The life and work of Abdulla Oripov. Technological map and synopsis of the topic


The life and work of Abdulla Oripov
Technological map and summary of the topic
Science: Literature. Class: 5th grade Topic: Life and work of Abdulla Oripov. Key words: Abdulla Oripov, famous Uzbek poet and public figure, national poet of Uzbekistan, Hero of Uzbekistan, wrote the text of the National Anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan (1992). Hamza (1983) and Alisher Navoi (1992) state awards of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Brief description of the topic (in accordance with DTS): A look at the life of Abdulla Oripov, a beloved poet, the anthem of the Motherland and independence in the poet's work.
Technology of implementation of educational process
Development methods: "Peak of thinking" method, "Think! Look! Find!" intellectual game, integration, demonstration, BBB method, "Galvir" game, tree constructor, role-playing game.
Format: question and answer, working in groups, working with a team
Tools: 5th grade literature textbook, computer, projector, monitor, slides, internet information, exhibitions, whatman, marker, handout didactic materials, scotch tape, incentive cards.
Control: Verbal control, through questions and answers
Evaluation: 5 points in an unconventional way.
Goals and objectives of the lesson
Educational: providing information about the life and work of Abdulla Oripov.
Educational: students to their homeland,
Educational question: 1. What do you know about Abdulla Oripov?
2. In which genres of literature is he creative
to cultivate a sense of respect for his mother
Developmental: To develop students' oral speech and thinking.
Educational question: What do you feel when you talk about your Motherland?
Developing question: What do you know about your Homeland?
Expected result
At the end of the lesson, the student knows (Knowledge) Abdulla Oripov is a famous Uzbek poet and public figure. He is a great artist who sings the complexities and contradictions of the human heart in the contemporary Uzbek poetry. Abdulla Oripov brought new artistic thinking to modern Uzbek poetry.
What questions will be asked: 1. What did Abdulla Oripov sing about in modern Uzbek poetry? 2. What works did he write?
At the end of the lesson, the student will understand (Skill) Strong passion, naturalness, intellectual depth, poetic perfection in his poems. The maturity of artistic interpretation. The uniqueness of the poetic intonation, the combination of a violent tone and a quiet, peaceful, sincere spirit. Formative and stylistic variety.
What questions are asked:
What are the widely used styles of literary speech? What proverbs and wise sayings, narrations and stories do you know about sweet and polite speech, choosing words, and speaking thoughtfully? Tell me?
At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to perform (Qualification) The poet's literary legacy consists of poems, poetry collections, epics, dramas and translations. To distinguish these works from each other.
What questions are asked:
Give information about the poet's works about the national anthem and independence.
Technological map of the lesson
T / r
Technological stages
Teacher (facilitator) activity
Students' activities
(2 minutes)
Greetings, checking the attendance and readiness of the classroom for the lesson (places are suitable for working in 3 small groups, there are markers, tape, white paper on the tables), introduction to today's topic
Training preparation
Preparation stage
(1 minutes)
Telling that it is necessary to assign a name and a captain to their groups.
Assign a name and captain to your groups.
Consolidation stage
(12 minutes)
1. Asking problematic questions to two groups on the subject. Conducting a blitz survey with the third group.
2. "Think! Search! Find!” holding a game, encouraging students who answered well with incentive cards.
Listen carefully to the question, answer quickly, actively participate in the game.
(4 minutes)
Connect the unity with a new topic based on the game "Find the melody".
Find the music and find the songwriter.
Mastery stage
(10 minutes)
Asking the subject using the BBB method, "Benefit. Providing information on a new topic from the Uz Internet network.
Telling students what they know, what they want to know.
Generalization stage
(3 minutes)
To provide a general understanding based on exhibitions on a new topic.
Show teacher's characteristics in a network way.
Consolidation stage
(5 minutes)
Organization of "Galvir", "Square test", "Tree constructor" games among students.
Completes the task
"Microphone in my hand" role-playing game
Active in the game
(5 minutes)
participation, demonstration of acting skills.
