The old man who entered the chimpanzee


His body was made of solid, his height was like a mirzaterak; When you talk about old age and helplessness, there is still no fool who can take the old man by the neck. Tolanboy is like a chilled horse, even though his father is in his seventies! While some of his companions are envious of his day-to-day life, others are jealous.
A crawling child will have an enemy pulling at his heels. Five or six years ago, the father's honest wife was "unfaithful." He left his father alone and half left. Dad lay alone and walked alone. The value of his pillow, who left for the "country" prematurely, was known.
You did it to yourself, you sleep alone…
Fortunately, the words of the father's obedience - the coffin-bearers and his sons and daughters came together and began to look for a worthy "companion" for him. At first, the father refused. "Boys and girls, will I laugh in front of brides ?!" he said. His friends, who grew up kicking him in the street as a child, said, “Loneliness is good for one person, but for a slave, one head is for trouble, and two heads are for soup. A person your age needs a mahram. ” Now Tolanboy has only the pure nature, the intellect, which corresponds to the age and taste of the father, which is surrounded by a whirlwind of butterflies, and which is the head of his sons and daughters, the yard is full of brides and grooms, children. Even if he does not see y, he will have to find a woman who has seen sand and whose pedigree has not been crossed. But did they prepare such a delicate woman? They went in search. They searched. It has been found, but one is both short and slender. Someone's hair is down, and he's a little crazy. The other is compatible in every way, and if the ancestor is questioned, the problem will be solved. One is a goat that the market has seen. Someone saw the door, but did not see the cradle. Another put himself on the market…
One day, when the world was bright, he went to Friday prayers with his father. He walked through the stalls before the prayer began. He had inspected the bazaar. He bought all kinds of toys for his grandchildren, such as "my ball, you hit the ball, if you hit it, you run away." Vegetable racks are also included. A woman in her forties, with thick eyebrows, who did not look at you even if you spoke to her and looked at her like a frog, was buying potatoes, carrots and onions. Father's heart sank. Andak seemed stunned. After squeezing his lungs a little:
"If he doesn't look like the owner of the property, he will die unclean." Really, my daughter? He said. When there was no sound from the woman, he tried to weigh the potato in his hand like a bowl. Then he continued, rubbing the potatoes between his palms. "Your cattle look like good cattle, my daughter." Your land is not sandy, I say. Your old man says so. - He put the potatoes in place and picked up the carrots like a sumac. "I've never seen such a carrot." It's shining! If the rent is sabzing, though! There is a lot of talk on the ground. But she looks at the process, my daughter. He put the carrot in its place, rubbed his palms together and dusted it. - The modern men, my daughter, the modern man, my daughter, sent a bride like you to the market and said o'zi
“When I go up to Layla's roof, the geese are roaring.
Husbands stay at home and wives trade ”
like, ah, my daughter… What, groom… or my daughter? So how long has this oil been in, my daughter?
The woman did not answer. Then he spoke again; he also spoke in biblical language, Ergash Jumanbulbul also mentioned that he and his son had a grateful visit; sometimes he said "no", sometimes he said "no"… Apparently, this joke touched the soul of the buyer's diydiyo, and finally the woman said:
"Father, what do you want?"
Tolanboy's father was in a hurry. There was no language to say you had to. After all, an old man with an old age, a yard full of bridesmaids, grandchildren - it's not good for the ears. Moreover, it is not for nothing that it is said not to cross the surface of an untested horse. It is necessary to pull the reins. If he does it again, the veil may be lifted from his face. So, when he could not get a good answer from the woman (the father knew only what he meant by a good answer), he bought three or four kilos of carrots and onions at the stated price, if necessary. the prayer, which was presented in an old paper bag, was given to an old woman who was begging at the crossroads, and after a long blessing from her, her prayers began on Friday. In the mosque, when he heard the "Amri Maruf" on the topical issue of our time - the fight against religious fanaticism and terrorism, he staggered, bowed in prostration, and then returned home with a rough plan. He returned home, but his heart did not return - he stayed with the woman.
The father did not miss Friday prayers. He did not join the church every time as an excuse. Sometimes he did not forget to point out that he would not become an imam anyway.
