The updated Constitution is my Constitution


Our Constitution is the main legal document of our country, the standard of our life. Every aspect of society, people's daily life is closely related to the standards and norms defined in our General Dictionary.
One of the important features of the establishment of democratic principles in the country is measured by the existence of a multi-party system in the society. In our country, this principle is first of all enshrined in our constitution. Today, political parties are required to take an active part in the development of the country by using their constitutional rights, to make alternative proposals based on their programmatic ideas for the further development of society, and to be more proactive in effectively protecting the interests of their electorate. . This will serve to ensure the effectiveness of the large-scale reforms implemented in the way of the formation of a new democratic legal state and the settlement of civil society.
The newly revised constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan is closely related to the concepts of social justice, freedom and equality, and the principle based on the principles of the priority of human rights and the principles of mutual political and legal responsibility of the state and the citizen in defining the legal status of a person and the state is a new concept. based on which the category of human rights was strengthened at the constitutional level for the first time.
At this point, it should be noted that our country has achieved extensive achievements and milestones recognized by the world community in the path of independent development. Our national economy is developing steadily, its stable growth rates, and the well-being of the population is increasing year by year. In a word, at the root of the increasing prestige of our country in the world community lies, first of all, the newly revised Constitution and its norms that fully embody humanitarian ideas.
Amendments and additions were made to our constitution in accordance with specific stages of Uzbekistan's development. The main goal of these reforms was to further democratize society. The words of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, about our constitution, "The Constitution must become a real life community, which is deeply rooted in the mind and heart of every citizen and fully guarantees their rights and freedoms," were implemented today.
These reforms aimed at the democratization of state administration, realization of the constitutional rights of citizens in these processes ultimately strengthen the guarantees of the rights and freedoms of our citizens.
The new version of the constitution will start a new era in the development of the new Uzbekistan. In the words of the Honorable President, if we implement the constitutional reform through a referendum based on the opinion and support of our citizens, it will literally be an expression of the will of our people - a real people's constitution. In fact, the norms defined in the Constitutional Law are important because they are aimed at protecting our rights and interests.
In particular, in Article 54 of our new Constitution, "Ensuring human rights and freedoms is the highest goal of the state. It can be seen that the idea of ​​human dignity is embodied in the fact that the state ensures the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen established in the Constitution and laws.
Uzbekistan is a country of youth. Therefore, special attention is paid to youth education and development. First of all, the legal basis for organizing work in this area is being improved. Article 79 of our New Dictionary states that "The state ensures the protection of the personal, political, economic, social, cultural, and environmental rights of young people, and encourages their active participation in the life of society and the state." The state creates conditions for the formation and development of young people intellectually, creatively, physically and morally, for the realization of their rights to education, health care, housing, employment, employment and recreation. "We are sure that the legal and social protection of young people and support of their talent is at the core of this statement.
The new Constitution begins a new era in the development of New Uzbekistan. “…. The Council of People's Deputies is headed by a chairman elected from among its deputies in accordance with the law. A person holding the position of regional, district, or city mayor cannot simultaneously hold the position of chairman of the Council of People's Deputies..." It serves to strengthen parliamentary and public control in the implementation of socio-economic and political-legal reforms, renewal and modernization of the country.
In our updated General Dictionary, the rights, freedoms and obligations of a person and a citizen are implemented on the basis of equality and equal rights. Therefore, in the referendum on the Constitution, every article of which protects human dignity and determines the new development of New Uzbekistan, I will proudly participate in the referendum saying "the updated constitution of New Uzbekistan is my constitution."
Sardorbek Kasimov,
Member of the Union of Writers of Uzbekistan,
People's deputies of Andijan district
Council deputy.

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