The Story of Ar-Rabguzi: The Story of Adam Safiyya - The Story of Adam and Eve


Let's compare the work "Qisasi Rabguziy" written in 1309-1310 AD as a beautiful, unique monument of the book world! The written monument skillfully reflects the lives, good thoughts, good deeds of the prophets who lived from Adam and Eve to Muhammad Mustafa through wisdom and narrations. It combines Eastern philosophy with our ancient national values.
Rano Zaripova, Honored Journalist of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and Nodira Sadullayeva, a teacher at the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies, translated the two-volume masterpiece into modern Uzbek. increased
In the next part of the masterpiece, you will get acquainted with the story of Adam and Eve.
The story of Adam and Eve. The first man on earth, the sultan, the prophet, was created from dust, resurrected with power, ascended to the great heavens, entered into paradise, and given a pair like the air. The devil was tempted, lost the bright paradise, cast out into the dark world, and for three hundred years praised and repented to God. His pleas were accepted.
Truth has created a troubled man from the splendor of the earth
He took another picture from the beginning.
Raising his throne, the angel swayed in the air,
They did not come out in a hurry.
Eve came out and had a good time together.
They drank wine and ate meat.
He knew the science of the sky, he gave it to the sign,
All languages ​​are Persian and Turkish
Orkadi hunted with his wife for five hundred years.
Drink the juice and drink the seven blessings.
Mundi went through the storm of Ujmoh, let him touch,
Hulla hit the girl on the head.
He was alone with the devil's tricks
Two grains of wheat came out of eight ujmoh mulkidin.
It is written in the Qur'an: The Prophet said, "Whoever wants to see the wonders of the world, let him look at the story of Adam."
When God wanted to create Adam, Gabriel cried out to the angel, "Bring me a handful of dust from the earth." When the angel Gabriel wanted to take the dust, he begged the earth not to break my chest. He felt sorry for her.
Then the angel Isrofil was sent. He couldn't get the soil either. The angel Michael also returned dry. Finally the angel Azrael was sent. The ground licked him too. When he replied, "The command of Mawla Ta'ala is dearer than your supplications," the Creator called out, "O Azrael, I am destined to be a very strong volunteer, and I will kill all the souls of you."
The water of that soil was of different colors, different tastes, bitter-sweet, yellow-green, red-blue, hard-soft, odorless-odorless. That is why the children of Adam do not compare themselves to each other: gentle and rough, white and black, yellow and wheat, beautiful and ugly…
Azrael placed the soil on the Dahno horse between Taif and Mecca. It rained for forty years. Thirty-nine years of sorrow, a year of rain of joy. That is why human children have had more sad moments than happy days. Forty years later, he painted the earth with his own power.
What was the wisdom of creating man from dust? When Mawla Azza and Jalla cried out that they would create Adam, they tasted that everything was created by me.
The mountain said, "I am awesome." The sea said, "I am alive." Gold said, "I am holy," and Blue said, "I am glorious." All things boasted of themselves. Only the earth humbly said, “I am weak in everything. I have nothing to be happy about. ” Then came the cry, "I will make man from dust," and He created man from dust.
There is another narration that encourages humility and modesty. (ZR; SN)
The devil came with seventy thousand angels to watch Adam. He shook her belly. He saw a hollow inside. He said to the angels, "It is easy for him to go astray." He asked, "If Mawla Azza and Jalla give you freedom, will you obey?" They all replied, "We will obey." The devil said, "I will not obey."
The Qur'an says: I swear by God that if Allah rules over me, I will not obey him, and if He rules over me, I will kill him. At that time he became a disbeliever.
Forty years later, Adam was commanded to put a coin in his soul. John stood over Adam's head and refused to enter. "I'm up, how can I get down?" Then Gabriel came and said, "O my soul, enter with Izi Azza and Jalla's horse." He entered the coin saying the name of Allah. That man stood at the head of the Father for two hundred years. He passed her eyes. His eyes widened. It came to his nose. Aksi hit. He said to Gabriel, "Save the pride that comes out of a man's nose." It came out of his mouth. When John came to his stomach, he asked for food. Spreads into the soul. Bones, flesh, skin, and veins were created. He began to shake. The man's skin was so beautiful that it became more beautiful day by day. When he made a mistake, his skin was the same.
John entered the body in an hour, what is the reason for his difficulty in leaving?
When he enters, he hears a call from Allah, and when he leaves, he does not leave until he hears the joy of gratitude. Whoever is happy, that is, who has few sins, dies quickly, whoever is unhappy, it is difficult to die if he hurts people kechar.
