Multiple pregnancies: twins


Multiple pregnancies: twins
In 90% of cases, twins are born as a result of multiple pregnancies. Their number is much higher than the number of triplets or quadruplets born in multiple pregnancies. Currently, almost 3% of all births occur in multiple pregnancies.

When 1 egg is fertilized with 1 sperm, single-egg or monozygotic twins are formed. Almost immediately the egg cell splits into two parts.

When 2 eggs are released and fertilized with 2 sperm, twins with different eggs or different identities are formed. In terms of similarity, twins with different eggs do not look alike when compared to siblings born from the same biological parent.

The probability of twins being a girl or a boy is usually equal, and is 50/50%. This figure corresponds to the incidence of children born as a result of a single pregnancy (one child).

Contrary to popular belief, the possibility of having twins "does not pass from generation to generation." Every mother is likely to have twins in every generation.

Why are so many twins born today?
One of the main reasons is the use of assisted insemination methods and the increase in the number of couples receiving reproductive care. In the past, infertile couples were rarely given the opportunity to have children. However, modern methods and reproductive technologies allow couples with reproductive health problems to conceive, which has not been possible in the past. Transplantation of 2 or more embryos has long been practiced to increase the chances of a positive pregnancy.

Another reason is that the care of premature babies is much better. There is a risk of premature birth in multiple pregnancies. In today's world, it is possible for children born prematurely to survive.

What increases the chances of fertilizing twins?
  • In addition to the use of additional methods of fertilization, one of the most important factors is to increase the age of the mother. It is known that the chances of fertilizing twins in a woman increase after the age of 35. This is due to the increase in the number of estrogen in women as they get older. This sex hormone plays an important role in stimulating the production of egg cells by the ovaries every month. Another reason is that follicle-stimulating hormone (FRG) is produced more rapidly at an older age, leading to hyper-stimulation of the ovaries.
  • One of the factors influencing the fertilization of twins is the number of pregnancies in the past.
  • African women are more likely to become pregnant with twins. In Asian women, the probability is the lowest.
  • If the woman herself is a twin, or if her mother or grandmother is a twin, or if she has twin brothers or sisters, the chances increase. This process involves genetic reproduction, which is passed on by the mother through hyper-stimulation of the ovaries, and is important. Fertilization of twins with different eggs begins with the release of 1 eggs, not 2.
  • Artificial insemination increases the likelihood of twins being fertilized. Drugs commonly used to treat infertility stimulate the ovaries to mature more than one follicle. The more eggs there are for fertilization, the greater the chance of fertilization.
  • First and foremost, make sure you're doing everything right to fertilize. Controlling ovulation and the menstrual cycle, as well as having an active sex life on the days when you are able to conceive, is not only an important but also a key factor in getting pregnant.
How do I know I have twins?
You may suspect that you are pregnant with twins long before it becomes clear. One of the first symptoms may be severe nausea and aversion to certain foods. If you can feel all the symptoms of early pregnancy, it is ten times stronger. The smells become brighter, the bladder is unable to hold even a small amount of urine, you feel your strength go away, and the chest seems to occupy the entire chest. This is due to the fact that the pregnancy hormone, OXG, is produced in large quantities and its effects on your body become apparent.

If compared to conceiving a child, the symptoms become more "bright" much earlier. Naturally, 1 child takes twice as much space. Normally, a woman does not notice any major changes until 1 weeks after the uterus begins to rise from the pelvis. However, in twins, the growing abdomen can be detected much earlier in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Another clear sign is the many movements that a woman feels earlier than usual. The onset of fetal movement is an official term that refers to the first movement of the fetus during pregnancy. It usually does not appear until 16 weeks in first-time mothers and up to 14 weeks in women who have given birth before. However, for twins, the initial movements during pregnancy can be very specific. Twins begin to fill the uterine cavity much earlier than in a single pregnancy, and as they grow, they touch the walls of the uterus.

The presence of twins can also be seen during UTT. In some cases, a pregnant woman is unaware that she will have twins before the ultrasound scan at 18 weeks, while others do so at 12 weeks. UTT can be used to determine the type of twins at 12 weeks.1 Unfortunately, single-egg twins are at high risk of developing congenital defects and complications, such as mass deficiency for gestational age. Pregnancy with twin eggs requires routine care, but under careful monitoring, especially if the mother is at high risk for premature birth.

Another method that allows the identification of twins is dopplerography, in which 2 heartbeats are heard.

Monozygotic twins with one egg
It is estimated that one in three twins has one egg. They are formed from 1 egg fertilized by 1 sperm, so each twin has one genetic material. They are very similar to each other, and it is difficult to distinguish them.

In fact, it is not clear why the embryo divides at such an early stage after fertilization. This process has not been adequately studied, and although many theories have been put forward, it is not clear what causes single-egg twins to split.

Although the formation of single-egg twins occurs in the early stages of pregnancy, the fertilized egg cell can divide into 2 parts at different stages. This can occur on day 2 of the bicellular stage, day 4 on the early stage of the blastocyst, or day 6 on the stage of the late blastocyst. The process by which an egg divides into two parts determines where the fertilized egg is located in the uterine wall. As the embryo reaches the 2 cell stage, the fetal DNA is activated.

