"My neighborhood is a prosperous neighborhood"


Neighborhood... In the essence of this one word, the whole world's virtues, customs and traditions, hot taffeta are embodied. Mahalla is an example of a loving mother for us. Every morning, our mother wakes us up by stroking our heads and encouraging us to do good deeds, and the neighborhood sympathizes with us by holding our hands towards great goals. It would not be wrong to say that our neighborhood is the Ka`ba, which has transferred this whiteness to our hearts, if our mother-in-law washed and combed it white. That's why this land, where our navel blood was spilled, taught us to have good intentions in our hearts. He reminded us that one's right is never someone else's, and how much the concepts of patience and contentment in our people are ingrained in our blood.

Today, neighborhoods are active participants in large-scale reforms in our country.

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