My meetings with girls


Twenty-seven years old. It's time to get married. This age is also called "the season of meetings with girls" in our city. As if it is impossible to get married without these meetings! I do not know when we had this habit painting. But no one disobeys this tradition. Not to mention skepticism, some even guarantee that "then your happiness will be revealed." You go on a date, you fall in love, you get married, and there is no one happier than you. It's as if the meetings are full of miracles and suddenly happiness is smiling.
The boy and girl meeting is scheduled by the parents. So this meeting is very different from just a date or a meeting of two young people you see on the street. It has become a tradition for two young people to meet before the wedding. In fact, it can be called a small ceremony. That’s why we parents take it seriously. They convince their children that they can find a suitable partner only in the appointments they have appointed, not on the streets. Even before the slimy flesh in her son’s umbilical cord is severed, the mother, who has just died of labor pains, begins to imagine taking her “baby” on a date with a calm future. Later, these perceptions turn into sweet worries. A series of meetings, conversations, inquiries… Depending on the intent and position of the parent, these meetings may be successful or unsuccessful. It's okay if it's a wedding, but they're not upset about bad meetings. Everyone loves their child! On the contrary, as soon as the son meets one girl, the mother begins to think of the other's cheapness. No matter what, it's a habit!
I am single and I am twenty-seven years old. But my parents can’t take care of my sweet worries. Because they left when I was two years old. My father left me for the world and my mother left me with my old grandmother and got married in Kokand, five hundred kilometers from our city. Now we rarely see each other, there is no way to call the head of the family a father. That is why I prefer not to talk to my guest brother when I go to Kokand to see my mother, or when they come. He's not crazy either. I also have seven livers. I know them…
I was raised by my grandmother. My grandmother also traveled to an irreversible world just two months before I finished school… May her place be in heaven! After that, I was completely alone. I don't have parents. Grandma, I don’t have classmates. Life seemed uninteresting. All I could see were the quiet streets of the old town, the garbage cans, the moldy water in the pipes, and the stinking dead cats. So I was a timid and insecure, hopeless teenager. To get rid of this situation, I hit myself everywhere, intending to make money, to make a lot of money. I thought money was the only key to power and happiness. My day at the market was about to pass. He was too busy to think nonsense. I can sweep around the market in the early hours of the morning and then sell tomatoes and cucumbers with half an inch on one side. Gradually, as I got used to the work and my hard work diminished, I began to see more and more garbage. In my life, the trash cans got bigger and bigger and didn’t disappear. The money I earned was not enough to make me rich.
One of these days I met Professor Sultan aka. He always came home late from work and bought my rotten tomatoes, which had not passed. He said his wife loved making salmon. One day the professor and I had a conversation about the laws of Pythagoras. I have been interested in mathematics since I was young. So, forgetting about the trade, we both filled out paper cartons and wrote formulas. Then I realized how much the professor loved his profession, I became envious of him and woke up in the morning with the dream of becoming a professor. I quit trading and went down to read a book. Then the rubbish disappeared from my sight. It turned out that my failure to enroll in the first year of study was not my tragedy, but my happiness. Although I fell because of injustice, this defeat forced me to move harder, harder, to read more books. Now I study more day and night than ever before. I became a grant holder the following year. Yes, life is full of different colors of the seasons. Here, I also completed my master’s degree last year. I still live in my uncle’s house. I used to live in this house, only this house used to belong to my grandmother. Now my uncle…
So no one remembered that I was single until I graduated and got a job in a prestigious office. So, the strong wind of the big office blew, and those who obeyed the tradition of our city, and we remembered the poor, came out. Although I did not like such meetings from the beginning, as I grew older, I became more and more anxious. Gradually, those miraculous meetings began to give hope. Although I myself am a bitter fruit of a family that was built as a result of such meetings. But it is impossible for a person not to memorize these traditions in order to get rid of his vices! I, like many young people, am timid and insensitive in the emotional department.
So I found someone to deal with my sweet worries as well. It was my uncle's wife. Her son is still in school, so the search for a bride for my daughter-in-law was not only a fun activity, but also a way to have a good experience. I have a lot of work to do, so my daughter-in-law and I agreed that I could only spend the second half of Sunday on meetings, and we got started!
Although it is very exciting at first, the more you get to know each other, the more you get used to it. For example, when I said I didn’t like the girl after the first date, my daughter-in-law burst out laughing. "I knew it," he said. I think my daughter-in-law never wanted this exciting task to end suddenly. I had time to see four girls in a month before the hash-pash. All the girls of the rich house came out of the tall houses for the meeting. Yes, by the way, at that time my uncle's business was developing and getting much richer. The candidates were also the nieces and nephews of traders, investigators-judges, and brothers working in prestigious banks. My daughter-in-law, who has recovered a lot through confectionery shops, says that with the prestige of my place of work, my uncle’s shops, and my height, we are on a par with them. Anyway, that was my daughter-in-law’s opinion.