Finishing stage
(3 minutes)
Encourage students, give homework
Understanding the task
Course Outline:
1. Organizational part
1. Greetings. Determining attendance. Improving students' speaking competence.
2 Preparing the class and students for the lesson.
Pupils 3: "Young linguists",
They are divided into groups of "literary scholars" and "intellectuals". The groups choose their motto.
The teacher introduces students to the principles of the lesson through the monitor.
2. Identification of needs. Students are asked the following questions that require logical thinking on the topic: Group 1: Is the cry in the epic "The Cry" only the cry of the father? Why does the poet address the 2nd group as "Don't kick the ground, take a slow step". Until both groups are prepared, a blitz survey will be held with the 3rd group. Blitz survey 1. Even though the war is over, why does the poet remember those years with pain? In addition to the victims of the war, what other problems did it bring? The battle cry should ring in the heart of every person in the 2st century and beyond, until eternal peace is established on Earth.) 3. What type of folk art is used in the following excerpt from the epic "The Cry"? The wisdom of the grandfathers is a light for life, Don't be your father's child, be a man's child (Proverb)
Students' answers are listened to.
The answers of the groups are summarized by the teacher and active students are encouraged.
"Think! Search! Find!” an intellectual game will be held. Students choose from the conditions shown on the slide through the monitor.
Think! Search! Top!
Each group elects its own captain. Captains choose from the conditions shown on the monitor. For example:
Group 1 "The most, the most, the most!" selects the condition. In this condition, each group will be asked 3 questions starting with the most word. Questions can be asked through the monitor and the teacher can read them on paper.
 In which magazine was Erkin Vahidov's first poem published? ("Mushtum")
 What is the first poetry collection? ("Morning breath")
 What are the best translations?
 The first title? ("People's poet of Uzbekistan")
 The comedy that has seen the most stage faces? ("The Golden Wall" comedy)
 Selections of the volumes created by collecting the best works?
 The first epic? ("Nido")
 The first magazine he edited? ("Youth")
 The most recent title received? ("Hero of Uzbekistan")
In the "Fountain of Knowledge" condition, students choose from the subjects shown on the slide.
Source of knowledge
Pupils choose from given subjects. For example, if mathematics is chosen, each group will be given one mathematical example. Pupils will have to solve the examples and find out the issue related to the life and work of Erkin Vahidov. Examples are also shown in the slide.
In this case, the 1st mathematical practice is 1961, that is, the poet's first poetry collection in 1961
"Morning Breath" was published. The answer to the 2nd mathematical operation is 1964, that is, in 1964, the poet's first epic "Nido" was created. The answer to the 3rd mathematical operation is 1936, that is, Erkin Vahidov was born in 1936.
Each group is asked one question from history. Questions are asked through the monitor.
In connection with the science of mother tongue, the groups will have to find 1st group of adjectives, 2nd group of nouns, and 3rd group of adverbs from the epic "Nido".
In the next, "Electronic question" condition, an electronic question is asked to the group leaders. The English teacher of the school, Elova Umida, will read a passage from Erkin Vahidov's epic "Nido" in English through an audio player. Students will have to translate the poem and find the author of the poem.
I shouted in the heart of the mountains
Comes a sound like a stone
Mother land said, "dear myson"
Sound comes from the earth
Pupils who actively participate in the conditions are encouraged with non-traditional incentive cards. "Well done" (5 points), "Bless you" (4 points), "Take action" (3 points) will be given to the student who answered completely.
3. The stage of preparation for a new topic. Before starting a new topic, a "Find the tune" game is played. Each group will hear songs composed to the poem of Abdulla Oripov. Students will have to find the name of the song and the author of the poem. For example, "Don't you miss spring?", "Why do I love Uzbekistan?" the tunes of the songs will be heard.
