Pregnancy and 9 diseases: how to protect?


Have you ever met a woman who said, “No illness bothered me for nine months”? At least toxicosis is complained of. In fact, what diseases develop during pregnancy and what treatments are correct?

How dangerous is it to get the flu during pregnancy?

How dangerous is it to get the flu during pregnancy?
How dangerous is it to get the flu during pregnancy?

This disease causes exacerbation of pneumonia in pregnant women, damage to the nervous system, chronic diseases (pyelonephritis, inflammation of the urinary tract). Complications of the disease can lead to increased risk of miscarriage, developmental delay, contamination of the amniotic fluid, premature birth. Therefore, you may experience symptoms such as runny nose, cough, weakness, sore throat, numbness of the toes, nausea, vomiting, fever, and sometimes pain in the lower abdomen, diarrhea. If you notice, take immediate precautions:

  • Drink more fluids. If you experience weakness, sore throat, or a mild headache, drink tea with lemon or raspberry.
  • Chew a slice of lemon lightly to relieve soreness in the throat.
  • Eat light meals and snacks so as not to strain the body further.
  • Cut the onion and garlic into large chunks and place them anywhere in the room. They fight airborne infections.
  • If after the first aid measures your condition does not improve, there is a sharp pain in the muscles, a rise in body temperature, consult a doctor immediately.
  • Do not hesitate to gargle, drink milk with lemon, raspberry, honey.

Under the direction of a doctor, you can buy Furatsilin tablet or Chlorophyll solution from a pharmacy, mix it with boiled warm water and gargle your throat 1 times a day with 3 cup of water mixed with the solution. If the disease worsens within 2-3 days and a serious risk to the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus is suspected, immediate hospitalization is recommended.

Don't forget! Treatments such as taking a hot bath for the feet, steaming in hot weather are not possible for pregnant women with colds! Do not take any herbal medicine without a doctor's prescription!

What are the consequences of anemia in pregnancy?

Ignoring the diagnosis of anemia can lead to serious complications. These include the risk of miscarriage (20-42%), arterial hypotension (40%), premature placental abruption (25-35%), fetal developmental delay (25%) and early onset of labor…

By the 20th week of pregnancy, the demand for iron in the fetus increases and the mother's iron supply is almost depleted. Therefore, after the first menstrual period, anemic drugs are prescribed, and the amount of hemoglobin is monitored in the blood test on a monthly basis. If the hemoglobin level is lower than normal, the treating physician will prescribe medication. It is also recommended to include in the diet products that increase hemoglobin (meat, eggs, almonds, red beets, shivit, kashnich).

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Is cystitis treatment harmful to the fetus?

In this case, do not start treatment independently. Any treatment is performed only by a doctor. The importance of timely treatment of cystitis is that its complications can damage the genitals and cause a variety of problems if left shortly before delivery. In particular, the transition from the normal appearance of cystitis to the chronic type can lead to premature birth of the fetus. This is especially true in pregnant women. This is because the infection spreads through the urinary tract and also affects the activity of the fallopian tubes. In the treatment of the disease, after a urine test is performed, antibacterial antibiotics are prescribed according to the amount of infections in it. For this reason, during the monthly examination, a woman's urine is analyzed and its composition is studied.

Strictly follow the rules of personal hygiene to avoid getting cystitis during pregnancy. Also pay attention to the amount of fluid consumed. When fluid is consumed sparingly, urinary tract infections do not go out and cause various damage conditions in the body.

What to do if molochnitsa bothers during pregnancy?

Be sure to see your doctor first and get tested for a definitive diagnosis. Depending on the severity of the disease, the doctor will determine the type of local or systemic treatment. Since candidiasis infection can also be sexually transmitted, it is recommended that the couple be treated together. One of the tried and tested ways to avoid molochnitsa for expectant mothers is to pay attention to the products consumed.

What measures can be taken against varicose veins of the legs during pregnancy?

If you feel swelling in the legs, persistent and stabbing pain in the veins, the treatment should not be delayed. Consult a surgeon or phlebologist who monitors vascular activity under the direction of your treating physician.