There were no girls at the meetings who couldn't get married at all, or who would suddenly say, "Hurray, wedding." I like most of them and I would like them to like the fireplace as well. We even got on the phone with some of them. But I was still single, and they would go out to meet another guy. As if it should all be so. One even called and invited me to his happy day - the wedding. What can we do, destiny!
As the months passed, the happy and nervous Sundays grew older. Finally, my failure in meetings bothered my daughter-in-law as well. He was very tired, his hair was falling. When I came back from the meeting one day, he showed me a picture of the next girl on the phone without knowing today’s result. It was as if my daughter-in-law's dislike of the girl was ingrained in my mind.
I'm tired of meetings. I wanted to get married sooner rather than later. But choosing one of those was a challenge for me. I couldn’t even love anyone. Love, too, seemed to appear in these meetings. At that moment, for some reason, I was reminded of the rubbish, and when I put it under my nose, I could smell it.
One day my daughter-in-law managed to make an appointment with the daughter of the city attorney general!
I made special preparations for this meeting. Anyway, the daughter of a respectable man. I liked the frustration of the Attorney General’s daughter at the meeting. The girl was reminiscent of the daughter of a simple fine arts teacher who dreamed of becoming a greater artist, not a wealthy lawyer. I even thought she must be the prosecutor's stepdaughter. But in any case, he had an innocent look unlike any other. Unfortunately, I didn't like this girl. He told my daughter-in-law, "Your nephew looks like a good guy, but I felt sorry for him." I followed the girl's path, but did not encounter her. At least a month later, when my daughter-in-law told me that the girl had run away somewhere with a baker from Kashkadarya, I seemed to understand the reason for her innocence. I envied the open baker. Throwing away the wealth and the endless conveniences it creates, I began to think about the feelings of a girl who went in an unknown direction.
So my daughter-in-law was bored too, she would now start dating me all the time as calmly as if she had taken her child to kindergarten. Now he was not interested in the result. Finally, outraged by his wife's sluggishness, my uncle recommended me to the daughter of his pharmacist friend. As my uncle was leaving, he told me:
"Boy, try to please the girl anyway!"
As usual, I spent half of Sunday at work and hurried to the meeting place - the cinema. I was like a consequent nephew who was going to do an important job for my uncle, not to get married. I was standing in the sky, thinking that the battle of the black clouds had already begun, and that it would soon rain.
As I thought, the rain started to fall before we met the girl and took two steps towards the cinema. Then it intensifies. The pharmacist's child looked like a smart girl. He spoke very politely, blinking his eyes as if afraid of every drop that fell from the sky. As I spread my umbrella, I opened my arms and enjoyed the raindrops on my palms. The playful drops made my whole body tremble, shaking my hand, which was alienated from anything but a computer mouse.
This girl doesn't talk much. I sat quietly too. The film was full of noise and fake stories. "There is no imagery, no logic," the newspaper said, and so was the film.
As long as we got a ticket to a movie that was very meaningless and level-headed. But many laughed out loud, behaving as if they were spreading themselves. After all, a movie - a person who enters the theater should rest! The girl joined me and sat down. But by the middle of the movie, he was intrigued, and he seemed to be smiling at me, as if to say, "It's funny." I smiled, confirming his interest, too. In fact, I was upset when I left. On top of that, the damp, stuffy air of the movie theater suffocated my breath, which is why I was coughing so hard! The girl was kissing the guy sitting in the front row. When his lips were tired, his tongue would hang down.
Finally, the names of the filmmakers appeared on the screen. Someone insulted them with an insulting word. If I didn’t have a pharmacist by my side, I would probably have joined him, too. For me, the movie seemed to last ten hours. Awesome time!
Outside, the rain was pouring down in torrents. I asked the girl, "Did you like the movie?" instead of asking, I asked him a question about the pharmaceutical industry. She was sweet, and she spoke every word with honey. Not a word went beyond etiquette. It was obvious that he was well prepared for the meeting, dressed in a modern, pink coat that made his clear face even more beautiful. We entered a cafe a hundred yards from the movie theater. We ordered a fruit dessert. He was halfway there. I ate them all. Because I was tired from work.
I was tired of dating, and I could not digest the fact that I had to marry this girl for the honor of my uncle. My stomach is as wet, smoky and dark as a movie theater. I was in a ridiculous situation like in that movie myself. Then all of a sudden I asked the girl a question. I don’t even know how I asked that question. Anyway, it must have come out of my mouth because I couldn’t find the words.