4. Mastering a new subject.
At home, each group was given a text on the life and work of Abdulla Oripov divided into three parts. One participant from each group will tell their part of the text and say what they want to know. The teacher summarizes the students' opinions and informs the students about the life and work of Abdulla Oripov through the "" website. People's poet of Uzbekistan, hero of Uzbekistan Abdulla Oripov was born on March 1941, 21 in the village of Nekoz, Koson district, Kashkadarya region. His father, Arif Baba, was an ordinary farmer, who paid great attention to the education of four girls and four boys. Abdullah spent his childhood in the foothills of Konkirtaq. At the age of 17, he graduated from high school with a gold medal, and in 1958-1963 he studied at the journalism department of the Faculty of Uzbek Philology of Tosh State University. In 0-1967, Abdulla Oripov was an editor in the publishing house named after G. Ghulom, in 1974-1974 he was the head of the department in the magazine "Eastern Star", in 1976-1976 he was a literary consultant in the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan, in 1982-1982 In 1983, he was the responsible secretary of the Tashkent regional branch of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan, in 1983-1985 he was the editor-in-chief of the "Gulkhan" magazine, in 1985-1988 he was the secretary of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan, in 1988-1996 He works as the chairman of the Copyright Protection Committee of the Republic, and in 1996-2009, as the chairman of the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan. Before going to school, Abdulla likes to talk and talk
more than the content, the tone of it tamed him. The poet later recalls this as follows: "...I don't know exactly what motivated me to start writing the first poems. In any case, I remember that I became a fan of rhyming words ...". Abdulla Oripov was a student when his first poem "Bird" was published. The poet's first poetry collection called "Mitty Star" was published in 1965. Abdulla Oripov was also engaged in translation and translated the poems of L. Ukrainka, Pushkin, N. Nekrasov, Q. Quliyev, Shevchenko, Charens, R. Hamzatov into Uzbek. He skilfully translated the Italian poet Dante Alighieri's "Divine Comedy" (the "Hell" part) into Uzbek, under the influence of this work he created the dramatic epic "The Road to Heaven" (1978). Abdulla Oripov's works have been deservedly awarded by the people and the country. He received the State Prize named after Hamza (1983), State Prize named after Alisher Navoi (1994) for the collection "Munojot". He is a poet who brought thoughtful sadness and sad thoughts to Uzbek poetry. Abdulla Oripov has been serving the country, literature and culture as the deputy of the Oliy Majlis, the deputy chairman of the Assembly of Culture of the Peoples of Central Asia. The author of the text of the anthem of independent Uzbekistan is Abdulla Oripov. For his services to his homeland, the poet was awarded a number of orders and medals, as well as the honorary title of "People's Poet of Uzbekistan" (1983). Abdulla Oripov is a Hero of Uzbekistan (1998). His books and poems: "People" (1963), "Sen bahorni soginmadindi" (1963), "Yuzma-yuz" (1964), "0'uzbekistan" (1964-1970, this ode consists of 10 stanzas of 14 lines . There is a reference to the fact that our great ancestor Beruni predicted the American continent about 500 years before Christopher Columbus), "Listening to Munojot..." (1964, "If this is the case, how could mankind endure grief itself?" ?!» — lines appear in this poem), “I was a child…” (1964), “Iron Man” (1964), “Why do I love Uzbekistan” (1964), “Golden Fish” (1965), “ Doorman" (1965, in which the doorman is a symbolic image, it is compared to the age on the eyelash, the rope is the edge of the sword), "My eyes are on your way" (1967), "Mother”. "Cancer" "Memory" (1969), "The Wind of My Country" (1969), "Stones of Blame" (1969), "The Road to Heaven" (1971), "Amazement"
(1979), "Hakim wa Ajal" (1980, an epic dedicated to Abu Ali Ibn Sina), "The Fortress of Salvation" (1981), "The Dream of the Years" (1983), "My Childhood Years", "Umr Duchylar" , "Far from you", "My beautiful days are still ahead", "The wind blew all night", "Ranjkom" (1988), "Bridges of trust" (collection), "The answer", "Hajj notebook ” (1992, collection), “Homosity”, “My first love” (in which each stanza is independent, rhymed in its own way), “Sister planet”, “Autumn feelings” (“In his song, his "I feel the heart of a human being sometimes" or "I read a piece of wisdom from the khazans: "Live but don't be a leaf". "plam"), "Ayol" (this poem was created on a theme similar to Nodira's "Firoqnoma"), "Spring", "Somewhere, the nay is moaning in memory of the country", "Why is the navosi of the nayen so sad" related to the flute. a beautiful image is created. The symbol of Man and Imagination is also used in it), "My 40'ylar", "Korikhona", "Sarob" ("Could a mother raise a cow?" " verses are found in this poem), "Autumn landscapes" (in this poem, A. Oripov compares the autumn leaves to the fire from his heart, the autumn standards to his broken thoughts, and the autumn sun to his love left in his distant youth), "The memory of the departed ..." (a poem dedicated to the image of a dream), "Saylanma" (0), "Sahibqiron" (7), "Bedorlik" (1996), "Uzbekman" (1996), "Selected works" (1999- 2000, 2000 volumes), "Heart of a Poet" (2001), "Flag of Uzbekistan" and others.
