Mother Goddess (Collection of Gods in Uzbek)


My eyes see, alla-yo.
Suyar sozim, alla-yo,
Alla, my child, alla-yo.
Sweetheart, alla-yo,
Hot bread, alla-yo.
God, my child, God, God,
Dumb, alla-yo, alla.
My heavenly mother, alla,
My sweet tea, alla.
God, my child, God,
My dear child, alla.
Alla, my child, alla-yo.
It was morning,
My stomach was full of light.
God, my child, God,
My dear child, alla.
A bribe of my liver, alla.
The blackness of my eyes, alla.
God, my child, God,
My dear child, alla.
God willing, my child,
Let him rest in his sleep.
When you say Allah, Allah,
Let him sleep quietly.
God, my child, God,
My two eyes, alla.
Sleep, lamb, alla-yo,
My word sugar, alla-yo.
My brother eats, even at night
God says my mother.
The songs are gentle,
Oh my God,
Let him sleep, God,
God, God, God.
* * *
My dear boy
Nightingale, alla.
Please, alla.
Sleep well,
I'm so sorry.
Mother's garden, alla,
I'm a man, alla.
His father is a great mountain, alla,
Bright moon, alla.
You're small, tulip,
God, my child, God.
When will you grow up?
God, my child, God.
Flowers in the garden,
God, my lamb, God.
Singing nightingales,
God, my lamb, God.
Selected from the willow
I'm a widow, God.
He sniffed from inside the flower
Gul-u bashanim bolam, alla.
God, my child, God,
My dear child, alla.
My two eyes, alla,
My sweet word, alla.
* * *
God willing, until dawn,
Until the sleepless night,
I see the light, alla,
My lamb, alla.
God, God, God
Kokili is made of gold.
From the mullah who read,
God, my lamb, God.
God, my lamb, take, my lamb,
Apples are my lamb.
My lamb is full of figs,
God, my child, God.
Sweet mother of my life,
White wheat bread.
I hate everyone,
His mother's soul, Alla-yo, alla.
The soul of the red flower,
The guest of my heart.
I'm in pain,
Mother's soul,
God, God.
You are the spring of my head,
You are the breakfast of my life.
You are the heart of my heart,
Thanks to his mother,
God, God.
* * *
I sleep, God willing,
God, my lamb, God.
How can i comfort you
God, my child, God.
You're small, tulip,
God, my child, God.
When do you grow up?
God, my child, God.
God, God, you are in between,
God, my lamb, God.
You are innocent,
God, my child, God.
Flowers in the garden,
God, my lamb, God.
Singing nightingales,
God, my lamb, God.
The flower that comes from you,
God, my child, God.
One of my parents,
God, my lamb, God.
Carved tones around your neck,
God, my lamb, God.
From sheep to ram,
God, my child, God.
I tell you gods,
God, my lamb, God.
I lie in your shadows,
God, my child, God.
* * *
Like a baby bird,
It's like a tree nest.
If the tree winds its head,
Shaydullodir mother-ey.
God, my child, God.
I make you alla, alla,
I'll make it big, alla.
God? the pleasure of the soul, alla,
Sleep? the power of the eye, alla.
Apricot wood? cradle, alla,
God bless you, mother.
Cradle made of mulberry wood, alla,
God bless you, mother.
Rest in peace, God,
Growing up subh-u shorn, alla.
Always good, alla,
A common name in the world, alla.
I love your hand, God,
Be my master, God!
* * *
My flower, my mother flower,
You are a nightingale in my garden.
Inside my five brothers
You are my only sister
God, God.
His father's sergeant
Let him sleep, God forbid.
Her mother's husband
Let the human yellow,
God, God.
God is my slave,
The nightingale that landed on the flower,
God, God.
God bless you,
Let sleep come to your eyes,
God, God.
O my soul, from your horse,
Let the light shine on you,
God, God.
God rest my soul,
Close your eyes and go to sleep,
God, God.
God bless you,
God, God.
My hot blood san mani-ey,
My parents are like me
God, God.
* * *
God, my lamb, God,
My lamb, alla.
Let my lamb be a sheep, oh God,
Let the sheep command the wedding, O Allah.
Alla, my child, alla-yo,
God, my lamb, God,
My lamb, alla.
Yorgala, toy, at mindiray, alla,
I'm in love with you, God.
Alla, my child, alla-yo,
God, my lamb, God,
My lamb, alla.
Let me slaughter a sheep for your wedding, alla,
Let me kill a ram, not a sheep, alla,
God, my child, God...

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