Simple methods of mammary gland examination


Given the high incidence of breast cancer in women, prevention of this disease is now very important. Otherwise, the pain can develop and the consequences can be serious.
I have observed this many times during my twenty years of work. Most of the women who come to the Namangan Regional Oncology Center for check-ups receive treatment in several stages due to the fact that they missed the disease. We emphasize that women are in control of their own health in order to overcome this problem. No matter how advanced the modern methods of examination and treatment, every woman should undergo a medical examination twice a year after the age of 30 or 40. At other times, it is best to check the condition of the breasts at home. The following tips can help women do this.
Carefully observe the areas of your underwear that touch the tip of the breast. The presence of colorless or dark spots on the clothes indicates the separation of the mammary gland. Check the shape of the mammary glands, whether they are pulled in or out, and whether there are any injuries or skin lesions. That is, with both hands on your hips, relax and try to see if there are any swollen areas on the skin of the breast (like a lemon peel) or if it is pulled inwards.
When you put your hands on your waist, the muscles of the chest tense up and the mammary glands become evenly spaced. Then raise your arms above your head and squeeze your paws so that the muscles of the chest tighten. Turn the chest left and right to observe the mammary glands vibrate evenly.
When lying on your back, relax your body. When the left breast is palpated, place your left hand next to you, using the fingers of your right hand to gently rotate from the tip of the breast to the edge, alternating.
Examine the underarms with the shoulders slightly forward. Place your left palm under your head for easy palpation of the lower and inner parts of the left breast. Press the surface of all four fingers on the mammary gland and move it from the edge to the tip of the mammary gland in a small (up to 4 cm in diameter) circular motion. Touch the left breast with the right hand and the right breast with your left hand. If the breasts are large, turn to the side opposite the breast being examined to make it easier to feel. For example, if you want to examine the right breast, lie on your left side. It is important to check yourself, both standing and lying down. Because in these cases you will be able to examine many areas of the breast.
While bathing, gently slide your fingers over the skin of the mammary glands with soap. Then the location of the mammary gland is immediately apparent.
Remember, most women who receive timely treatment for breast cancer recover completely and walk safely. Most breast cancers (if detected early) can be treated quickly. For example, in 80% of cases, tumors that need to be surgically removed are considered safe.
Bakhtiyor MAMARASULOV, radiologist.

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