About onions


The most widely used vegetable in the world. It is again a healthy product.

100 g onions - 40 kcal

Onions contain cellulose, protein, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, sodium, calcium, potassium, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C, PP.

Defeats bacteria

Onions have excellent antibacterial and anti-infective properties. Onion juice contains phytoncides - natural antibacterial substances. It should be noted that raw onions are rich in antibacterial substances, and even boiled or steamed it is useful.

It lowers cholesterol, strengthens the heart and prevents cancer

Onions help fight cholesterol because it significantly lowers its amount. It also has the effect of softening the blood, thereby lowering blood pressure, protecting the heart by preventing blood clots. A number of scientific studies have been conducted on the daily consumption of onion products to reduce the incidence of cancer.

Sheds tears

Why do we shed tears when we cut onions? A mixture of the LFS enzyme and sulfur-containing amino acids in onions affects the throat and tear ducts due to sulfonic acid, leading to tearing.


There would be no Egyptian pyramids without onions… The history of onions dates back at least 3000 years, to Asia and India. Thanks to the Romans, it reached Europe, and Christopher Columbus carried it to the other side of the ocean. Pictures of onions were also found in the Egyptian pyramids, which were the food of the slaves who built the pyramid and protected them from the spread of disease. Today, onions are grown all over the world and are a staple of all country dishes.
Source: Bonduelle.uz

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