Native language holiday scenario


School stage and hall Slogans, words of wisdom, such as "Hard words hurt the heart, soft hearts grieve", "Language is the mirror of the nation", "Language is the mirror of the world" , pictures of great figures who have made a worthy contribution to the development of the Uzbek language, will be festively decorated with posters. Samples of creative and scientific works prepared by students are collected.

The stage curtain opens and 8 participating students come out to the sound of trumpets and are arranged as follows:

(While the participants are reciting poems, the screen will show the beautiful addresses of our country, the plates of our great ancestors.)

Student 1:

Mir Alisher from our grandfather

Inherited language.

From the poems of Babur Mirza

Color and contrasting slice.

If I were toned by such language,

Slice the minced meat.

It sounded like God

My mother tongue is my soul.

Student 2: Assalamu alaykum, sunshine, kindness, dear teachers and knowledge-hungry students! Today is the 26th anniversary of our mother tongue being given the status of the state language. CONGRATULATIONS to all of you (all in unison) on this occasion!

(The turn to open the round is given to the school principal or the mother tongue and literature teacher.)

Student 5:

Well, whoever enjoys the language,

I have sacrificed a thousand souls for my own language.

Early mother tongue if lost,

I agree to die today.

Student 6:

On October 1989, 21, a law was adopted to grant Uzbek the status of the state language.

Student 4:

Article 4 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan states: "The state language of the Republic of Uzbekistan is Uzbek."

Student 7:

Article 4 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the State Language" states: "Conditions for the study of the state language in the Republic of Uzbekistan are the conditions for all citizens and respect for the languages ​​of nations and peoples living in its territory. These conditions will be created for the development of languages. Citizens are taught the state language free of charge. ”

Student 3:

For the first time I heard in this language,

The first time I sang was in this language.

You are the symbol of my Uzbek identity,

Sing in this language, sing baralla.

(The student in the image of the mother takes the stage and shakes the cradle; God sounds.)

Student 8:

The word is powerful, mysterious,

Both beautiful and magical,

As if alive,

Loving, affectionate,

Nice slice,

The original durdona slice.

Our language interpreter,

You are the property of the nation,

You are beautiful, you are beautiful.

Behavior, spirit

Reflective mirror,

Wise, wise tongue,

The original durdona slice.

What science can there be without you,

No thought, no knowledge.

If you don't have words,

There will be a thousand slices of liver.

Mother, mother tongue,

My royal tongue.

Student 3:

The elders said the following about language:

"Language is the lock of the storehouse of the heart, and know the key word of that storehouse." Alisher Navoi.

“The mirror life that shows the existence of every nation in the world is its language and literature. To lose the national language is to lose the spirit of the nation. ” Abdulla Avloni.

“All the virtues permeate the human heart, first of all, with the unique charm of the mother goddess, the mother tongue. The mother tongue is the soul of this nation. Any nation that loses its language will inevitably lose its identity. ” Islam Karimov.

(6th graders are invited to the stage to read phonetic riddles and hilarious poems).

1. There are seven,

Not in "Yettov" (Answer: "i" sound).

2. The same consonant in a word

The series is coming.

Find an example,

What do they sound like?

(Answer: a series of consonant sounds).

3. The saw has two,

There is so much in Yalla,

In what other words

Will this happen again?

(Answer: karra, zarra, alla, malla, kalla, salla…)

4. The tip of the tongue touches the gums,

It blocks the airway.

Then suddenly opened

Sounds explode.

Topsin wise children,

What sounds do they make?

(Answer: d, t, l, n sounds.)

5. There are six different sounds,

They stretch.

Without them,

Think, maybe you will find?

(Answer: vowel sounds.)

Student 1:

What a nice word, word,

The beginning of manners is "Assalam".

Pleased all the time,

"Thank you", "Okay", "Please"!

Student 2:

Spreads your deal,

Friends' "Welcome".

The last word is also a sign:

"Goodbye, goodbye."

(Lapar girls come on stage and perform samples of folk songs such as "Omonyor", "Chitti gul", "Jamalagi tillo".

The event will also feature performances and competitions, which will glorify the value and richness of our native language.

Thus ends the festive night.)

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