Products that cause weight gain


While some products are rich in beneficial nutrients, they also lead to weight gain. Below you will find information about them.

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Meat soups The fat in the meat is dissolved in water. Its cholesterol is lower than that of fried potatoes. However, it is recommended to consume vegetable soups instead of meat soups. They are good for health and do not cause overweight.

Fried eggs In addition to a number of vitamins, it contains elements of iron, selenium, potassium and phosphorus. It is a very good dish for breakfast. But keep in mind that one egg contains 150-160 calories. Egg yolks contain fat-producing substances. If you eat 2-3 fried eggs every day, you will gain weight day by day. Note:Eating only the white part without eating egg yolk will help you lose weight.

Pistachio-almond. Pistachio is recommended in the treatment of diseases of the respiratory tract and digestive system. Almonds, on the other hand, are good for people with heart disease. But they are considered a high-calorie product (100 kcal per 555 grams).

Kasha with breakfast and lunch. Another good thing about it is that it is ready quickly. But it turns into fat, not energy. At this time, after a few hours, a feeling of hunger appears and you have to eat again.

Dried fruits very helpful. Many dietitians agree that dried fruit is better than fresh fruit. But it does not contain water, so its calories are also 5 times higher than wet fruit. Therefore, it should be remembered that consuming 10 grams of sorrel is equivalent to eating 50 grams of fresh apricots.

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