To tell the truth, the father had put a pinch of coal in the woman's heart as well. Although experienced, his words also have weight, not liquid, meaningful. There is nothing wrong with his behavior.
The next prayer was a little different on Friday. He shaved his beard, it was smooth. He did the opposite of what your mother told your father not to do. He said, "Yes, you are like a horse in a herd." Dad fooled himself into saying yes, what happened.
This time he went early for Friday prayers. Finding a convincing excuse, he parted company with them along the way. It hit the vegetable market itself. However, the woman's black body was not visible. Yoyma, speculative, fruit, confectionery, whiteness, clothing rastas traveled one by one. He looked at Tim without melting either. He was unnoticed. He finally asked the women around him. "He hasn't come in a week," was the reply. The father's taste fled. He was stunned, not knowing what to do. Shalvirabgina entered the mosque, but this time, no matter how topical the "commandment" was, he did not hear anything. Finally, he returned home like a hunter who had not come from a hunting bar.
His eyes waited for the next Friday to come. He goes out to Guzar and watches the cockfighting of his fellow villagers and the quarrels of the amateur gamblers who are falling in love in the shed. The eldest son read a lot of books in Tashkent. This son has a strange habit: when he goes to Tashkent, he always brings a bunch of books to his father - as if his eyes are flying and he has to read. He doesn't read even if he dies, he wants to sleep when he grabs a book. True, sometimes it comes from books that the father likes. For example, last year he cited the book "Sayhon" by Tora Sulayman, originally from Bakhmal. Dad read it over and over and concluded, "Turaboy is a burnt slave like us."
Nemat, remember that one day we will call this Tora buvang to slaughter a sheep. ” His son agreed. Three or four days later, the father changed his mind and said, "If he is a poet, let him not laugh at us."
The days were hard to go by. It was as if a month had passed and a year had passed. Finally, Friday came, and he went to Friday prayers again. Surprisingly, the same thing happened again. He did not meet the man who claimed to have seen that woman. Disappointed, for some reason he went to the labor market. There is no place to walk or sit - men on one side and women on the other. It ranges from a young bride to an elderly woman. Some of them are ashamed and confront the person who has become a "buyer": "Take me, bake me, I'm happy x" Others shrug as if they have committed a crime. He pulls them to the side, draws the ground. Their heads are covered, their lips are cracked, and their faces are flushed.… And they seem to have forgotten that they came to the labor market, to hang on to what they have, and to flirt again!
Dad began to look at the working women from one side, and his heart sank at the sight of her. The woman took refuge, as if she had seen her father walking in the market from afar. Dad was also embarrassed. It was as if he had seen a weak relative who had been born and held in the place of this woman. He felt humiliated and humiliated. He went closer. Like a man of condolence, he said, "Hello, my daughter." The father spoke in a tone of "slavery." The woman felt it too. "Thank you," he whispered.
"I was looking for you last week and today." Here I finally found it, 'said the father.
"Yes, now," she said, looking at the ground.
Dad didn't know what else to say. The woman was embarrassed to be standing here. Finally, the father said:
"Theft is a crime, my daughter." It's a shame, my daughter. But it's not your fault. Come on, I'll take you. Our house is not far. In the evening the boys bring it and leave.
"Thank you, brother. Someone needs to leave today." I said I would come home early.
She had previously referred to him as "father," this time as "brother." With that one word, he declared himself close to his father, his father close to him. Dad felt it. Sezdiyu's respect for the woman increased even more.
"Where are your houses, sister?" - Now she also moved to "my sister". "Who do you have?" Your fiancé…
The woman suddenly replied:
- Our house is on the outskirts of the city - in the village of Ulugbek. Old Zhdanov collective farm. You asked my master, he is in pain. It doesn't work. Andy…
The woman swam to the ground.
Dad turned the conversation the other way:
"Sister, can you wait until I get to Friday prayers?"
- What if the buyer comes?
"You promised someone."
"Wow, am I lying?"
Dad didn't know what to say. Even if he knew, what would suddenly lead this woman home? After all, he is not looking for a working woman from home, and there is no need for a laborer.
"If not, I'll come here after Friday prayers." If someone doesn't take it, we'll talk, 'said the father.
