Prevent thrombus formation in the blood


Prevent thrombus formation in the blood

✓ Drink more water!
90% of people drink very little water. An adult should drink 2-2,5 liters of water per day. Teach your children to drink water too. Natural water is the first and most powerful tool against the formation of blood clots.

✓ Blood-thinning foods:
- olive and linseed oil;
- apple cider vinegar;
- Garlic and onions (regular consumption of garlic reduces the risk of blood clotting by half!);
- lemon;
- sunflower seeds;
- beets;
- cocoa and chocolate (bitter);
- fish and fish oil;
- Tomatoes, tomato juice;
- corn flour;
- Raspberries, berries, strawberries, cherries, sweet cherries;
- ginger

Every day, 2-3 products on this list should be in your diet.

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