The teacher explains the topic through a slide using the cluster method.
Literary heritage of the writer
Lyric Drama
Lyro is an epic
The teacher asks the students what they have learned. Students express their opinions.
Stage 5: Consolidation.
 Didactic game "Galvir", "Square test", "Tree constructor" will be held among students to strengthen the new topic. The first group "Galvir", the second group "Square test", the third group "Tree constructor" fulfill the conditions of the game. Each group is divided into three smaller groups.
 For example, the members of the first group are divided into three small groups in the game "Galvir". These small groups divide the works of Abdulla Oripov into types, that is, the first small group is poems, the second small group is epics, the third small group is poetry collections, translations, and they are written in vatman.
 The second group is given a square test through a didactic handout.
 The third group places their poems on the lower branches of the tree exhibition, their poetry collections on the middle row, and their epics on the upper row. They say that this literary heritage encourages the reader to perfection and they call the tree "Perfect Man". Pupils' answers are strengthened and pupils are encouraged. "Microphone in my hand" role-playing game
In order to develop students' creativity and prepare them for the next topic, a role-playing game "Microphone in my hand" will be held. 3-4 students will have the opportunity to show their talents. Students choose envelopes one by one. Excerpts from the poems or works of art given in the envelope are recited in a role, and the rest of the students evaluate them.
Envelope 1
Hey, I'm here… Are you listening, Hey, I'm here again…
Look, my dear, I've come in again. Do you remember that every year with the arrival of spring I took you to the fields. You would be happy to see the bright sun, the clear sky, the blue May salami. Do you remember when you rubbed the flowers your granddaughter picked on your eyes and made them "goodbye"...
Today... you've got a flower growing on your head... No, no, baby...
I'm not crying. I know you get upset when I cry. Now…now will pass. That's it... (from Otkir Hashimov's short story "World affairs")
Envelope 2
I wake up startled, my mother is next to me.
His kind hands are on my head - Why are you crying, my lonely lamb? The night is long, go to sleep, close your eyes. Rest, I will tell you God. I will wake you up in the morning with a kiss on your forehead. (From Erkin Vahidov's epic "Nido") Envelope 3 How many days have you been restless? I can't come to my senses. My mother comes in and out of my dreams at night. White gloves in his hands glisten in the moonlight. My mother beckons me to her Brows. They sometimes bring excitement in their eyes. It's time to go to bed, he says, come and stay, boy. (Abdulla Oripov) Envelope 4 - On the night of Tunov, it was raining heavily. When I come here, the street is dark. The wind came in through the window of the lantern and turned it off. When I went to the stream, something splashed the water. When I looked to see what was going on, I saw that a man older than me was jumping from the ditch. (From Aibek's story "Fanorchi Ota")
At the end of the lesson, grades are announced, and active students are awarded "The most active student", "The most knowledgeable student", "The most intelligent student", "The most intelligent student", "The most resourceful student". "Student" and "Most active group" nominations are awarded. Assignment of homework: Homework is assigned via monitor.
1. 5th grade Literature textbook Chief editorial office of "Sharq" publishing-source joint-stock company. Tashkent - 2011
2. Developmental educational technology (in the example of mother tongue and literary sciences)
Letter of recommendation of the Republican Education Center of the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
3. "Nido" epic by Erkin Vahidov.
4. Information from the websites "",,

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