The development of the child by months


The development of the child by months

⭐️First month. It can be called the "adaptation" period. 70 percent of the time a child sleeps. By the end of the first month, he learns to hold his head for a long time, look at a point, listen to voices, and make his own voice.
Weight: + 600-700 gr. Height: + 2-3 cm

⭐️Second month. The child holds his head firmly, not only recognizing loved ones, but also separating emotions and responding to them.
Weight: + 700-1000 gr. Height: + 3 cm

⭐️Third month. The child holds his head firmly, leaning on his shoulders for some time if he is lying on his stomach. By this time, the focus is on brightly colored toys, making not only vocal but also muted sounds. The time between sleeps is 1-1,5 hours. The biggest win is being able to take the sucker out of his mouth independently and try to put it back in his mouth.
Weight: + 800-1000 gr. Height: + 2,5-3 cm

⭐️Fourth month. The toddler moves independently from the shoulder to the abdomen, leans comfortably on the arm, and leans on the arm while lying on the abdomen. During this period, the child tries to sit up. He stretches out on the toys, watches them, takes them in his mouth. He distinguishes his relatives from strangers and recognizes his own horse.
Weight: + 700 gr. Height: + 2,5 cm

⭐️Fifth month. At five months of age, the toddler tends to sit more independently and can sit if held. He is now more active, playing happily, striving for his parents. Most children start to erupt teeth.
Weight: + 700 gr. Height: +2.5 cm

⭐️Sixth month. The child is still unable to sit independently, but no longer needs to be held while sitting. He bends his legs while lying on his stomach and tries to stand on all fours. He crawls on his stomach and can drink tea from a cup if he is held.
Weight: +700 gr. Height: +2.5 cm

⭐️Seventh month. The child becomes more active, active, rolls over, crawls. He grabs something and starts to get up. At this age, he remembers the names of things and is able to point them out.
Weight: + 600 gr. Height: +2 cm

⭐️Eighth month. The range of emotions expands. The child consciously says the words “mother,” “father,” “give,” and so on. Familiar moves freely on the ground and walks freely if there is a base.
Weight: +600 gr. Height: +2 cm

⭐️Ninth month. The little one is not afraid or just sits down and tries to climb on the sofa, chairs. Remembers the names of things, shows them. He tries to eat with a spoon. At this age, fine motor skills begin to develop actively.
Weight: +600 gr. Height: +2 cm

⭐️Tenth month. The child begins to repeat the behavior of adults. He plays with an independent toy and can turn the pages of a book. With the help of adults, he happily plays with other children. He crawls fast and tries to walk independently. Fine movements are improved, allowing you to hold multiple objects by hand. He starts saying the names of things, animals.
Weight: +350 gr. Height: +1 cm

⭐️Eleventh month. At the age of eleven months, the child will then have all the skills that will only improve. Active moves, walks independently, eats with a spoon, can wear socks, shoes, can distinguish the tone of his parents' words.
Weight: +350 gr. Height: +1 cm

⭐️The twelfth month. At the age of one, the child not only becomes independent in his behavior, but also begins to "care" for his loved ones. He behaves, chooses food, chews hard food, drinks from a bowl. The dictionary consists of 10-15 words.
Weight +350 gr. Height +1 cm.

Source © @Tips_to_young_mothers

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