The stage at which the egg breaks down also determines whether each child will have a shell and a companion around the fetus, or whether it will be unique to both fetuses. In fact, the earlier the egg divides, the more independent the location of each twin is. Each has its own amnion, chorion, and companion.

Early disintegration also means that the twins are less likely to be similar to each other than the late-stage embryos of the blastocyst. It is said that a quarter of identical twins are mirrors of each other. This means that the left side of one twin corresponds exactly to the right side of the other twin. This is so awesome!

Although identical twins have the same DNA and genetic code, they are each uniquely small individuals. They differ little in birth and may appear to be small clones of each other, but not so much. As single-egg twins grow older, their unique qualities (especially personalities) become more apparent. The environment in which they are brought up, as well as their uniqueness, ensures the formation of a great personality. It happens like any other child in the world.

Different (twin) twins with different eggs
Most twins are not the same; Approximately 3 pairs of 2 pairs of twins fall into this category. They also occur when 2 separate egg cells are fertilized by 2 separate sperm. Therefore, the genetic characteristics of these twins are no greater than those of ordinary brothers and sisters.

Twin-egg twins can be same-sex or different-sex. According to statistics, boys and girls are equally likely to have children.

Twin-egg twins are no different from their other siblings, who have the same biological parents. The only difference is that they are almost accidentally fertilized in one month and lie in the "mother's womb" during one pregnancy.

The tendency to conceive twins is usually hereditary. The predisposition to hyperovulation during a single menstrual cycle is a genetic trait. Women whose mothers, grandmothers, aunts or sisters have given birth to twins are more likely to become pregnant with twin eggs. It should be noted that if the mother is one of the twins, she can give birth to twins.

Each of the twin eggs is located in its own "cavity" in the mother's body and has its own amniotic membrane. There is no common satellite, each has its own satellite. Unlike single-egg twins, twin-egg twins can be different or the same sex: they can both be the same or different sexes. It is assumed that twins with two eggs are more likely to be the same or different sexes.

Is it dangerous for twins to get pregnant?
The most dangerous "type" of pregnancy is twin-egg pregnancy. This is because each fetus has its own placenta and amniotic sac.
  • If single-egg twins have a common placenta, they are more likely to develop feto-fetal transfusion syndrome (FFTS). This often results in twins receiving more food than the other and, as a result, gaining more weight at birth. Approximately 1% of monozygotic twins are likely to have some degree of FFTS.
  • If twins have a single amniotic sac, the umbilical cord may become twisted and compressed. This is often due to a lack of space in the mother's womb.
  • Also, one of the disadvantages of such pregnancies is the small size of the gestational age or limited growth in the abdomen. Twins are usually lighter and lighter at birth than babies born as a result of a single pregnancy.
  • Siamese twins: Parents know about this phenomenon early because it can be detected when UTT is done during pregnancy.
    Single-egg and double-egg twins have a higher risk of miscarriage during pregnancy and complications during pregnancy and childbirth.
  • There is also a high risk of premature birth and related pathologies.
  • There is a high risk of cesarean section or assisted delivery, including the use of forceps or vacuum extraction. Usually, women who are pregnant with twins need to have an epidural anesthesia or an episiotomy when they give birth through the vagina. Therefore, the birth process should be supervised by a doctor and obstetrician to reduce the risk of complications. Vaginal fertility is considered only when the head of the first twin is down and the weight of the second twin is less, ie no more than 500 g from the first. However, twins are often born by caesarean section.
Complications of a typical twin pregnancy for the mother include:
  • Morning sickness (excessive vomiting), which usually progresses to the stage of hyperemesis in pregnant women
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Preeclampsia
  • Premature birth: If the mother is able to carry the fetus to the twins during pregnancy up to 38 weeks, it means that her condition is stable.
  • Cesarean section: especially if this is the mother's first birth and she has not given birth before
  • Bleeding / placental abruption / placental abruption
  • There is also a high risk of pregnancy-related hypertension, amniotic fluid, and iron deficiency anemia.
Common twin complications in a child include:
  • Small weight at birth
  • Premature birth
  • Jaundice
  • Problems with breastfeeding
  • Prolonged hospital stay after delivery
  • In some cases, children have problems with maintaining body temperature and stabilizing blood sugar levels
  • Risk of infection and susceptibility to infection due to small births
  • There are breathing problems
When will it be clear whether the twins are the same or not?
It is difficult to tell whether twins are born with one egg or two eggs. This is very rare, but some identical twins can be born in different fetal shells rather than in a single amniotic sac. Usually, twins with different eggs have different companions, and in the same ovary they have the same companions.

A DNA test is performed to determine 100%. This is a simple way to determine which type of twins the children belong to. Obviously, it doesn't make sense to test if the children are the same sex, but most parents prefer to take the test. The test is performed using a cotton swab to collect saliva cells from the mouth behind the cheeks (painlessly), which can then be sent to a laboratory for testing. The DNA of identical twins may be the same, but in identical twins the figure is 1/2. Another method of testing is blood group analysis. If the twins have the same blood type, they are probably one egg.

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