Rating of the oldest countries in Europe. Leave a comment / Ratings / From admin SHARE WITH FRIENDS: Rating of the oldest countries in Europe. 1. 🠇 ¬ðŸ ‡ · Argos 2. 🠇 ®ðŸ ‡ ¹ Genoa 3. 🠇 §ðŸ ‡ ¬ Plovdiv Related messages:The smallest countries in Europe by total areaThe most expensive ancient carpetThe biggest stadium in EuropeThe tallest buildings in Europe"Alpomish" is an ancient heroic epic.Percentage of Muslim and Catholic populations in Europe.Ranking of countries with the most museums.Ranking of countries with the highest number of doctors per capita.Countries with the best knowledge of English…Ranking of countries that have won the most battlesThe largest spender of scientific research…The population has won the most medals per capita at the Olympics…Rating of countries with the highest number of migrants.Has the most nobel prize winners…Paying the lowest average monthly wage…