Memory-strengthening exercises for children


Many parents complain that their child’s memory is not strong. In the future, it is important for a child to be sharp-witted in order to become intelligent and mature.
For a child's memory to be strong, a parent should engage with their child for a certain amount of time each day. The toddler's mind develops through various exercises and games. It is also important that his diet and routine have an impact on it.
All the features associated with memory are well developed from the time a child is born and speech develops, until adolescence (12-14 years). Especially how strong the mind is is known when a child goes to school. Naturally, a student with a well-developed ability to memorize will learn lessons faster than others.
Through this article, we will introduce exercises that help strengthen memory for school-age children.
Show your child a picture and ask him or her to draw what is depicted on it. Also, ask him to tell you more about his thoughts on the picture.
"Find the 10 Differences"
The “Find the 10 Differences” exercise based on the picture is one of the main memory-strengthening games. To do this, let the child watch the picture for half a minute. Then show the second picture. He begins to identify the difference between the pictures based on his memory.
"Remember the zoo"
Give your child a few soft toys (preferably no more than 7 toys for school-age children). Gather them in a row and give the child half a minute. Let him remember the location of the toys. Then change the position of the toys, telling them to turn around. Then ask the child how they are located first. Through this game, not only the ability to remember, but also the ability to concentrate is improved.
Take a walk to the zoo with your child and when you get home, ask about a fun event or beautiful object there. Ask questions to describe them more broadly.
"Dance circle"
Teach your child a dance movement using cheerful music. This game helps the child develop motor memory. He keeps the sequence of movements in his mind by repeating the dance.
Seeing, hearing, remembering
Describe an animal to your child. Then ask him to tell you what he heard. If this exercise is a little difficult for him, show him a picture of the animals and give information about their sounds and movements. Remember to ask your child about what you said.
Exercises to help focus
Give the child a pencil with paper. Show a picture for half a minute and ask them to describe it on paper. At the beginning, ask him to draw a simple shape (e.g. a square) in black pencil (without coloring). Then ask them to draw pictures that are a little more complicated (e.g. a picture of nature) with different colored pencils. This game helps to focus.
Children's agenda
First you need to set the right agenda for the child. Sport plays an important role in this. Different exercises are especially important for the development of his brain and the strengthening of his memory. Also pay attention to sleep duration (9 hours per day for school-age children). Organizing the process of eating 5 times a day has a positive effect on the development of brain tension. Porridge, milk and dairy products, nuts, oily fish, legumes, fruits and vegetables should play an important role in a child's diet.
It is important to remember that memory is not an innate talent, it can only be strengthened and developed through exercise.
Khurshida HUSENOVA

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