The factors and criteria on which our national spirituality has been formed since ancient times are especially vividly illustrated by the example of Navruz, the dearest and most national holiday for our people - the Eastern New Year.

We are all always looking forward to and with great joy, joy

For us, the holiday of Navruz is the eternity of life, the priority power of nature and

of our boundless generosity, our millennial national image, our noble traditions

has been a unique expression.

In short, the philosophy of Navruz, a symbol of renewal and goodness, has been nourished by the high qualities of our people, such as humanity, kindness, compassion and generosity. is another confirmation of what he has found, that there is no error in it.

In fact, any tradition, custom - custom and image - rituals are specific

caused by vital necessity. They are the way of life of a particular nation,

The spiritual world is the expression of dreams and desires, one after another

also a solution to the formation of the spiritual and moral image of future generations

has a detrimental effect. The content of most traditions - in essence, the people, the people

There are immortal ideas such as calling to goodness, humanity, goodness. They are

such traditions are renewed in form and content by the demand of the times

because they have a positive effect on the spiritual needs of many

It will last a lifetime and rise to the level of spiritual values ​​of the people.

One of such spiritual treasures of the peoples of the East is Navruz.

Navruz is a holiday of prosperity and rejuvenation, witnessing the awakening of nature

is the beginning of a new day.

"Navruz" is a Persian word meaning "new day".

March 21 of the year is equated by the peoples of the East - night and day

The day is widely celebrated as the New Year, Navruz. It is for farmers

The crop coincides with the beginning of free work. Our great thinker grandfather

Alisher Navoi describes this day as follows:

I saw between Vasli, equal breastfeeding - yu hair,

Day and night, apparently, Navruz is dying.

Navruz is a very ancient holiday. This fact is our own scholars of the past

based on his works. In particular, Abu Rayhan Beruni's “Ancient

Oral Khayyam's Navruznama, Abulqasim

Firdavsi's "Shohnoma", Khoja Ali Termizi's "Navruznoma", Alisher Navoi's "Saddi Iskandariy" provide important information about Navruz and the history of its origin, its traditions and customs. are valuable resources. The second life of this ancient holiday began only after the President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov boldly opposed the attacks on the people and their spirituality and stressed the need to celebrate Navruz as a national holiday. During the years of independence, Navruz has taken a worthy place in our cultural life on an unprecedented scale and splendor.

Prepared by Azamat Tuliev on the basis of various sources.


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