation in the gastrointestinal tract and abdominal relaxation. However, if there are no problems with eating apples during pregnancy, you can still eat apples after giving birth. If you have any problems, it is recommended to eat apples peeled.

Bananas are not recommended in maternity hospitals. However, when mothers come home, they can eat bananas, the most useful being homemade yogurt made from bananas.

As for watermelons and melons, their consumption should be limited during lactation. Because it is no secret that the use of chemicals in the cultivation of melons today. Fruits such as berries (strawberries, cherries) should be thoroughly washed and eaten.

It is not recommended to eat a lot of nuts because they are very oily.

Eating fish during lactation

Many seafood contain high levels of mercury. Mercury is a harmful substance for children. For this reason, it is best not to eat many types of fish during lactation. The types of fish that can be eaten are:

  • Herring;
  • Salmon;
  • Sardines;
  • Heck;
  • Zog`ora.

The amount of fish products should not exceed 300 g per week.

Vegetables that can be eaten during lactation

A nursing woman should take 400 gr. fresh vegetables should be eaten boiled and stewed. Products such as zucchini, cucumbers, squash, cabbage (which can cause the child to relax), tomatoes can be eaten.

When eating all vegetables, the child's condition should be taken into account, and if allergic reactions are observed, they should be limited. However, it is important to keep in mind that vitamin C, folic acid, and other important micronutrients in vegetables are passed on to the baby through breast milk.

Drinks - during lactation

Cocoa. Cocoa products can cause allergic reactions in a child. Therefore, it is better not to consume such products during lactation.

Juices. Various artificially produced fruit juices contain many chemical additives, dyes and sugars. These are harmful to both the mother and the baby. Freshly made natural juices, especially carrot, pomegranate and apple juices, are very healthy and contain a lot of vitamins.

Compote. Drinking compote made from fresh dried fruits is both beneficial and important for breastfeeding women. Pay attention to the amount of sugar added to the compote, drink as much sugar-free compote as possible.

Tea. Bitter tea can cause sleep problems in children, and it can affect the absorption of vitamins and minerals.

Can breastfeeding mothers consume dairy products?

It is recommended to drink only boiled milk. The fat content should not exceed 2,5%. Milk can be added to tea and drunk in the form of syrup. It should be noted that the proteins in cow's milk do not cause allergic reactions in children.

Dairy products include ryazhenka, kefir and yogurt. When buying them, pay attention to the date of manufacture, quality and percentage of fat.

Allergy products in lactating women:

  • Eggs;
  • Chocolate;
  • Cocoa;
  • Strawberries;
  • Tomato;
  • Peanuts;
  • Citrus fruits;
  • Fish (some species).

Excessive consumption of such products during pregnancy and lactation can lead to the development of allergic processes in the child.

Products that stimulate lactation

The amount of milk secreted by the breasts depends on hereditary factors. However, in addition to the hereditary factor, the amount of fluid consumed also has an effect on milk production. The daily fluid intake of a breastfeeding woman should be 1 liter more than usual. The liquid is taken in various forms - plain water, tea, juice and compote.

The daily fluid volume should not be less than 1,5-2 liters. After childbirth, the fluid volume should be gradually increased. In the first days after birth in the mammary glands moloziva separated. If the mother increases fluid intake, it will also increase milk production. As a result of colostrum secretion and excessive milk secretion, excess milk accumulates in the mammary glands and lactostasis may occur.

There are special products to stimulate lactation. The micronutrients and vitamins they contain (iron, folic acid, iodine, vitamins, calcium) are easily absorbed by the body. In addition, medicinal teas made from natural plants also stimulate milk production.

Diarrhea is very important for a breastfeeding woman. The mother's womb should come every day with a soft consistency. ConstipationThe diet should include dairy products, fruits, vegetables, and cereals, and the daily fluid intake should be normal;

Breast milk contains:

  • Protein - the child's body is ready for easy assimilation;
  • Fats - easily absorbed by the child;
  • Mineral salts - calcium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, etc .;
  • Enough water;
  • Specific enzymes - lipase, amylase and a number of side enzymes are given to the baby through breast milk to stimulate the baby's digestive process;
  • A special protein, lactoferrin, binds and binds the iron element;
  • Taurine - stimulates the formation of the retina and brain development;
  • Immune cells in the mother's blood - neutrophils, monocytes, lymphocytes fight various infections;
  • Opioids - improve a child's sleep.

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