About strawberries


Strawberries are one of the main sources of minerals for the human body, in addition, it contains many vitamins, including vitamins C and B5, iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, zinc, manganese, phosphorus, silicon, copper. It also contains folic, citric, malic and salicylic acids. Useful properties of strawberries include: it has a good effect on the digestive system, improves appetite, has a diuretic and diuretic effect. Due to the fact that strawberries contain enough minerals, it cleanses the body, as well as slows down the aging process of the body due to the antioxidants it contains. In folk medicine, strawberries are used in anemia, hypertension, atherosclerosis, uterine bleeding. In avitaminosis does not reach the strawberries. In addition, strawberries are able to fight various intestinal infections, as well as pneumococcal, staphylococcal and influenza virus pathogens. This red fruit is accepted in the treatment of bazedov's disease because of its positive effect on iodine metabolism. It also helps with obesity by boosting metabolic processes.
Another positive aspect of strawberries is that one of the organic acids in it prevents cancer in smoking. Therefore, strawberries are very useful for smokers. In the treatment of some diseases are used tinctures made from strawberry leaves and fruits. Strawberries have the ability to reduce sugar in the body. Freshly made strawberry juice, which is about 1/4 cup of juice drunk every morning on an empty stomach, helps with gallstones. Fights kidney and liver disease. Strawberries are also an excellent dietary fruit. It helps to remove excess water from the body. A tincture made from strawberry leaves and fruits normalizes blood pressure and metabolism in the body. It also helps well in insomnia. It is recommended to add strawberries to the diet of patients with anemia, in vascular fragility, to improve blood production. Who should not eat strawberries or eat them with caution? Those suffering from peptic ulcer and gastritis should not consume this favorite dessert, because strawberry seeds have a negative effect on the gastric mucosa. Even people with arthritis should not consume this fruit too much as it will deepen the problem of gout pain. People taking enapril-based antihypertensive drugs should also be careful. Consumption of strawberries at this time will be a great burden for the kidneys. Allergy to Strawberries Strawberries have a fine-grained content, so it collects pollen like beeswax, which is what causes pollen allergies. So, people with allergies should be careful: remember the above before eating strawberries. Medicinal tinctures
1. A tincture made from freshly picked strawberries. Pour a glass of boiling water over 2 tablespoons of well-ripened fruit, infuse in a thermos for 30 minutes and then float in a wrapper. As a diuretic and diuretic is taken half a glass daily before meals. It is also recommended to rinse the oral cavity with this tincture in angina. 2. A tincture made from dried and green leaves. Pour a glass of boiling water over 1–2 tablespoons crushed leaves, infuse in a thermos for at least 40 minutes, float in a gauze and drink as a means to stop bleeding in hemorrhoids.
Strawberry tea
Strawberry leaves have a mild diuretic effect. Such tea increases the resistance of the human body against atherosclerosis, salt accumulation, hypertension. It opens up clogged pores in the body and gets rid of cholesterol. Opening the pores improves the body's oxygen supply, making it easier for the skin to breathe. Strawberry tea is prepared as follows: take 20 grams of crushed strawberry leaves, pour 2 cups boiling water over it, boil for 5 minutes. Cool and strain after 2 hours. Heat and drink 1 tablespoon of honey.
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