Simple measures in the treatment of colds


When a person has a cold, at first he has a runny nose, sore throat and dryness. The cough starts later. Is it possible to prevent a cough? Of course you can. To do this, rinse your nose 3-4 times a day with salt water (a glass of warm boiled water is filled with a teaspoon of salt), then instill anti-inflammatory drugs. If you drip with your head back, the drug will flow through the back wall of the nasopharynx, so the effect will be better. Also, rinse with warm water with melted water or iodine drops every hour. Rinsing with chamomile and mavrak tinctures helps to clear the throat and prevent coughing.
If you start coughing a week after a cold, adding warm milk to baking soda and baking soda can help. Hot tea with honey, warming alkaline mineral water is also useful. One tried and tested way to relieve a cough is to heat a teaspoon of sugar over a low heat, it will turn red when the sugar dissolves. Then immerse the spoon in cold water. The melted hot sugar hardens immediately. If you swallow it, you will get rid of the cough.
If the cough is severe and sputum is difficult to move, sputum diluents (bromhexine, mucaltine) should be taken. In addition, if you inhale through a curtain with baking soda and 5-6 drops of boiling water with a drop of fennel oil, it will be easier to move the sputum. If the cough is prolonged, you can take antibiotics as directed by your doctor. In addition, ultrasound dilutes sputum in the bronchial tubes and helps with coughing. Massaging a person with a cold can also help reduce coughing. To do this, massage the back spine from the bottom up or from top to bottom with the edge of the palm.
Most people start coughing shortly when it is cold and windy. He also coughs when he goes out of a warm room or when he lies down in a cold place. Occasionally there is a residual odor on tobacco or alcohol. The patient's face usually turns red when he coughs, and sometimes the capillaries rupture. At this time, of course, need serious treatment under the supervision of a pulmonologist.
Experts have found that in many cases, exercise also has a positive effect on relieving cough and improving sputum flow. To do this, place your hands on your shoulders, take a deep breath, hold your breath, slowly lean forward, then pinch your lips and force the air out of you. Coughing is also easier to inhale and exhale when the arms are raised and exhaled, the arms are lowered, and then frequent, deep breaths and forced exhalations.
Lemon juice can be made at the first signs of a cold. To do this, finely chop a lemon, pour 2 cups boiling water and infuse for 20 minutes. No matter how sweet it is, you will drink this liquid for an hour.
In the treatment of influenza, it is useful to grate a medium-sized onion and sniff it for 10 minutes with your mouth open. Then soak a clean cotton ball in the onion juice and apply two drops to the nose. If the treatment is performed 3 times on the first day of the disease, breathing will be easier and nasal discharge will stop.
A few drops of aloe flower juice in the nostrils with a cotton ball 4-5 times a day will speed up the healing process.
Put a few cloves of crushed garlic in a glass of boiling water and infuse for an hour. It is necessary to rinse the throat with this drip.
In the evening the feet should be bathed. To do this, pour a tablespoon of dry mustard (mustard) in 5–8 liters of water. Note that this treatment is not recommended for patients with cardiovascular and renal disease.
Fresh air, physical activity, personal hygiene and a healthy lifestyle are important to prevent colds and flu. It is better to walk away from patients with viral diseases. In any case, if you perform the procedure on the advice of a doctor, the cold will not recur and will not bother you for a long time.
Teacher of the 1st Republican Medical College.

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