Software for easy learning of English


Software for easy learning of English

I recommend apps where you can learn English independently. Useful applications for beginners:

Lingualeo (

You will learn English in a game style through this app. There you can watch videos with subtitles, explain words, listen to and analyze songs, learn grammar and expand your vocabulary.

UDuolingo (

Lessons on learning English, Spanish, French and German. There are exercises for reading, listening comprehension, vocabulary development, and grammar.

Puzzle english (

Initially, you are invited to choose a learning goal: work, study, travel, or self-improvement. Tasks are selected depending on the language level you choose during registration: beginner, intermediate, or advanced. The service distributes materials in such a way that even those who are fluent in English can learn new things.

Memrise (

An app for learning new foreign words. In addition to British and American English, there are 12 languages, including Arabic, Japanese, and Turkish. The app deals with a new dictionary. The user is asked to select a translation, write a phrase on their own, or collect words.

HiNative (

The application is based on live communication with native speakers. They can ask questions, send texts for confirmation, or attach audio files to assess pronunciation. Because users themselves play a key role, they can interact in any language - there are more than 110 languages.

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