The script of the event dedicated to Amir Temur's birthday


April 9 — The birthday of the great warlord Amir Temur (1336-1405).


A great host

(Scenario of the event dedicated to Amir Temur's birthday)


Maqsad: To expand understanding of Amir Temur's life, to give an understanding of Amir Temur's state system and its essence in its management, the legacy he left to future generations, and his constitution. To mean that we are Temur's descendants and successors of his good works. Forming a sense of national pride.

Equipment: Bust of Amir Temur, picture, samples of jewelry, books about Temur, newspapers and magazines.

The progress of the event: Words such as "Amir Temur-the great host", "We are Temur's descendants", "April 9 - the day Amir Temur was born" were written on the stage where the event was held.

The starters come out on stage.


1nd starter:

- Survived from the depths of the years,

He conquered the throne of tyranny and fell,

The torch of independence is lost,

May the sky be the head of the Uzbek today,

May the story of the Uzbek be epic today!


2nd starter:

- with Beruni's creation,

John Tabibi-ibn Sinosi

May the Uzbek be tall today,

Let the body of the Uzbek be a graft today!

- Amir Temur with his horseman grandfather,

With the melody created by Pearl,

Intizor with Baburi Mirza

May the generation of the Uzbek be great today,

May the sustenance of the Uzbek be full today!


1nd starter: – Hello, respected teachers, dear parents and kind educators!


2nd starter: - Hello, sweet children, dear readers!


1nd starter: – Today we are gathering to celebrate the birthday of our great grandfather Amir Temur.


2nd starter: – Our grandfather Amir Temur was a great entrepreneur, a general and a skilled statesman who built a powerful country and administered it justly.


1nd starter: - Dear teachers, today our students have prepared poems praising our great grandfather and various information about his life and activities. Now it's their turn.


2st starter: - Thank you, dear students!



Student 1:

- Our grandfather Amir Temur

Our brave grandfather.

The battle raged

He built a great state and country.

Eternal Immortal Name,

The word in our language.

We will never forget

Great grandfather!


2th student:

- Temur restored the great kingdom,

Desire: my generation has a great vein,

Mulki Turan is the ring of the world,

My people live peacefully.


Student 3:

- The host says: O my children,

The apple of my eye, my dear ones.

Be the medicine for the nation's pain,

Do not loosen my joints.


Student 4:

- Be on the side of justice and freedom,

Evil, be happy.

Do not sow the eggs of discord,

Goodness, goodness be true!


A national dance will be performed. After the dance, the students talk about the life and work of Amir Temur.


1th student: – Our great grandfather was born on April 1336, 9 in the village of Khoja Ilgor, not far from Kesh, in the family of Bek Taragai Bahadir, who belonged to the Barlos clan.


2th student: – Timur was interested in military science, loved horses and was a skilled rider.


3th student: – Amir Temur had a very noble heart. He built a great state like Movarounnahr. He promoted knowledge and culture in large countries such as Iran, Turkey, and India. ended the colonial rule of the Red Horde.


4th student: – Amir Temur established an economically strong state that protects the interests of the people.


5th student: – Amir Temur was a great politician, general, a great statesman of his time. His motto - "Strength is in justice" was an old wisdom.

6th student: – Amir Temur united 27 large and small scattered cities and created a powerful state.


7th student: – The capital of Amir Temur's state is the city of Samarkand, which was transformed into a very prosperous and beautiful city.

8th student: – Our grandfather built historical monuments, madrasas, mausoleums in Samarkand, Bukhara and Turkestan. He carried out landscaping works.

A scene illuminating the life of Amir Temur will be shown. Then the students will read excerpts from the poem "The Tale of the Elders" by the poet Temur Ubaidullah:


1th student:

- Temur the horse wrestler,

Perfect when you find –

I sympathize with him

Sheikh Shamsiddin Kulol.


Student 2:

- Your blessings

One was Sheikh Kulol.

Taragai Bahadir's

Piri was Sheikh Kulol.


Student 3:

- Amir Temur enjoys it

From Pir's fertilizers.

He held on sincerely

From the bar of Sheikh Kulol.


Student 4:

- He used it from one side

Suyub Said Baraka.

It would not have happened without him

Consultation is a campaign.


Student 5:

- It is a great kingdom

The world is in turmoil.

All bowed

To Temur Sahibkiran.


Student 6:

- Breath of great breeds

Always use it!

My homeland forever

Go to victory!


1nd starter: Sahibqiran mentioned that he strictly followed the following rules in the creation of a great state and its prosperity:

  1. I managed the country humanely without haste.
  2. Observance of order and rules strengthened my state.
  3. I showed care and nobility to my soldiers.
  4. I ruled the country with justice and intelligence.
  5. I was kind to writers, scholars, scientists, historians.
  6. I was determined and bold in my work.
  7. I always understood my people.
  8. I was good for good and tough for bad.
  9. I always wanted harmony.
  10. I respected my soldiers and strictly followed the rules.


1st starter:  Dear teachers and knowledgeable students! Today we learned a lot about the life and work of our great grandfather.


2nd starter: We are a child of Uzbekistan, we are proud to be descendants of the great Amir Temur. Let's be noble and truthful, patriots like our grandfather!


1nd starter:

There is good in Jahangir's words.

May it be a beacon for us.

Let the generations learn from us,

Then Temurdain will be satisfied.


2nd starter: Therefore, dear teachers, parents and educators, we will conclude today's event. We wish you all good health and success in your work. Never get tired of the noble work of raising a young and mature generation, which is the future of our country!



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