Poems about Alisher Navoi


Alisher Navoi

Umid Ali

He was in the air — absolutely

And sank to the ground like dust.

Life is a world of horsemanship

The world was full of poetry.

How pure is his spirit — innocent,

Dilafgor like spring, soft.

You are self-purified

The more I cried for him.

Know that

Content — when you are satisfied—

Life comes to life in your mind.

Heaven — spirit, earth — body…

If it floats in the air, the tongue is bayot.


Alisher's mother

Abdulla Oripov

I don't know what kind of woman she was

Alisher's mother.

Maybe even in his mind

Lol is the era.

Maybe in his eyes

It's a heavy dream.

Maybe he is a sad person,

Maybe a naughty woman.

Maybe to a great child

Collected flowers.

Maybe the nights are awake to him

Tales told.

No matter who he is,

The meaning of a single word:

Alisher's mother,

Navoi's mother.


"Where are you, Farhod?"

"I'm here," said the old woman Josuman;

Instead of a red flower, life,

Shake a bunch of peppers:

Netay, Hirot is far today,

Navoi bobo is far away, -

Nigun stumbled into the regions,

History cries for centuries…


Oybek and Navoi

Abdullah Sher

The day Uzbekistan said goodbye to Oybek

Navoi came from eternity for a moment, -

Beun rubs without noticing the living

The spirit of Oybek's forehead is heavenly

And then he took her into his arms

To the city of spirits called Eternity.


The owner of the word property


… Though my mind is full of geniuses,

There is no sultan like you in the state of poetry.

The prayers of the Father,

There is no one dearer to me than you.

There is no genius in Turkish poetry as much as you,

There is still no greater work than Hamsa.

No, Khazain ul-Maoniy is one!

Without you, Khorasan is not a great Turan.

What happiness, dear world,

Without you, there is no period for the Nazis.

Swords to the pen of power,

Without you, there is no mother earth, no clear sky.

No, dear compatriot,

There is no honor and glory for my nation without you.

There is no sun shining on the sky,

Without you we have no life, no bright world.

Build high towers like you,

From the Lord Man, but there is no joy.

Desires, generations,

There is no such drug in the East…

You are the symbol of the nation, the pride of the nation,

There is no sunny nation and beautiful world like yours.

We value you forever,

There is no komron like you that God looks at.

We have built a city for you Navoi debon,

More than that, perhaps, there is no perfect gift.

The Farhad of Time has become empty,

There is no such thing as an Uzbek architect.

There is no one like you in this world,

There is no hero in poetry.

There is no perfect epic,

There is no Sahibkiran like you in the realm of words!


I am five centuries old

From Abdulla Aripov's poem "Uzbekistan"

Five centuries of poetry,

A lion with a trembling chain.

The place where Timur did not reach,

Alisher took the pen!

The world is mine, I think,

Uzbekistan is my homeland!


Abdulla Oripov

What the saint of the world saw,

You are the mother of all, O mighty life.

Five hundred years ago,

The radiant one is the enlightened one on these faces.

Sincerely yours,

My people, if you bow down, it's worth it.

It is written together with his name

The name Uzbek in the world book.

Boykaro jumped on the horse of desire

Like a baby lion in the world, -

On one wing of the gate of Herat

Alisher, who organized his poetic army.

For a name holdirmoh in the world

It is true that the country does not have to be demolished.

The power of the spear when someone offers,

Alisher just pointed to the pen.

Night and morning erur tashbehda udum,

For example zahru may, hajru sugar lab.

If I remember someone like the sun,

They curse someone who walks in the dark.

Listen to the call, this day, from your country,

O land settled in faraway Herat!

Beware, Alisher, you say this:

Both grandchildren are Alisher.

Every lip that sticks to your byte once,

Until the resurrection.

You look at this side, it's amazing,

Even a billion-ranked world.

Ignorant Asia in the eyes of some

Only perfection that has not seen the decline.

It was as if Moses' plea had arrived.

Hah showed up on Mount Tur—

Alisher appeared on the altar of the world…

Say good-bye to Shodmon, too, O huyosh!

Five hundred years. What's the matter with him?

He was twenty-five years old.


Tursunboy Adashboyev

Growing up in the soil of Herat,

Enlightened the ways of "bird's tongue",

He survived the dust of the years

Navoi grandparents Great people.

"Khamsa" lit up the heart like a candle,

Our language is beautiful, rich,

The West and the East are also proud

Alisher grandfathers Memorable steps.

I will never forget my poems,

Ask Majnun, Qays, Farhod,

Layli, Shirin qaddi shamshaddan,

Navoi grandparents Great people

Mir Alisher is the language of fire,

He will live forever,

His poems are selfless,

Navoi grandparents Commemorative steps.


Assalom Navoi

For a scene dedicated to Navoi

Assalom, Navoi, Sultan of Ghazals

It's time to dump her and move on.

It was a great desire to meet you,

Your blessed age gave you a chance.

Greater than the great mountains,

Liquid is more fluid in the mountains

Navoi seems to me,

His breath hits my face


Excerpt from Erkin Vahidov's poem "O'zbegim"

"Pushkin is a world to me."

To me, Byron is a world.

I have a grandfather like Lek Navoi,

Chest sky, my Uzbek!


He was born in Herat

He is a great horse with knowledge in the world

His nickname was Navoi Alisher

The land between the lands in Futun Square.

Toki is a song of life

The door of dreams opens

The cradle of my people shakes

If I talk about Navoi

The life of Navoi is equal to the life of the world

The banner of the people of poetry ul

The command to cry in the world of ghazal

The song will sound like a melody forever

Laying the foundation for the future

History is like a mirror of words

Poetry is fierce

The moon that pulls him into his arms


Five and a half centuries later

The choir of justice is the minor you build

How many years, how many times

The tumor you gave on the neck of the poets

You hit Nizami in the arm

Then you drove through this area

As if the five epics were five statues

You have built a tower on the chest of poetry.


"Sultan Navoi"

Sultan Navoi, who held the tongue,

The sky is full of wisdom.

If you want to climb the mountain of contemplation,

Navoi is an opportunity to reach out for life.

The fruit of beauty does not fall from the sky,

Navoi, a gardener who gave honey in Turkish.

Thank you very much for reading,

Navoi is a shield to the value of the word.

Five hundred years, five thousand chapters,

Navoi, the age that has hardened for centuries.


Dedication to Alisher Navoi

Ghafur Ghulam

A lion roaring high in the mountains

The echo is equal to the cry,

It sounded like a mountain in the Homeland for five hundred years

The age-old cry of the great Alisher.

The tree shone towards the stars,

A chain around his neck, a lion free in heart.

Ineoniy love mehri-la vafo,

The symbol of Erku happiness is the great Alisher

An Uzbek whom you have respected for five hundred years

Suppose you were born yesterday,

Mature people for thousands of years

The people call the child, from the soul - impartial.

The so-called Uzbek free nation

Otaxon poet, dear master.

When lovers sing your song,

The room of the lovers' heart is prosperous.

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