Adam sat there for seven days in a row. Then the Creator sent a golden throne adorned with pearls. He put a golden crown on his head and sat on a throne. stood around seven hundred thousand angels. The throne was called the Masjid al-Haram. He was coming to the Kaaba. It adorns a person with all its splendor. Light shone from his teeth like his eyes. Muhammad al-Mustafa's intelligence was buried in front of him. The man saw the light of that light and wished I could see it. The light moved to the man's cheek, from him to his hand. When he came to the tip of his index finger, the man raised his finger in astonishment and said the word testimony. It has become customary for human beings to raise their fingers and say the word of testimony. The angels lifted Adam up to heaven. Gabriel brought a monkey horse made of silk. The man got on it. Gabriel took the reins, walked to the right of Michael, to the left of Isrofil, and walked through the sky. When the angels met, Adam would ask, "Assalamu alayka ya maloikatallahi." The angels would greet him with "Alaykumus-salamu wa rahmatullahi wa barakotuhu."
Greeting the children of men is inherited from this period.
He was not satisfied when Adam was admitted to Paradise. Because there was no creature like him. God put Adam to sleep and created Eve from his left rib in his sleep.
What was the reason for Adam to create Eve from his left side in a long sleep?
If Adam had been awake, he could have known Eve as an enemy. If he didn't know he was made of himself, he wouldn't care. Allah created him from a crooked bone. "If you try to straighten your wife's crooked ribs, you'll break her." So make peace with him so that you can live together. ”
Eve was so beautiful. Adam fell in love. The news says: Izi Azza and Jalla shared a hundred beauties. He gave ninety-nine to Eve. They shared a share with all the people. He made one share ten more. He gave nine to Joseph and one to all the people. When Adam saw Eve, he was moved and said, "Come closer." Eve replied, "If you want me, come." The man came to Eve. If he had been patient for an hour. The air was coming by itself. From him it became circumcised to go to husbands and wives. However, when they enter Paradise, the wives come to the husbands. When a man approaches Eve, they say that it is not right to lie down until the angel Gabriel marries him. Mawla Jalla Jaloluhu delivered a sermon on the marriage of the two.
There is another such narration. They asked Adam, "Why are you called Adam?" I was created from the earth. Because in Arabic the surface of the earth is called a step. Why are they called Air? In Arabic, they say "hay" alive. When Adam and Eve got married, he cried out, “Enter Paradise with your spouse and eat the blessings. Just don't go near a tree, you'll be cruel. ”He was a wheat. Only among the scribes there are two different opinions: Was the air created in heaven or on earth? At that time, Azozil was in a trance. He taught science to all the angels as a teacher. One day, they saw one of the angels cursed in Lawhul Mahfuz. The angels were afraid of him and came to Azazil and said, "You are our master. Pray for us, Azza and Jalla, to protect us from the curse." He prayed, the angels said amen Izi Azza and Jalla saved all the angels from the curse with his prayer. He was cursed. Because they preached that before Adam was created, the children of Adam would do facade work, shed each other's blood. Allaah did not expect this from them. He said, “You have slandered the descendants of Adam. Your reward was taken and given to them. Raise the throne and walk in paradise. ”
The Lord who created taught Adam the science of heaven. He showed everything to the angels and asked for their names. The angels were helpless. Then he commanded Adam to say their names. He said the name of everything. The Creator exclaimed, “Did I not say, O angels, that you do not know what I know ?! Now you know, Adam the scientist, that you are obedient. In my opinion, one scientist is better than a thousand monuments. Wherever there is a scholar, let him come to his aid. Let him be a mahdum, let him be a servant, let him be a mosque, let you be a sajid, worship Adam.
All the angels worshiped, and Azazil alone did not obey. When the angels prostrated, they saw that the devil was not prostrating. They rejoiced in thanksgiving and worshiped once more. That is probably why prostrating twice in prayer today.
The message reads: Half a day left in the crowd. One day of that world will be equal to five hundred years of this world. One thousand two hundred and forty years had passed since it was created from dust. When Azazil did not prostrate, he cried out, "Why did you not prostrate?" The devil said, "I am greater than he. You created me from fire, from black dust." When he said this, he was called the Devil. "Navmid" means despair. The devil considered grass more than soil. He did not know that in the sight of Allah, dust is more than fire. Because, if the right example is given to the fire, it will cover it and destroy it. However, if the soil takes a handful, it returns ten hundredths.
The devil rejoiced in the fire. He was arrogant. He was one of the disbelievers. Allah says that whoever brags about something will suffer with that thing. The devil prayed: O Allah, I have obeyed for a hundred thousand years. The call came: what do you want? He wished to live until the Day of Judgment. "My Lord, grant me respite till the Day they are resurrected."
Commentators say that the unfortunate devil did not ask for life until the Day of Judgment in vain. He thought that if I prayed until the Day of Judgment, he would be alive forever. Mawla Taolo knew that he was disappointed and said: "Surely you are of those who are granted respite for a specified term."
Question: "What is the wisdom behind feeding Adam and Eve with wheat?" Answer: I needed a reason to leave Heaven. For the Lord had said that He would create a caliph on earth.
