Oriyat (Blessed Girl)


"You've talked so long, girl?" Is the phone overheated? Now he shouts "dod", - said Maqsuda jokingly to his daughter. But he was angry. Her daughter's words to her friend were ringing in her ears.
"Did he get a shirt for three hundred dollars for one meeting?" Awesome! People know how to live. I'm not surprised if it touches any tycoon on the go…
Maqsuda understands that someone took her daughter to a meeting to show her to someone. It was an interesting time though. Girls post pictures on the internet, dress nicely, put on make-up, and do a photo shoot on purpose. Then the guys will buy them.
"Yes, my daughter, did you rub and talk?" Said Maqsuda, looking at her with a smirk, as if she had hurt her heart when her daughter had finished speaking.
"Oh, this Guli's mother is great."
"What's great?"
"He took a three-hundred-dollar shirt and put it on Guli." Somewhere, a rich man was getting married, so he found an invitation and took Gul.
"What will Guli do at the rich man's wedding?"
"Oh, bear, you're so naive." Or rather, he is looking for a full-fledged family. Deliberately taken.
"Well, did he find that rich family?"
- One of them was hanged, sooner or later they will meet…
Maqsuda sat staring at the Prince's mouth for a moment. Her daughter narrated these words as if she were saying simple things. Then he got up and tried to distract himself. But inwardly something tormented him, "What is happening to us?" he would voice in his mind what he had just heard. In the midst of these thoughts, the words he had heard from his neighbor the night before came to life again.
"She was dating a girl from Samarkand and a guy from Fergana," said a neighbor.
"It's been a long time, have their parents given it to you?"
"They're dating so they don't get bored."
- Mamadali was playing hostage with his friends. Did you say, "I'll go with this beautiful girl at least once"?
"Yeah, isn't that a rumor?"
"Would they gossip?"
Maqsuda remembers that when he heard such rumors, he could not bear a single word and turned his whole life upside down. Over time, people's attitudes to the concepts of "word" and "aryat" have changed so much, why did Maqsuda do that at that time, huh ?!
* * *
It all just started. Three days later was Maqsuda's wedding. She was getting married to the one she loved. His whole mind was occupied with the wish, "Let my comrades come."
"Hey girl, look at the sarpos!" Said his mother once. He didn't care about the purpose. "Would Sarpo-sarpo decrease or increase as soon as I saw it?" said inside.
"Maqsu, my aunt is calling you," said her uncle's daughter. The goal was to put on what he thought was harm to him.
"Why not?" He said, not wanting to be distracted.
"It's serious."
He got up in pain. When he entered the house, his mother, his uncle's wife, and a couple of other close relatives were whispering.
"By the way, my daughter, we've said several times that you should see the sarpos from the groom's side," said his uncle's wife, for some reason playing the table pop.
"You've seen it."
"We saw it." Don't worry, Maqsuda, Kuda's side is very low. The aunt of Buvsora, who lived across the street, had a better gift than you, 'said her aunt.
It was as if a bitter fire was running from the head to the feet of the target.
- What? His voice trembled.
- There are no traditional fabrics now. The fabrics used for shopping came only…
He was silent for a moment. As if waiting, his uncle's wife agreed:
"While you're cooking, a woman asks, 'Why are you doing this?' “She fell in love with my son,” he said. If I give a good sarpo, the wedding will pass. I still have a child to marry. ”
It was as if lightning had struck the target.
"Did he say that?" Is that exactly what he said ?! Said Arang. Seeing that the color was starting to turn blue, her mother immediately tried to alleviate the situation:
"It's one thing, boy." You don’t really need any sarpo. Here we have five suitcases, your clothes are jammed.
But the bullet had already come out of loyalty.
"Did he say that?" Maqsuda asked again and went straight to her mother and lifted the bundle. "That's what Sharofat Chevar sent me!" "No one spoke." "If that's the case, I won't even put these rags on my feet!" Take it! "That's how he threw the bundle out of the window."
"It's a shame, my daughter!" The words of her aunt, who was named for the wedding, remained in her mouth.
"As an aunt, did you put up with that?" When he said, "He is in love," did you say, "Yes, it is his fault"? Didn't you say that even though I was in love, my nephew didn't even touch that guy's fingernails?
"How do I know?" Said her aunt.
