Pumpkin seeds are of great importance in treatment. We take 150–200 seeds for use in treatment. Pumpkin seeds are used as an effective prophylactic agent against vomiting.
They can be eaten raw, but the benefits will increase if you prepare them as we said below. Grind 150-200 seeds in a chopper or coffee grinder, pour five cups of water and simmer on low heat for 2 hours. Make sure it does not boil. Pass the semi-thick decoction through gauze and collect the above unnecessary mass with a spoon. The resulting decoction is drunk on an empty stomach. After 2 hours, the extract is drunk.
To drive away parasites, it is enough to have breakfast with 50 g of pumpkin seeds for three days. Then drink fluids.
Zinc in pumpkin seeds is also good for adenoma and prostatitis. Therefore, it is necessary for men who have such a problem to bite the dried seeds. It is enough to bite 50 pumpkin seeds a day for 2 months to give results.

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