Secrets of getting pregnant fast


Secrets of getting pregnant fast
The secrets of the emergence of new life still remain a mystery. Is it possible to speed up the pregnancy process, and what facts really influence this difficult process?
 Purpose and preparation
             No matter how much you think about the fetus, no one forbids you to prepare for pregnancy. It doesn’t take much time to get the advice you need after a specialist review. After such an examination, you will be sure that your health is in place and you will know how much your body is ready to become pregnant.
Folic acid is recommended for women 3 months before pregnancy. This creates the basis for the formation of the child, the child's central nervous system, and at the same time the well-developed growth and development of the unborn child. The expectant father should also participate in the preparation for childbearing.
At the very least, the father should worry about being able to conceive himself and give up harmful habits. Example: not holding a laptop on your lap and not carrying a mobile device next to your penis. Radiation, drinking, and smoking reduce sperm and can cause problems in rapid pregnancy.
 Time to get pregnant
No matter how healthy and physically strong the couple is, they do not promise to have children. You don’t have to get depressed right after the first and second move. An absolutely healthy couple can also take 6 to 12 months.
What to do to get pregnant fast? Considering the biological cycle: the day of ovulation will need to be taken into account. The rate of ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle. If the menstrual cycle is 28 days, ovulation begins on day 14. It is not possible for a female cell to live long, at which time the male should have time to fertilize the seed in 1-2 days.
If miscalculated, pregnancy may be delayed. Ovulation is not always on schedule and ovulation time may not be every month. Stress, illness, hormonal changes can disrupt the ovulation schedule. Use the test to get pregnant fast.
How to get pregnant fast.
So we know when is the lucky time and how to use it properly? It is no secret that sperm quality (fluid in a man's germ cells) has an effect on pregnancy. You don’t have to squeeze your partner’s water and drink it.
No need to ask for sex on a daily basis. However, you should not miss the day of ovulation. Frequent sex reduces sperm quality, couples need to rest on each other. It should be noted that sperm will be active again only after 72 hours. 2-3 sex per week is enough for a pregnant woman.
After sex, a woman should lie down for 10-15 minutes. Some say you have to wait for your feet. This is said to make it easier for sperm to reach the egg.
 Healthy couples
         It is difficult to say that any products help to conceive. But it is clear that proper nutrition ensures that future parents are healthy, and this is one of the steps to pregnancy.
Being overweight and taking serious medications - prevents pregnancy. Consult your doctor before planning a pregnancy to see if the medications you are taking are harmful to the unborn child. The weight problem may be due to medication.
So consult your doctor about this. Talk to your doctor about weight loss. Weight and blood volume increase and the body feels the load. This causes an excess problem in pregnancy.
Physical activity - we recommend doing sports to get pregnant faster. Choose exercises that you like, not hard workouts.
Bad habits are good for you if you forget. No need to prove. You know very well that smoking, drinking and coffee are bad for your health. First, such habits reduce spontaneous pregnancy.
Secondly, it becomes very difficult to get rid of such a habit after getting pregnant. This struggle should start before you become pregnant.
 Take a deep breath - you’re nervous
            Stress is the enemy of your health. Those who want to get pregnant too much become severely depressed after not being pregnant. Don’t set yourself the goal of getting pregnant fast. The most important thing in such work is quality, not speed.
It is your job to discover what that is and to bring it about. Don’t try to observe everything at once, sometimes allow yourself to get lost. A healthy psyche needs you more than your health.
 Chinese medicine tips
        They will give you a few tips that will bring you closer to the fetus. The Chinese recommend products that improve blood circulation. These tips also emphasize stress avoidance.
Stress disrupts blood circulation. It is also said that the body loses energy. Those who want to have a successful pregnancy should walk away from stress. This is helped by massage and yoga exercises.

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