Symptoms of calcium deficiency in the human body


For the health and well-being of a person, all the vitamins and minerals in the body must be in moderation
Deficiency of this or that substance makes the human body sick and signals about it.
This also applies to calcium. Not only children and the elderly, but also the working age population suffers from its deficiency.

In addition, not consuming enough calcium-rich foods at a young age can lead to bone and joint disease in old age.
The following changes in the body warn of this:
- Fragility of nails, hair and bones.
- Nails become thinner and grow more slowly, it is easier to bruise and break. Hair loses color, sheds a lot, and the ends break more.
- Calcium deficiency weakens teeth. They are fragile and prone to damage.
- A person suffering from calcium deficiency becomes nervous and irritable. He gets tired quickly and his thoughts are scattered. There are also frequent tremors in the body.
- Growth retardation in children is a sign of calcium deficiency.
When calcium deficiency is diagnosed, doctors try to normalize it. In this case, a dietary style is recommended first. To increase the amount of calcium in the body, doctors rely on consuming more natural foods that are rich in calcium. Such nutritional sources include dairy products (cottage cheese, milk, yogurt, kefir, cheese, sour cream, etc.); green vegetables with cabbage, radish and radish leaves, leafy greens (basil, parsley, dill); legumes (peas, beans); nuts (pistachios, walnuts, almonds); sesame seeds, canned fish and freshly squeezed juices of various fruits.
Carbonated drinks, coffee and alcohol interfere with the body's absorption of calcium.
Jalaluddin Nuriddinov
April 27, 2017

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