Nafsut tuqa al-mushtara
Val customer rabbul vara
Vajinanuhu asmanuhu
Val mustafa dilaluhu
However, the Torah,
Enjulu, Zaburu, Furqanukhu
Question: "What was the purpose of bringing man to heaven?" Answer: The descendants of Adam were under his rib. It was to show them their descendants. Izi Azza and Jalla pulled the sons of Adam out of their ribs. Mawla exclaimed, "Am I your god?" All replied, "You are our God." Adam asked to see them. "Who are these gods?" It is said, "These are your descendants, your children, until the Day of Judgment." When the man saw that there were many of them, he asked again, "How do they fit on the earth?" He cried out, "O Adam, I will divide them into four parts, one part in the back of their fathers, one part in their mother's womb, one part in the earth, and one part in the earth."
The man watched them. He saw one fat, one thin, one lame, one blind, and one innocent. He asked, "O Allah, why did you not create them all at once?" The decree came: "O Adam, they would not thank me if I made Hell and all those who enter it equally beautiful."
According to another narration, God sent the children of men to travel the world. Most of them stayed and some came back. Mawla ta'ala will send another group to Paradise. Most of them will remain. Some came back. It is said that those who remained in the world were disbelievers and those who remained in the community were believers. Those who returned were the prophets, servants of Allah. Mawla Ta'ala asked them, "You did not stay in the world, you did not want to be in the world, what do you want?" They said, 'O Allah, we do not need the world, we do not need the uqba. We need you. " Mawla Ta'ala said, "I will send the heaviest of my treasures." The prophets asked, "O God, will you be with us in the time of trouble?" He said, "I will."
Indeed, the harshest of calamities come to the prophets, then to the saints, then in order. When the devil was cast out of heaven, he was tempted to take Adam and Eve out of the abyss. In those days, a snake was as big as a snake, and its wings were so beautiful that they shone in different colors. The devil asked him, "Take me to heaven." He did not forget. The devil said, "Open your mouth." When he opened his mouth, he went under his tongue. Being a serpent, he spoke to Adam. He did not listen. The woman told Eve that her heart would be soft. "Do you know why Mawla Ta'ala said to eat wheat?" he asked. "No". He said. He said, "Whoever eats it will live forever." The air ate from the branch. He also encouraged Adam to eat. Adam forgot his covenant at that hour. He chewed the wheat, and as he swallowed, he remembered the command of the Creator. He did not want to win. Couldn't take it out. In the same eras (males) there is a lump in the throat (hiccups), but not in the teeth (females). Then the crown fell from their heads.
Yahya ibn Maaz al-Razi said: I went on Hajj. I heard a voice in the dark of night. I looked for him. Sas thorns came among the grass. "Why are you crying?" I asked. “Why don't I cry? I was a teacher of angels. In the end, I was cursed. " I knew the Devil was talking. I said, "Why did you not prostrate?" He said, 'He said,' Worship me, 'but I did not. He told the man not to take the wheat. He took it and ate it. However, he forgave her. He did not forgive me. I asked: He forgave the man, he did not forgive you. What was wisdom. Answer: “In the past, there was grace about human destiny, not about me. There will be grace in the beginning. ”
Eve wept when she ate the wheat, and menstruation began. Until the Day of Judgment, he inherited women.
Question: The duration of menstruation is ten days. There is no wisdom in him. Answer: Eve took ten steps before she went to get the wheat. It was ten days for him. Q: At least three days long. What is the reason? Answer: They reached the wheat with three things. The foot went together. He held her hand. He ate with his mouth. So at least three days. Q: What is Istikhoza? Answer: Eve's repentance was accepted. And it was menstruation. After repentance he wept, his weeping became istikhaza, he gave purity. Question: What is nifas and ermish? Answer: The air rested for forty days until the wheat brought the wood. That is why every taste means a day.
As for the goal again. When Adam and Eve lost their crowns and were left naked, they ran from all the trees asking for leaves. Jiida's tree did not produce leaves. So the children of Adam planted it in a dry place so that it would dry up.
There is fire in all the trees. They dry up without drinking water. Izi Azza and Jalla removed the jiida fire. That is why craftsmen make from it the knitting used in sewing coats. Judgment came: O Adam, will you flee from me? He said, "O God, I will flee from you out of shame." O God, you have judged, you have killed, forgive me, forgive me. ” The label came: “I have labeled you. If your sons after you repent, I will forgive them. Now, get out of the crowd. ”
The fig tree gave Adam and Eve five leaves. They hid their bodies. At dawn he ate one of the five leaves, became a deer, musk, ate one cow, became a barn, ate one bee, became a honey. One was eaten by a worm and became silk. One of them was woolen sewn to the ground by a man. The boys were shrouded until the Day of Judgment.