"All right," she said.
After the prayer, his friends invited him to join them, but he went to the labor market under the pretext that he had work to do. Kelsa has no "sister". He waited for a while. He then asked the women who were sitting on the pistachio. "Someone took it," they replied. Someone offered himself, crossing his father's path.
"I gave him a candy bar," said his father, and exclaimed, "God forgive me."
Now there was no choice but to return home.
He drank all night that night. It was as if his own wife or his own sister had gone to the labor market and taken him to a rich man's house. When he took her home, he touched her and spat on her shoulders, saying, "Astagfurillah."
The woman was funny, she was as beautiful as a dress that hasn't been shed yet. It was obvious from her face that she was a dreamer, not a street woman.
At dawn he had a hearty breakfast and hurried to the city as fast as he could. Nemat, the eldest son, said, "Father, I will take you in the car." "All right," he said. The son drove his father to the place he had told him in the brand new Nexia. "Shall I wait?" he asked. "No, go away"
The "sister" did not appear again. The labor market has turned one, turned two - no. He prayed the noon prayer in the mosque. After the prayer, he was surprised to see old men playing "pirra" lying on a bench in the courtyard of the mosque.
"It's not gambling, it's just a game," explained one of the old men.
- If you want to join, find a partner. The losers go out, you go in instead. But defeats give the winners two livers, 'said the old man, who had taken off his mercury turban.
"I have davleniya, I don't eat liver," said the father.
This day, too, returned in despair. There is no excuse for him to go to Ulugbek in search of his "sister". What's going on? What do people in the house think, what do they say, even if they make their faces hard? ..
He was upset all night again. He prayed two rak'ahs of supererogatory prayer until dawn. After dawn, his heart suddenly lit up: after all, in the village of Ulugbek lives an old acquaintance - Toshpolat otogasi! Look what he didn't remember before! Father went to Ulugbek.
Fortunately, his father was at home. He was disappointed. In the beginning, he sold nonsense from the garden, from the rust, from time to time, turned the sentence around and talked about the "sister". After that, the conversation continued. As if to say that there is no shame in the Shari'a, the father recounted his adventures one by one. Of course, from time to time, this five-day world also insisted that no one would be faithful.
"A poet named Aliakbar Sabir lived in Azerbaijan about a hundred years ago," he said.
"Well?" Toshpolat pulled the pillow under his armpit and laid it on his side.
The poet said, "Cursed be the life of this world, cursed be the faithfulness of life."
"Oh, it's blue, it's tied!"
- Now, there is nothing left for you, our grave is close to the net…
Toshpolat was well aware of the old woman's return and took part in the condolence. He reassured his father once more, and then began to talk about the "sister" described above:
"It's true that God does less than good." She was one of the first daughters of the village. But she has no children from her first marriage. The blame falls on Marjong. They make a living for ten years and get divorced. Then he touched a dead man with three children and a wife in our village - he had no children in Esirgap. He raised three children. Papal like his own child, washed white, combed white. He handed over his two daughters and married his son. The boy came out unscathed. He has no job and no means of subsistence. Ichkuyov lives in Yangiyul. Here, on the day of Esirgapding, Marjong was left with a crimson applause. Does not join the trio. Marjon is shaking her head amal
When he heard this, it was as if he had met Hizr, not his father. But for now he did not give a secret, said goodbye and returned home. She found out that her sister's name was Marjon.
The next day he went to the labor market again. Surprisingly, the man he was looking for was standing aside.
"Marjan, how are you? Are you all right?"
"Thank God." How are you, brother?
Marjon wondered: how did he know the name "brother"? He was unaware that his "brother" had already found the tip of the iceberg. First she was "my daughter", then she was "my sister", now she can easily say her name and feel it.
In any case, the distance between "brother" and "sister" was getting closer.
"Come on, let's talk in a quiet place," said the father.
Marjon followed him silently.
They went and sat under a suspension bridge over the railway connecting the city of Gulistan with the city of Obod. They talked.
"Marjon, to be honest, I've been looking for you for three weeks."
"Brother, what are you looking for now?" I have no trace left. I was touched by a dog. No lion with water will come to the place where the dog's beak touches.