- Do you read books?
"Why are you asking such a question?"
I tried to tell her, "I thought from a young age that polite and white girls like you should read a lot of books." I stared into Jim's eyes.
- I do not like to read books. The art book in general. Himself… man-la…
"You mean you don't have to read a book?"
"Is that my field?"
- Do you know how much fiction gives power to a particular field? - I went to Bidillay - Literature has played a great role in the expansion of the world of human imagination. For example…
- I do not need such achievements. I am opening a pharmacy.
He said it in such a tone that I realized he had a sense of pride.
His face suddenly changed. His eyes widened and he seemed strange. I asked him no more questions and looked at my watch. Did I look at my watch, it means the girl told me as usual…
- Do you know why you need literature?
- No
"Shall I tell you?"
"Tell me, if you know?"
He gave me such a lazy look that it meant, "I can't take your mind off the yellow baby."
- So that emotions do not die… to live, if any….
- What?
Before I could answer the girl, the waiter called the guy and told him to bring the bill. He pointed to a small device on the edge of my desk. I saw how much I had to pay for this device, transferred money from my account card, and we got up.
It was still raining outside. The girl was short and I was tall. So I didn’t get the raincoat. I don’t know if it looks weird. Maybe it’s because I don’t like the girl at all. Then I walked away regretting what I had done for so long! The girl was picked up by a car sent by her father. For a long time, I walked down the street in the rain, daydreaming. I imagined how the pharmacist’s daughter would go home and talk to her mother. I guess there was a conversation like this in the middle:
"What did he not like, my daughter?"
"I don't know, it's weird."
"Do you know where he works?" His uncle was a fat man too! What, on top of that, don’t you judge by the way you dress?
- No. Very stylishly dressed… The coat looked a bit comfortable. He was a tall young man with dark eyebrows.
"Otherwise, what's wrong, white?"
- He talked to me about literature.
"Did he read poetry?"
"No, it's about feelings, about happiness, about reading a book." It looked kind of boring…
"Well done, you need a boy who says he's a businessman. I'll look at this picture. Your daughter-in-law left when you were dating." He would take her to a meeting.
"Where do they work?"
- Adasi… ”
It is natural that such rumors took place in the house of the pharmacist girl. In our case, there was no talk. My uncle looked at my mouth for a day or two and then forgot.
One of these days my classmate from Samarkand called.
- You have to go to the meeting with me. There is no equal in Tashkent except you. The girl is out with her friend, and if you don't come, I'll turn you off. From both my memory and my phone…
- When?
- Monday, at 14:00 p.m.!
"Remember, we're going to have a meeting at this time!"
- The meeting will be every Monday, but your friend like me will not come back… You are like that… Sit in a high position and take us…
"Stop it!" Valdirama, I'm going!
"It's going to be great!"
But I was 20 minutes late anyway. They had already entered the cinema. I called my friend. He treated me well with words. I turned off the phone, barely persuading him, "I'll get you a good place until you get out." I knew there was a decent restaurant nearby. I went here, booked a good place and started waiting for them. My eyes involuntarily fell on the rice-like food on the table, and as I wiped it off, I gave in to more anxious thoughts.
My mom must be busy with her seven children now… My dad must have been walking in the gardens of paradise with my grandmother… But I'm still single, I've never had a family, and I'll never meet a girl I like…
My phone rang. It's on business. I think I might have time to go into my email and do some tasks. I went to work. My mind was on this work, and I didn't even notice that my friend, his wife, his friend had come. So it was only possible to look at the girls while sitting around a table. I gestured to my classmate which girl I was going to marry, and she pointed to a girl in a white jumper, with big eyes and sharp eyes. I could say it was good.
The candidate girl hardly spoke, smiled and hung a frown. His friend kept talking instead. And I was thinking of going to work sooner. Shameless self-promotion for Ballistic Products and a great bargain on a neat little knife for you. We were embarrassed and took our eyes off the TV. Even the pale girl's pale face flushed faintly. It was obvious from his black face that his friend did not believe him. Then my friend whispered softly in my ear and said he didn’t like the girl at all. I looked at the girl to find out where she didn't like it, but the reason was later revealed by what she said.
- You were second in school. Don’t pretend to be smart! What do you want to achieve with this! If you want to like me, you'll be raw!
- What?
"Have you heard?"
"Think about it?"
