Mother and baby: so similar and so different


Outwardly, the baby looks like his parents. At first glance, his eyes, nose, arms and legs, his body are like his parents'. Just like a miniature, but that's not the case…
General. The strange shape of the head structure is from the oppression in the process of birth. After two weeks, the head is rounded. At the top of the baby's head, you can observe a membrane that beats with an unknown pulse, i.e. a large lump. This means that the skull is not yet closed. Its adhesion lasts for about a year and a half. The baby's hair is thick but very fine, and sometimes not.
Eyes. Most babies' eye color changes by six months. The reason for the slight swelling in the eyelids is the compression of the head during childbirth. In all infants, dizziness is observed, which lasts for 1,5-3 months. Newborns are 20 cm tall. can see the distance to. Because infants do not develop eye movements and tear reflexes, the diaper should not tear the eye when it accidentally falls into the eye.
Language. It seems to stick to the bottom of the oral cavity, and its three parts look a bit hesitant (split). The tip of the tongue becomes elongated by 1 year of age.
Hands and feet. Bluishness is explained by the weakness of the circulatory system. As the baby moves, the feet and paws turn pink. The palms of the hands are in a fist position. The legs are spread out and slightly bent around the buttocks and knees, due to the fact that the baby is in a folded position in the mother's womb. At birth, nails are often long. It is recommended to remove them.
Breast. In the first days of life, both a girl and a boy may develop swelling and milk in the breast. There is no need to worry about this condition because the swelling will go away after a few days.
Umbilical hernia. The umbilical ulcer subsides in 3-5 days after birth. Upon discharge from the maternity ward, the umbilical ulcer is covered with a layer of blood. Umbilical cord care plays a very important role in baby hygiene. Complete healing of the umbilical ulcer takes 12-14 days.
Sexual organs. In both girls and boys, they seem larger. In girls, it occurs in the vagina. These are triggered by the mother’s hormones and soon disappear. Eggs in boys are usually pulled into the bottom of the bladder.
Skin. The skin of a newborn baby is thin and delicate, and has its own characteristics (the top layer is thin, thick network of veins, underdeveloped sebaceous glands, etc.), so its appearance is similar to that of an adult. very different from the appearance of human skin. The baby's skin is immature, characterized by various spots, rashes, and so on.

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