"What do you mean?" What, are you calling me a lion?
"That's what I mean."
"As you can see, life is harder than stone." When you first met me, I was buying carrots and onions, I was shopping. But what you call a market is worse than an open grave: from a pattachi to a mirshab, from a mirshab to a doctor. If necessary, every inch of space is sold. The money I earned from speculation did not cover the cost of a rental car.
"Kartishka, aren't carrots and onions from your own garden?"
"No, I couldn't do it alone."
"What about your husband?"
Marjon is a little confused.
"My husband, my husband. It's not easy for him either." What he earned on the collective farm blacked out the black pot. It doesn't pay for three or four months, and what I give is… Berga's cake,… until dawn. Eventually they forced themselves to drink. He connects day to night, night to day, "zapoy".
Although he had learned everything from his father Toshpolat's father, he spoke without knowing it:
"What about your children, they've become programmers?"
"We are the ones who were beaten by the gods and pushed by the prophet's staff. Let me tell you about it… Well, brother, put it down now. I can’t go home empty-handed without survival. They are looking at me.
The father, too, pretending to be in a hurry, moved on to the indallo of the sentence:
"Marjan, it's not good for me to see you holding me like that." Now you ask me, "Let me go?" … The family of one of our uncles is broken. I'm looking for a woman who has never seen the city. He was in his seventies, but he was a strong old man. From grown-up slaves. We have been questioning the worthy one for almost a year. One is young and the other is idle. One is a real idol, the other is more satanic. One of them is a widow and has grandchildren. Now if you keep an eye on it too. There is a little message from God that if you were a woman with a head like ours, you would be doing a good deed.
Of course, Marjon had no idea who his "brother" meant.
"There's a woman in our village, as you say, but there's no one left who hasn't asked for her." Her firm response was, “I can’t scream at the ghost of my husband who has gone to the real world. The field is full of sheep, and the field is full of straw. Even if it's foggy, don't come back to this house. ” After that, the bridesmaids stopped walking…
When the father heard his sister's words, he said to himself:
"It's noon." I fired you too. Your reward today is on my neck. Take this and go home in small pieces. 'He handed me a handful of money. "My advice to you is do whatever you want, but stop coming to the labor market today!"
The father generously sprinkled salt on Marjan's incurable wound. The woman wept silently, her humiliation came. Although he asked for it, he did not receive the money from his "brother". Dad was not empty either:
"Well, it's a debt." You return it the day the bird sits in your hand. Be, be blessed, be!
Marjan was extremely tired.
"If he doesn't turn away from me, let him turn away from God," he said, taking the money. "Now let me answer your question, 'Don't come back to the labor market.' I know for a fact that making money this way is a joke. It went through my head. It is better for a woman to make a living than to work for a living. A working woman is a slave to money. He does what he says, the investor is not left to his own devices. I was standing here one day. An elderly man came and said, "Sister, we have a day's work." Well, I said. He got in his car and drove away. He lived in Dom. We entered the house. She was greeted by a young woman wearing gold jewelry from her hand to her neck. Then he pointed to the royal table and said sit down. I said I didn't come here for hospitality, I came to work, show me what I do. Get some food first, then we'll show you, if you work, you won't run away, he said. He said - he said, he said - he said. As soon as I put the blanket on, the old woman closed the door and went out. The man sat down next to me and began to say, "Take it." I was like a bird trapped in a cage. I felt like I was drinking a spoonful or two of soup from a porcelain bowl. Suddenly my mouth went dry and my throat went dry. All I wanted now was something cold. Gradually I felt dizzy, my eyes narrowed, and I lost consciousness, apparently. I don't know the fat. When I opened my eyes, my limbs were not mine… Finally the woman came in. He said, "Have a good rest." Yes, I said. I said Rosa had a good rest. I said you have a good profession. My profession is ahead of yours…. Now I had no choice but to leave. They put a bundle of money next to me. I aimed the money at the woman's face. I said thank you for teaching me to make a living in the wake of Tanpurush, for the school you opened. I said one day I would come and shake your hand and take your hand. The woman groaned. That bezbet also made a noise. I went out and left. I looked like a dog robber day And you're talking about me as a man! On top of that, you’re humane.
