Weaning (Pediatrician's recommendation)


🍼Weaning the child (Pediatrician's recommendation)
When weaning the baby, the physiological characteristics of both the mother and the child should be taken into account.
The time after the beginning of the period of involution is suitable for the mother. During involution, a small amount of colostrum (molozivo) is produced together with milk. The size of the breast decreases, and even if the mother does not breastfeed her baby for several days, it does not harden and remains soft.
It is easy to wean a child between two and three years of age. If you want to wean your baby, you should know the following important rules.
Important recommendations for weaning a child
Breastfeeding cannot be stopped abruptly. This will be too much stress for the child. At first, reduce the number of feedings during the day. It takes at least 1 week to reduce the number of feedings to one. Instead of breastfeeding, give him milk in a bottle or cup. Reduce the number of daytime feedings day by day. Once the baby is completely weaned, start reducing the number of evening feedings.
Be attentive to the baby. If you nurse less during the day and start to nurse more in the evening, know that it is too early to wean him. In some cases, during the process of weaning the baby, he may also develop a habit of pushing his finger or the blanket.
If the child insists on breastfeeding during the day, try to divert his attention to something else. For example, take the person for a walk to the street or alley. A baby may fall asleep during a walk without requiring you to nurse.
Wear clothes that are as closed as possible, that is, the child's eyes do not fall on your chest. Do not lie next to him, avoid activities that may remind him of sucking.
Tell the child that everyone sleeps in the evening, including the "pacifier".
Do not rush, the child will gradually learn new rules and routines.
When the number of feedings is reduced to one or two times a day, it can be taken away from the mother, for example, to the grandmother's house. During this time, the child forgets the breast, gets used to sleep without waking up at night. When he returned to his mother, he forgot to suck.
❌ It's impossible!
It is impossible to wean a child suddenly! This can be a huge psychological trauma for a child. And you may develop mastopathy due to the accumulation of milk!
Do not wean when the child has a disease or has recently recovered, his body is weak, and during the summer!
© Doctor Mukhtorov

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