- If you don't like the main street…
The girl was a squirrel. Usually at meetings, such girls would wrap themselves in a sipoly mask. And he was stubborn. He swallowed his last word as he spoke. Then, his face flushed with embarrassment. Soon they were reassured. I found out that this girl was dating for the first time and was also angry that the guy was so close to her. It reminds me of girls who still don’t know they’re tall. I involuntarily got into a job I didn’t like. That is, I intervened in their conversation:
"You could respect him."
"Why not?"
"Are you from the same place anyway?"
- What should I do? Most of those who come from the same place read? What, am I going to be white with it all? So who do they think I am?
I bit my tongue. He spoke clearly, despite my eyes. Then he looked at his friend in embarrassment at the inconvenience. I knew from that that he was not as thick as his brother, or else he would not have looked at her like that, embarrassed by what he had said.
"Are you so rude, or do you behave like that?"
"That's what he says in the condition." It cannot afford to be different. - His friend, who has been staring at me since the painting, answered quickly.
A little reassured, I dared to ask the girl another question. My friend, who was as deaf as a deaf man, was gesturing for us to leave as soon as possible.
"Do you read books?"
- Yes, it reads. There will be days when you read a book without going out or looking around all day…
"Oh, do it, you don't have to," she said shyly.
"You're a book lunatic!" For example, I don’t read books. I read. But not much. Sleep deprivation. I would rather walk in the gardens. I want to travel, I want to travel the world. Then…
"Why are you reading a book?" - The stubborn girl was frightened by the sudden question. His friend closed his mouth.
"Why are you asking me?"
I didn't expect that from him. I heard her say, "I'm your friend's girlfriend." I shuddered, realizing that he would be loyal and respectful to her, even during a temporary meeting, even if she was a guy she didn’t like. Then I didn't say a word.
The girls fell for us. My friend also fell into the trap set by his owner and rushed out as contented as a dog that has escaped a thousand sufferings.
As we watched the girls and the back of the car they were in, my classmate opened up.
"The man who took this girl will die." I still want to live. Coming to town has changed. I'm an idiot, I'm from Samarkand… My mother called me a good girl…
- He went to the meeting for the first time, excited…
"Would that be the same for a girl?" Look at his friend… .I can hang it… Smart, polite, like me, loves romance, gardens…
"Dude, girls like your friend, if you don't have a million da Ja in town, you'll see me every Sunday." Looks polite, smart, compliment… But you’ve found a stubborn girl! Marry her!
"Why are you my enemy?" I didn't want to die! I will never marry her!
"Friend, this stubborn girl has a big heart!" Look, do you see? It is not a broken heart… It is not a broken heart, it is not a broken heart, it is not a broken heart. A heart pounding for clear and true feelings. If it was dirty, he would cover it with sweet words and decorate it without showing it…
- What are you talking about? I'm not a fool who lives with this lick… I need sweet words, even if it's fake…
"Oh, you see, he put all his sweet words and flirtations on his wife." Not every guy who goes out on a date wants to give his affection either. If he laughs at everyone, one day he will not be able to laugh sincerely.
"I need a smile!"
"Did you see his eyes?"
"Cat's eye!"
"There's a hidden ocean in their eyes!"
- Hey!
"If you kneel him down with love, he won't look you in the face for life." Stubborn girls are like that. Mercy never ends, kindness, devotion lasts a lifetime. What are you doing? Fake smiling faces, the smell of rubbish coming from your heart. Because in their hearts are dead feelings.
"I'm not marrying him anyway!" Sorry, buddy, I took your time.
"Really, aren't you getting married?"
- True! I will never get married.
"Then I'll marry her." I promise you, I will have a wedding with this girl in the summer.
As I was leaving, I prayed to God that my intention would come true. Although the January sun was faint, the shining rays shone in my tears. I looked up at the sky, clear! I stared as if seeing the sun for the first time - Light! It was so bright this January sun! The surroundings were beautiful, the colors were unique! My heart was pounding with feelings I had never had before. The feelings of love, trust, hope, and longing that emerge and grow with the love of a mother, the hands of a father, the taft of brothers and sisters, began to sprout in my heart after twenty-seven years of sleep. True, it’s too late, but I was a thousand times happier now than those who grew up early and killed those feelings early.
You can’t even imagine what kind of tests the stubborn girl put on my head after that! I have gone through thousands of trials to speak one word. I fought for the survival of the little saplings, the survival of the senses, awakened in my heart with a textual will, like brave, steadfast warriors.
Finally, the sweet, vibrant days of spring that I had been waiting for came. The merry winds buried in the flowers shook the ground and gave the miracle of life. Her warm lips were defenseless as the wind blew her long hair and closed her eyes for a moment. When I pressed this fire to my lips and pressed it to my hard belly, the winds also disappeared somewhere. Only the beating of two hearts disturbed the peace of this world…
Javlon Jovliev

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