Lung cancer


Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers among other cancers. People in their 40s and 60s get sick.
The etiology is unknown, chronic lung disease in the origin of lung cancer, bronchitis, bronchiectasis, exposure of the lungs to production-related dust, smoking, radioactive ores, nickel, cobalt, asbestos, chromium, arsenic, automobiles exposure to exhaust gases and dust from tar roads contributes to the development of the disease.
Clinic. Lung cancer is asymptomatic in its early stages. The earliest and most persistent symptoms are cough, spitting up blood, irritating cough. Cough is often bothersome at night. Sooner or later, sputum appears when a cough associated with lung cancer begins. This sputum may be frothy and colorless or dark and purulent. Its volume does not exceed 50-100 ml. Bleeding occurs in 42-60% of patients and begins as a result of ulceration of the bronchial mucosa or tumor. Sputum often contains reddish-purple blood, and occasionally blood in the form of clots. There is so much blood in the sputum that as a result it resembles raspberry jelly.
The patient complains of tingling of the flesh and a rise in body temperature. Shortness of breath is noted in approximately 40% of patients. Shortness of breath is caused by impaired bronchial permeability and atelectasis of the lung compartment. Patients usually complain of increased shortness of breath when they move, when they are physically stressed. While talking to the patient, a faint sound similar to a whistle is sometimes heard during breathing. This sound is caused by narrowing of the bronchi.
After some time, pain usually appears in the chest, the pain begins after the tumor has spread to the pleura, trachea, veins. This pain is usually projected at the site of the tumor, but can be irradiated to different areas: the abdomen, arms, and the healthy half of the chest. In lung cancer, a person often becomes completely helpless and tired quickly. The ability to work decreases, loses weight, the temperature rises.
Examination of the patient reveals dilation of the thoracic veins in the thoracic region and some swelling of the thoracic fat tissue in the neck area. This is due to the veins being blocked by the tumor. The tumor-affected side of the chest is left behind when breathing. The tumor leads to pulmonary atelectasis or pleurisy. If the tumor has led to lung atelectasis or pleurisy, the sound becomes more muffled on percussion.
When the lungs are auscultated, depending on their size, the diminished vesicles may hear breathing or become completely inaudible. Also, when the tumor grows in the area of ​​the chest, it suppresses the nerve fibers, esophagus, large blood vessels, making the human voice speechless (aphonia). He cannot swallow well (dysphagia). The patient's face is markedly swollen in the lower part of the neck. The skin in this area becomes red. The disease lasts 1-2 years. The patient's condition gradually worsens, the medication becomes increasingly dry, the appetite decreases, the body weight decreases, and even, he becomes emaciated.
Laboratory analysis. It is noted that the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation in the blood increases, the number of platelets increases. Leukocytosis is observed.
X-ray examination can reveal tumor shadow, cancerous lymphangitis, pulmonary atelectasis. Layer-by-layer X-rays and tomography provide more reliable data.
Bronchoscopy allows the tumor in the bronchus to find out how the bronchial mucosa itself has changed, as well as a biopsy of the bronchus. If the cancer persists with exudative pleurisy, then a pleural puncture is performed and the pleural fluid is sent for laboratory examination.
Treatment. In the treatment of lung cancer are used cytostatic chemotherapeutic agents (prospidin, cyclophosphamide, benzotef-etamidine, nitrosomethyl-urea).
Light therapy is applied using a variety of devices designed for gamma therapy, including extremely powerful accelerators.
Painkillers, anti-inflammatory and expectorant drugs are given. Vicasol is used for bleeding, cardiac glycosides, diuretics are used in pulmonary heart failure.
Prophylaxis. Prevention of lung cancer includes overcoming the harms of smoking, combating air pollution, and treating chronic and purulent lung diseases.

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