Sausage production business


- Mini sausage shop is a useful, economical and fast-covering production. There is always a demand for this product in the market, because sausage is a very popular product among the population of our country.

# Starting_costs:

- Registration of LLC in government agencies and opening a current account - $ 70

- Certification fee - $ 1400

- Purchase of production equipment - $ 15500

- Purchase of furniture and other equipment for business - $ 1400

- Raw materials for the first month of work - $ 25000

- Renovation of buildings - $ 4150

- Working capital to close business gaps - $ 8050

The total initial cost is ~ $ 55570


- Raw materials - $ 25000

- Spices (sausage peel, garlic, sugar, salt…) - $ 150

- Salary - $ 1250

- Salary taxes - $ 370

- Electricity - $ 670

- Water and sewage - $ 150

- Place rent - $ 800

- Accountant, technologist, mechanical services - $ 300

- Contact - $ 15

- Cleaning and detergents - $ 40

- Packaging materials - $ 140

- Advertising - $ 300

- Car rental - $ 400

- Other expenses - $ 300

The total monthly cost is ~ $ 29885

- In this lucrative business, the full payback period of the investment is 9,5-10 months.

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