Dad knew Marjon was in pain, but he never thought he was in so much pain. A pure, simple woman… It was the first time she had seen such a woman. The father was the first to discover that women had their own world, and that it was a mystery when it existed. he thought. No, he must not have been happy, on the contrary, he was astonished and amazed at the new world. Father was also astonished, because this was the first time he had visited such a "flower garden". In fact, he hadn't been so open with his wife. He was walking in and out of one door. He had never met a foreign woman in his life, he had never inadvertently solved his "whistle". He doesn't know much.
Time is also turning to prayer. It's time to say goodbye.
* * *
The state in which Marjon lived with her first husband for more than ten years became known as the "barren woman". There was nowhere to go, no footsteps, no doctor, no doctor, no storyteller, no kisser. To no avail. It remained as Bedov. Her husband married a woman with one child. This woman did not give birth either. After that, Marjon seemed to be acquitted:
"Her breasts are flat with her breasts."
"Marjond's breasts and buttocks are on the ground." Here you go!
"She didn't have a child with her second husband, did she?"
"It's funny, a man who's been drinking all the time burns vodka on his back." Even if you have a child, it will not be whole: you will be paralyzed or deaf.
"There's life in that."
* * *
So now it was clear to Tolanboy's father what the work would begin and end with. Only the fall of the lover or the fall of the lover; Whether it is chikka or pukka depends on Toshpolat otoga. After all, it is not in vain that they say that foxes everywhere are hunted by the dust of the earth.
Dad locks the room from the inside and turns on the radio. The famous singer sang:
“At first glance, copper has the same color as gold,
The price of copper is different, the price of gold is different. ”
On the surface, all women are one woman. But if you go into the world of women and check their hearts out! The difference between a woman and a woman, eh-ha… As Hafiz said, one is gold and the other is copper. Some are ohu, some are ogu. One is hell, one is heaven…
Whether he walked or stood, it was as if a light was coming into his heart. One night he had a dream: it was as if the light of his house was shining brightly. Since then, the father's bones are light and his heart is clear.
Not wanting to go to Toshpolat's house, he sent his eldest son to Ulugbek: “My father wants me to come, my son. As you go to bed, your grandfather's taste is getting worse. ”
The father's family hurriedly got dressed for the fire, as they had become less frequent since the break, and set off with the eldest of his neck.
The two loved ones struggled all night. The father poured out his grief to his friend. Without turning the sentence on its head, he went on to say:
"I'll tell you what, when you're our age, no one can find you without a tanmahram, not even a noskovog." Didn’t the boys move? What about you?
- I am grateful to the boys, especially my eldest son. But his whereabouts were not found. You know, we're a year old now. It will not go away, it will not go away. I’m not idle myself. But he is not going to be stabbed. Now, to tell you the truth, what have I done that I have not hidden from God from my servant? A woman named Marjon from your village is coming to my destination. That is the purpose of calling you.
"Yes, she has a husband!"
"A woman with a husband can't go to the labor market!" I was not impressed with her husband’s bravery.
"There's life in that, mate."
“I first saw him selling vegetables and onions at a vegetable stand. A couple of weeks later I met him at the labor market. I said.
"When they weren't farming. Her husband was always drunk." He used to be a straight guy. His wife died, leaving him with three children. He then married Marjong.
"They don't farm." He would pick up the cartridge and sell it in small pieces. When he did not benefit from it, he turned to labor.
"If there is." I'll go and ask. A woman's hard work… As far as I know, you seem to have cooked the job.
"God is a witness, it's not like that." This is how her chaste femininity is known
stands. But from her husband…
- Good. I will reach the end of this work.
* * *
Weeks passed.
One evening, a boy who was making tea at a wedding party visited the fireplace.
"Grandpa Toshpolat, go to the Esirgap brothers immediately." The guest has come, 'he said.
The nature of today's gathering in the Esirgap family was similar to the extraordinary convening of a Soviet-era district committee bureau meeting.