"Don't you know?" Are you still saying, "Loved, now, touching" anyway? Maqsuda's voice was getting louder and louder.
"Hey, girl, it's a crime!" You have brothers and uncles in the yard! Her mother tried to calm her down.
"I don't care who I am!" I touch the dog, but I don’t touch it anymore!
Maqsuda said so, and the condition entered his room and he was imprisoned. He did not include anyone. If someone wants to come in and say, “I’m going to cut my vein now! No one can change my mind, I won't touch it! ” he shouted.
As her decision hardened, a pain tormented her heart. After all, what if they fell in love ?! So should the value be knocked down? Elijah has been following him since he entered the institute. At first, Maqsuda did not pay attention to the fact that he was one of those who followed him. He later became accustomed to Elijah's guard. Whether he went to the movies with his friends or on a trip, he was always relieved to have a bodyguard. His comrades joked to him, "That blacksmith." Because Elijah studied in the evening and worked in the workshop during the day. If he could see Maqsuda in that area, he would follow him in Korjoma. Gradually, all of Maqsuda's lovers gave way to that young man. Because he didn't lean too much on Maqsuda, he was just guarding him.
“What is this? Is it divine love? ” "I'll save it for myself," he would say with a smile, as if his friends were joking.
Even such a humble young man could proudly say, "We fell in love, he will touch me anyway."
The goal was to wait for Elijah, if he came, maybe he would change his mind? But Elijah did not come. "If he doesn't want to touch, don't touch!" he said firmly. “If Maqsuda wanted, I would sew satin from Margilan market to his house. Did he ruin the wedding for this trivial fabric? I have an aria, I am a young man, ”said Elijah.
The wedding was broken. There was a rumor in the village. "As Sharofat went down to say they were in love, Maqsuda's ori came," he said. For several days he lived on his pillar, which he called an aryat. “I did the right thing. Nothing in the world can undermine my dignity. ” Rumors of a "girl with a broken blessing" and "stepping on someone's table" kept circulating until her fiancé Yigitali arrived, but someone was heartbroken and couldn't tell Maqsuda about it. His mother was crying, and his father was out of breath. Finally, Maqsuda was engaged to Yigitali, a young doctor from a neighboring village.
* * *
"Yes, bear, are you still thinking of Guli's mother?" The prince guessed to himself that his mother was leaning against the sofa, meditating.
"No, I'm watching TV," said Maqsuda, smiling at her daughter to get rid of the heavy thoughts. The prince came to his mother and put his head on her shoulder.
"I know the TV is watching you." Don’t pay too much attention to that. As the years go by, attitudes towards some concepts also change.
"But there are things, my daughter, that shouldn't change." Anyway, I don't support mothers who wear shiny dresses to their daughters and take them to the market…
"Then let him stay at home like me?" If the people I study with are people like me. If I like one and a half, it will be like us, not far from it. Do I need this life?
Maqsuda opened her eyes wide and looked at him as if she were seeing her daughter now.
- After all, a person has an aria…
"Hey, bear, what did you find as an aryan?" Do you think he doesn't know me? You are never satisfied with your life. You always thought of that guy you've been dating for five years…
"Never!" He did not come to our house. "What's up?" did not ask!
"Yes, yes, you think so, I said!" That man came, my uncles did not let me into the house. "Will the groom enter the house with six sons before the wedding?" they said.
Hearing her daughter's words, it was as if medicine was running away from Maqsuda's limbs.
"You… How do you know that?" He said with difficulty.
- I know more. No one came to you with a broken heart. The relatives of Ilyas aka, who spread the rumor that he was nervous. "He had a seizure," they said. Then Ilyas aka came to the man and said: “He is clean from his nails to his hair. I guarded it like a dog for five years, but I didn’t let it near me. We both made a fool of ourselves. I can't marry her anymore. If I get married, I will be bent over my parents. You marry, don't be unhappy. " Maqsuda stared at the Prince and fell silent. "Oh, I didn't mean to hurt you." I… You always say ‘aryat’. You don’t know that times have changed.
"Did he just tell you that?"
"Yes, when you were in the hospital, he said, 'Your heart is full, you have to take care of it.'
He was silent on purpose. But something inside seemed to fall out. He was always comforted when he thought of the past associated with Elijah, saying, "I did not strike my dignity to the ground." What does he say now? Where and from what does he find solace ?!