The largest reservoirs in the world and the reservoirs in our country


The largest reservoirs in the world and the reservoirs in our country

The role of reservoirs in our lives is always huge. Below we see the largest reservoirs in the world and in our country and the cost of them (in parentheses today with inflation):

1. Victoria - Uganda, 1954 (renovated in 2012)
Total capacity: 205 km³
Cost of renovation and construction of GIES: $ 800 million
2. Bratskoe (Russia, 1967)
Total capacity: 169 km³
Construction cost: $ 68 million ($ 533 million)
3. Caribbean. (Zambia, 1963)
Total capacity: 160 km³
Construction cost: $ 135 million ($ 1 billion 59 million)

1. Charvoq (Tashkent, 1978)
Total capacity: 2 km³
2. Talimarjan (Kashkadarya, 1985)
Total capacity: 1,5 km m³
3. Tudakul. (Navoi, 1979)
Total capacity: 1,2 km m³

Information on how much the Uzbek reservoirs were built for has not been officially disclosed in any source.

Recall that the capacity of 1 km = is equal to 1 million m³

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