Marjon wrote a letter to his brothers saying "come and go". Upon hearing this news, his parents and brothers arrived from the village of Kangli in Jizzakh. Marjon opened the Bureau:
"The ancient secretaries have left their mark on the forehead of misery." I'm struggling with just one nail. As a result, I became evil. Now my patience for this oil is over. That is the purpose of my calling you.
Although the eldest brother, who was walking on his hands, sensed his sister's intentions, he put himself in a daze:
"What's he talking about?" Please explain. '
"Which one should I explain, brother?" Half my life has passed without an explanation, without an explanation. Now this oil…
At that moment the mother intervened:
"I will die before you are so unhappy, my daughter!" In our lineage, there has never been a woman who has been branded an infertile woman, a bedouin. I wonder why my God pinched you with a single nail ?! My son, are you the only woman in this country who was not born? .. If you were called rich, you were a girl worthy of a khan… Now, let the groom, who has a great fortune, speak. What is it?
Where is the bridegroom, who pours out all his words: Esirgap is sitting on his shoulder, and he doesn't seem to care if the ground is cut and the sky is broken. He was preoccupied with himself, as if he had been caught in a tugai. It has already become a trade. To him, this side of the river was the same as that side. If there was a sound from the ground, it would come out, and there would be no sound.
It was Marjon himself:
"I'm not easy on this man either." This has been the case since I came home. At first he didn’t drink so much, he wasn’t so carefree. It worked well, and our immortal day was passing. Monthly salaries were being pushed back. Gradually he stopped. Then he started drinking. His mouth, which spoke "you," shifted to "you." "Hey, that's your mother who gave birth to you." I did not shout, I did not shout, I did not shout, I did not shout, I did not shout, I did not shout, I did not shout, I did not shout. I swallowed something. Behold, my neighbors are witnesses.
His neighbor, a man who had worked on the collective farm for many years, agreed with Marjon:
"Speaking of God, we know everything." Yes, the Goddess of Mercy is a nail in the coffin. We don’t know any other flaws. The fault lies in the fact that this household is shaken. We know that he was walking around the market and entering the street of labor. That's what happens to a woman! Esirgap was also a young man. The house was shaken after it was broken. We thought that after marrying Marjong, his life would be better…
Marjon's brother could not bear the words "he entered the street of labor". The word bothered her, and she begged her sister to explain. Marjon recounted his experiences from the sidelines. Then the floor came to one of the "members of the bureau" - Toshpolat:
"I'm not the only one who's grateful for Marjon's demeanor, but the old man of our village." God Himself created every good thing in less than one place. Whether it was a horseman or a shepherd (boy or girl), Marjon would not fly from the sky of this village, nor would he land here. I didn't know what was wrong with Esirgap, but for the next three or four years he couldn't go to the place where the heads of five people were. He couldn't pull the cart evenly. My brothers are also surprised. They don’t even look when the time comes. But not everyone is left to fend for themselves. Unless the right hand needs the left hand. Anyway, this is the structure of the house… I don't know what to say.
Esirgap's father, who was sitting among the "members of the bureau" as if the ground cracked and was about to sink into the ground, said:
- My son is empty from the beginning of misery. Adding it to the number of people, it was our previous bride. Nachora, the day is short. He was stunned after that. As for a lice come in and a lice come out… As for Marjong, he has no shortage. It is said that a husband and wife are twins. If the household does not pull the juvenile equally, either the yoke will fail or the bull will die. Marjon hit and kicked herself to keep the family from falling apart. Now that’s what most people call this oil.
Marjan was still sitting without saying the main point. Now came the room to say:
"God forbid, I don't seem to like it." I did my best. I'm tired of this oil. You can spend the day practicing. But my boss has already divorced me three times. He gave me the answer. Now it is unclean for me to live in this house. I was swallowing this gandhi. I can't help but say today. Out of respect for the good and bad days we saw, I thought it was a dog to leave this man alone in a house, ”he pointed to Esirgap. "A dog never leaves its owner." Now, you see, it is not a shame for me to stay in this house for too long.
When the "bureaucrats" heard the "Three Spleen" tree, they felt embarrassed that the house was finished. The embarrassing side for Marjon was that Toshpolat was sitting at this time.
The "Bureau meeting" has come to an end. Marjon's relatives drove home this evening in a car carrying the remains of these unfortunate lizards. Marjon also got into the car crying.