God punished Adam for giving a fig leaf to Adam. There are three kinds of food: some are apples, pears are not eaten, some are nuts, almonds, some are melons, watermelons are not eaten, and figs are not eaten. .
It was said, "The devil and the peacock were taken out of heaven, along with Adam and Eve." The man descended to Mount Sarandip in Anjalus, India. The air descended on Mount Jadda. The devil descended on Basra. The peacock landed on the target. The image of all of them has changed. The devil was cursed, the peacock crawled on the ground like a snake.
The man wept bitterly where he fell. Trees burst into tears. Roads, springs appeared. Herbs, medicinal herbs flour. Oud, peppercorns, sunbul, henna, and tumors grew where tears of air fell. They were inherited by the human race until the Day of Judgment.
The devil gathered the ants on the earth and said, "Whoever came to earth is not like you." If you don't destroy them, they will destroy you. They all came together. First, Adam landed on his head and began to pull his hair. That is why sechani is eaten by a human child by plucking and frying the patina. The man was afraid to see the birds and worms. The cry came, "O Adam, have mercy on one of them." The man rubbed the dog's head, he sniffed. He chased away all the birds and worms. He has been with the children of Adam ever since.
Another command came: “O Adam, go to Mecca. Build a house for me. ” The man said: O God, I do not know the place. Mawla Ta'ala made a bird a guide. His name was Axyol in Arabic and the blue crow in Turkish. He was flying. The man followed. Adam came to Mecca and built a house called the Bayt al-Ma'mur. He circumambulated around the house. Mawlawi accepted Adam's house-building as a blessing and forgave his sin. When, when there was a great Noah's storm, Gabriel, with the label of Mawlawi, raised that house to the fourth floor blue. Mawla sent eight sheep, seven of which were milking and one was a ram. Eve spun the wool of those sheep. Adam weaved. They both sewed coats. That is why they say that there is nothing dearer on earth than a sheep.
He brought two cows with Mawlana's label. One is red, one is black. Again he brought wheat from the threshing floor, and made three contributions to it. He divided two parts into Adam and one into Air. Each was a hundred thousand. The cows wept as they came out of heaven, and peas came out of their tears. When Gabriel piled the wheat in threes, Adam and Eve planted it. Wheat flour from the sowing of man. Barley grew where Eve planted. The man asked, "Do you want to eat?" Gabriel said, "No, let it grow." "Come on," he said. He sighed. He asked again. He said, grinning. "Blow in the wind," he said. It sucked. Then he grinds the wheat and bakes the bread, as the angel taught. Then he asked permission to eat again: "Do you want to eat?" The angel said, “O Adam, two parts of the day are gone. There is a portion left. Be patient until the evening and fast. ”
It was the day of Assyria. When the man was about to eat the bread, Gabriel came again. He made three loaves of bread. He gave two shares to Adam and one share to Eve. Therefore, the husband gets two shares and the wife gets one share. Adam ate his portion in full, Eve ate half and saved half. Gabriel came and said, "O Adam, if Eve had eaten her share like you, your descendants would not have known the famine until the Day of Judgment." When the man ate the cup, his stomach ached. Gabriel took the man's hand and led him to write. The man was written. The stench spread. He said, "O Gabriel, what is this?" Gabriel replied, "It is a reminder of your sin." Then Gabriel struck Adam on the head with his hand. The height of the man decreased by seventy years (a unit of measurement from the tip of the hand to the elbow).
Eve walked on Mount Jaddah, opened the snow, crossed the sea, caught a fish, and cooked it on a hard object. The man wept for two hundred years. Two hundred years later, they met on Mount Arafat. There was a load from the man. When that burden became heavy, they both prayed to Allah. The devil came to Eve. He asked. What's in your stomach? "I don't know," he replied. "What if the cow in your belly is a yearling?" said the Devil. The air was saddened by this word. Iblis said, “I am a pure believer in the sight of Allah. I pray. I ask Allah. May you have a pure, beautiful body. Will you name me? ” he asked.
- What is your name?
-Otim -Khoris.
Eve gave birth to a son. He called his horse Horis.
According to the report, Eve gave birth to twins — a boy and a girl — seventy times.
Adam sacrificed every year, and if he accepted, fire would come down from heaven and burn him. Adam ate bread, dreamed of meat. The command came: "Go, hunt birds." He caught a pheasant and an eagle. They were slaughtered and set on fire, the pheasant was ripe, the eagle was not ripe. The man's grief came and he was buried in the fire. It burned completely. The man complained that the pheasant was not enough for both of us. The pheasant was named after Eve, and the eagle after Adam. Gabriel said, "O Adam, do not grieve, may Allah give you another food instead of an eagle." After that, the flesh of the eagle became unclean to the descendants of Adam until the Day of Judgment. At that time it was unclean to burn the sacrifice, and the food was lawful.

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