Turnip is a mine of profit


Turnips have long been used among the people as a remedy for a number of diseases. Turnip has been used in folk medicine in the treatment of diseases of the lungs, respiratory tract, fever, heart failure. Its boiled, as well as juice decoction is recommended as a remedy for shortness of breath, chest pain. Turnips soften the breast when cooked in the snow or in a pan, with honey in the middle or dry. Under these conditions, turnips can be prepared as follows: two tablespoons of crushed turnips put in a glass (200 grams) of boiling water and boil for 15 minutes.
As a treatment for the diseases mentioned above, a quarter cup should be drunk or a glass of decoction should be consumed before bedtime.
Pressing the boiled turnip on the affected areas as a result of gout is a cure for the disease. If the mouth is rinsed with boiling water, a sore throat, as well as a toothache, will be relieved.
According to scientific medicine, the glucose contained in turnips is converted into mustard oil during cooking. Mustard oil, in turn, stimulates the appetite and calms the nerves.
Source: "Plant and human health" - Tashkent 1991

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