Some time later, her relatives placed Esirgap in a hospital where the traffickers were being treated. After that, in the language of the young and old living in Ulugbek, the high and low of the Esirgap family became a "drum":
"I wish I had a wife and a necklace!" There was no shortage of intelligence, enthusiasm, and demeanor. Honestly, he didn’t fall for the poor man. Now it's gone.
"Shame on the man who put such a woman in the labor market!" Sadqai wife go, sister!
"You don't know those thirties." Not only did he help the people of your country, but he also took them to the black light in his hut. Now that the property will be in the middle, that it will be collective. Now our state does not say that it is a loan, it is a loan, it is a loan. As long as you want to be rich. As long as you can trade, do it. What else do you need? Even after so many opportunities, a man called dod, I didn’t know what kind of man! From time immemorial, even in the time of our Prophet, the kingdom has helped only the disabled and the homeless. A man with four healthy limbs, please pull his cart. I'm not just talking about Esirgap. Now I am talking about ungrateful, helpless people who are complaining about the state.
"You told me about the boy!" Marjan tried her best to keep the black pot boiling. An insane woman, an insane man! I know everything they do. I wish all women were like that. Manaman was a woman who shone the lamp of her house and made a slave. Without you. One says to a thousand, a thousand to a district. Esirgap was not the only one to hurt himself. He brought disgrace on us all,… sale!
"Would he have complained about Esirgap?" In the beginning it was not a grave. On top of that, he became ill. It wasn’t him, it was Marjond’s happiness in the middle. Dod went salty…
* * *
He had never seen or seen the stone move so easily out of the mold. Now it was all about Marjon's birth, more about his brothers.
The next evening, Tolanboy went to his father's house as happy as a hunter from the right side of the hunt. The two companions leaned over and lay down to talk.
"I'll tell you what, I'll make you feel this fat again, and if you put up with it, it looks like you're coming from a friend's hunt." Do you know the village of Kangli in the Yayilma area of ​​Jizzakh?
"What's the matter?"
"The bird you were targeting flew in that direction."
"What do you mean?" Explain.
He told the fire from the beginning what had happened.
"Why don't I know the village of Kangli?" If necessary, we have been friends with them from time immemorial.
"If you've come, you've come." But will Marjon's parents and brothers get used to you? Now it is time to put a respectable person in the middle.
"We'll find him in the officer's office, in the elder's office." Anyway, you're at the beginning of everything. Don't throw yourself around.
"That's enough." Talk about rubbing salt in my wounds - d'oh!
"Let Sarupo turn away from you!" Speaking of Sarupoyam, I ride a horse, a horse. I'm wearing a drummer's coat!
"Hey, I don't know." I wish you would keep your word.
Now it was necessary to find a man in the hand who could not repeat what he had said. In addition, whether or not Tolanboy's family members accept this statement is one of the most important issues.
"I'll tell you what, we're still in heaven, we haven't landed." I don't know how low or high your family is. What do your family members say?
"You're right." My only youngest daughter has been resisting from the start when it comes down to it. He says we won't give my mother's bed to a stranger. My father is also curious that he has the will to get married, even though he is older. He says a few wives can't stand your father's behavior. His brothers saw me pushing and shoving. He refused anyway.
- Yes, it will. The girl's people do not approve of the permission of her mother. The most important thing is that your sons stand on one side.
- I am grateful to my sons. As soon as her mother died, I started looking for a believing woman. Until then, no one could be found.
"Apart from her youth, Marjon is a good woman." The only thing left to do was to persuade him and his relatives.
"She's tired." I feel it in my heart. Now you have to go to the door with a respectable man, vassal.
"All right, buddy."