Pregnant women are prescribed painkillers and circulatory drugs in varicose veins. Surgery and laser treatment are not recommended during pregnancy. The doctor also prescribes creams and ointments that normalize the activity of blood vessels, includes protein, vegetable oils, vitamins B, P, A, E in the diet, and controls body weight and fluid intake per day. If varicose veins bother you during this period, consult your doctor and tie the injured area of ​​the foot with a special “sock” or elastic bandage. The height of the heel of your shoes should not exceed 3-4 cm. Do light exercises for the legs as much as you can. If there is occasional numbness in the legs, it means that your body is deficient in calcium. To do this, you can take calcium supplements with a doctor's prescription.

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What can be done at home when toxicosis is bothersome?

If toxicosis attacks worsen, be sure to see a doctor. The reason is that such attacks also affect the development of the fetus and the woman is not provided with the necessary nutrients due to weakness and not consuming anything. Vomiting during severe toxicosis attacks can also lead to premature placental abruption. At home, when toxicosis is bothersome, the following can alleviate the situation:

  • Frequent and infrequent eating reduces the incidence of toxicosis
  • Products such as lemons, sour fruits, nuts also prevent nausea.
  • Products such as eggs, chicken and fish, peanuts, pickles will stimulate your appetite.
  • Eating a mixture of sweet and bitter products can affect the digestive process and cause vomiting.
  • Walking in the fresh air for half an hour after dinner is also helpful. It is not recommended to lie down immediately after eating.

What to do if allergic conditions are observed in expectant mothers?

Malnutrition, side effects of certain medications, hormonal changes, predisposition to pre-existing allergic rashes, or allergic rashes with hypersensitivity to certain types of products may be observed. If you notice that you have allergic conditions, be sure to consult a doctor. The reason is that not all anti-allergy medications are suitable during pregnancy. For this reason, skin rashes as well as increased sensitivity to the environment cannot be treated independently. At this time, the doctor may prescribe a drug or ointment, taking into account that the chosen treatment does not affect the development of the fetus. In all manifestations of allergies, a diet is recommended for a pregnant woman. That is, it is better to exclude citrus fruits, red products and foods, spicy and sweet, moss, coffee, tomatoes, etc. from the diet for a while. At this time, it is recommended to follow a dairy-yogurt diet as much as possible. It is not uncommon to drink tea that is even more liquid and fermented.

What should the expectant mother know about the increase or decrease in blood pressure?

Arterial blood pressure readings are important not only for maternal but also fetal health. If a woman's blood pressure is high even before pregnancy, it means that the disease has become chronic. In this case, the woman needs serious attention. When blood pressure is high during pregnancy, it is difficult for oxygen to reach the fetus. As a result, the fetus may lag behind in development, move the placenta prematurely, bleed during childbirth, and terminate the pregnancy prematurely. This is why it is so important to control your blood pressure when planning a pregnancy. During pregnancy, avoid mental stress, pay attention to the order and composition of the diet, consult a doctor if you notice any changes in your general condition.

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The process of hormonal metabolism in the first trimester of pregnancy leads to a decrease in blood pressure, and the woman feels symptoms such as lethargy, dizziness, tinnitus, shortness of breath during movement. As a result of the decrease in blood pressure, blood circulation in the fetal placenta is disrupted, resulting in placental insufficiency. As a result, there may be conditions such as lack of oxygen in the fetus, developmental delay. Therefore, it is necessary to be under constant control and avoid situations that affect blood pressure. Treatments should only be performed in consultation with a chiropractor. Also note that there are fewer products in the diet that can lower blood pressure.

If hemorrhoids bother you during pregnancy, is it possible to use painkillers?

The onset of hemorrhoids during pregnancy is often due to constipation. In addition, the pregnancy process tends to dilate the rectal veins. Under the influence of hormonal changes, intestinal activity may also decrease. Care should be taken with the products consumed to prevent hemorrhoids during pregnancy. Vegetables (cabbage, red carrots, greens, red beets, cucumbers) and fruits (peaches, apples, pears) are recommended. Dried fruits (sorrel, plum peel, dried apples) are also useful.

In case of hemorrhoids, analgesic suppositories and ointments should be used only under the guidance of a physician. It is not possible to put compresses or take a hot bath.

Surgical treatment of hemorrhoids in pregnancy is not recommended, only controlled with analgesics. After childbirth, it is possible to receive treatment for the disease. A healthy mother is a healthy child! Take care of yourself!

Expert: Shahnoza BAHODIROVA, obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category.
Journalist: Dildora YUSUFBEKOVA.
Source: Sogdiyona newspaper.

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