Studying Abdulla Qadiri's novel Mehrobdan Chayan


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Ministry of Public Education
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Studying Abdulla Qadiri's novel Mehrobdan Chayan
Date: Class: 7
Topic: study of Abdulla Qadiri's novel Mehrobdan Chayan
 Course Objectives: 
1. Educational:
To make students understand about the history of writing "Scorpion from Mehrob" and about Mirzo Anvar, who is its main character;
2. Educational:
To inculcate in the minds of students the qualities of achieving high goals as a result of relentless study and not being afraid of difficulties encountered on this path;
3. Developer:
Teaching students to draw conclusions from what they read and hear, to think creatively.
Type of lesson: new knowledge giver.
The method of the lesson: problem situation, "Reverse test", "Five-part text", "Cluster" method, working in groups.
Equipment used in the lesson:
7th grade "Literature" textbook, portrait of Abdul Qadiri, "Scorpion from the Altar", markers, white papers, incentive cards.
Technological map of the lesson
Course stages
Alloted time
Organizational part
2 minutes
Reinforcement of the subject
8 minutes
New topic statement
20 minutes
Consolidation and conclusion
10 minutes
Completion of the lesson
3 minutes
2 minutes
Course Outline:
  1. Organizational part:              a) greeting;
                                                 b) the report of the student on duty is heard;
  1.                          d) political and spiritual moments are held;
  1. Evaluation of the subject:
  2. The lesson begins with the following words of writer Abdulla Qadiri:
At the end of my speech, I ask the courts of justice: although I have been denounced as the second innocent by various slanders, impersonations and forgeries. Try to give me the highest punishment, even if only for the sake of their black eyes. A simple, conscientious young man, who does not have the goal of rebellion in his heart, is more deserving of death than such humiliation. I was killed by a spiritual death according to the wish of several individuals. Physical death is no longer scary to me. This is what I expect and ask from the courts of justice.
June 1926, 15, Samarkand. (From A. Qadiri's speech in court) (This text is displayed on the monitor).
Students will be asked questions about this text, and a problematic situation will be created in the lesson. The questions can be as follows:
1. Why was Abdullah Qadiri imprisoned in 1926?
2. What did he say about himself in court?
3. From which sentences did you learn that the accusations against the writer are baseless?
After such questions and answers, the groups will be named "Justice", "Conscience", "Truth", "Honor", "Insaf".
  1. The topic passed using the "Reverse test" method in strengthening students' knowledge based on the topic is tested. This method is an effective method that teaches students to make independent questions, sharpens their minds. The teacher says the answer word, and groups make a test question for that word questions should not be repeated.
For example. Group 1:
A. Makhtumkuli
C. Cholpon
D. Zavqiy
Now the students should create a question corresponding to the answer of this test.1894 Who is the writer born on April 10?
Group 2:
Who is the writer who was busy with various jobs as a teenager: janitor, handyman, gardener?
Group 3:
Who was the writer imprisoned in 1926 on the trumped-up charge of "discrediting the leaders of the Shura through the press"?
Group 4:
Who is the author of novels and short stories such as "Otkan Kunlar", "Scorpion from Altar", "Obid Hoeman"?
Group 5:
Who was the writer who was repressed for the second time on December 1937, 31?
Students' tests will be evaluated. Groups will be given incentive cards.
3. New topic statement:
If Farhad's Shirin,  
 The Laila of the Mad
Lucky for me, the flowers are blooming - Rana,
If he does, Layli is right about Kais's madness
What a blessing Rano's customer - Mirzo.
         O'teacher:Abdulla You can The novel "The Scorpion from the Altar" was written in 1928 and was published in the same year. In the preface of the literary work, he writes: "I heard the story of Mirzo Anwar from my father". we can say that it was written in connection with the events of the period of his rule. (After that, the teacher, while working with the textbook, relying on the "Five-part text" method, divides the fragment from the work "A poor family in Bakhmalbaf" into five parts. Pupils read and familiarize themselves with the text and convey its content to each other. They write down the words they do not understand in the text book. After analyzing the topic, the teacher shows and explains the vocabulary of these words on the monitor.
1271st Hijri calendar - 1850-51 AD
Bakhmalbaf neighborhood is the neighborhood of dukhoba weavers
A female servant who serves in the house of the poor-rich
He is a craftsman who relaxes by making quilts
This method allows you to get acquainted with the text of the work in a short time and solves the complexity of A. Qadiri's language. For example:
To the Nomus group:
"Anwar was born in a poor family in Bakhmalbaf neighborhood of Kokan in 1271 A.H...."
  1. Reinforce the new topic:
After the students get acquainted with the content of the text of the passage, using the "Cluster" method, each member of the group describes the image of Anvar on the poster attached to the magnetic board:
  1. Evaluation and promotion:
The scores of the students are summed up and explained. The winning group will be determined. Groups that actively participated in the lesson are encouraged in the nominations "The most active group", "The most knowledgeable group", "The most disciplined group", "The most cohesive group".
  1. Homework:
Students are instructed to read the remaining chapters of "Mehrobdan Chayan" and write a letter to Anvar.

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