* * *
It is said that there are many Hizr. After Marjon went to his father's house in a hurry, the word "sovchi" began to appear. Almost all of the groomsmen are burnt slaves - one whose wife has died, one who has put a wife, one who is hard on the nails, and one who is tired of the child. However, all the hunters were returning as foxes, not wolves. All were rejected. Marjon's answer would be, “Would I stay, who would wear the right one! Besides, I was able to touch the ground and get off the ground. Doesn't a husbandless wife lift the ground? If the hand is on the ground, I have lived underground so far… ”
Marjon's mother was one of the craftsmen mentioned in Jizzakh and Zaamin. He is a carpet weaver, a carpet weaver. Gone are the days when Marjon would take herself out of the mirror like a grown girl. Now she regrets that she did not learn her mother's profession before, as the girl who came out said. Nachora, at least it's better late. Moreover, they said that God was tired of idleness. If he sits idle, he can lose respect between his hair and his bride. It is no coincidence that the place of the chilly child is different. Labor is hotter than grass. She vowed to study her mother’s profession. He started by spinning wool and spinning yarn. Between ten and ten days a week, he learned how to process wool, dye yarn, and spin. Zulbarok took the air of knitting before moving on to knitting. He did not escape hardship. How to build a cobweb, how to make benches, how to attach a hoist to a trunk, how to wrap a rope around a rope, how to set a rope, how to strike a sword, how to swing, how to strike pegs, how to straighten legs, and finally , in the order in which he pulled the adargy - he mastered it all, from beginning to end. He also knew how to beat wool, how to separate patty vit from it, and the difference between beating wool and cotton. He took the exercise of how to spin the back with melting. She passed the test several times, showing how to set up and knit a spider in her mother’s eye. Then he received a white blessing from his mother. She gave him a white gift for my husband. Thus he became a chevar.
Shortly afterwards, he began to weave a variety of carpets - Kazakh, Arabic, Kashgar, Iranian, Afghan. In less than a month, he would have missed a single rug. One rug is a lot of money! Excluding labor and expenses, a large household can easily afford a month's worth of bread. The rest is halal bread like mother's milk!
God fixed Marjan's case. Most importantly, there was no "excess" in the family. There was no room for idle talk.
The groomsmen, on the other hand, did not give up. Sometimes his mother would try to guide him:
"Come on, the people who came that day weren't from a bad place." Your father has an opinion on them, too.
"Tell me, are you tired of my behavior?" Are you honest? Or am I bringing you a pump?
"Wow, don't say that!" Doesn’t the child who squeezed my belly fit into our tribe? Does it fit in our yard? But there is still a young man who can make a living, my daughter. We wish you a happy throne, motherfucker!
"Enajon, let me balance myself a little." Then there will be a question… Yes, as I said, what are the brothers saying?
"What will they say after we, the old woman?"
"If they're tired of my march, then you can throw it in the fire or throw it in the oven, I agree!"
"Don't say that, let's go around, don't say that." What, you made a bad name for yourself ?! Did you take the wrong step? Not only did your happiness unfold, my daughter.
Marjan slowly regained her composure: blood ran down her face, and she opened up. The squeamish young men of the village of Kangli also began to stare at him.
Tolanboy's "brother" was thinking of Jizzakh. Finally, a respectable man was found to be the suitor. The people he found were Ahmad Abzi, who was born and raised in the Great Harman and grew up there.
When the cattle returned in the evening, the people of Syrdarya searched for Marjon's house and found it. The hosts also greeted the guests with urine quality.
Marjon recognized one of the guests, Toshpolat Otog, and although he felt that it was not in vain, he was preoccupied with his work, pretending not to know.
A table was set for the guests. At first, he didn't say much. Ahmad Abzi was called Ahmad Donish by his neighbors. Without it, there would be no life, no heat, no gossip. Depending on the nature of the circle, he would immediately take the reins. Here, even now, when things were not going well, Ahmad abzi began to joke. After the joke, the discomfort disappeared. Rosa laughed. Now his words came true. There was talk of slavery and servitude. Adam and Eve left gur Finally, a decision was made. The answer was, "Turn around again and spend a month in between."
Good words are good, good deeds are good. The fact that these people came in good faith was accepted as good news not only by Marjon's relatives, but also by his relatives and neighbors. There was a sign of approval in the faces and expectations of the homeowners.
Tolanboy's father was waiting for the hunters to return as "wolves". He would be heartbroken if he thought that his sons, daughters-in-law, and some of his brave companions would grow old in front of him.
As soon as the day prayer began in the evening, the bridesmaids came in with the embroidery of "Assalamu alaykum". As soon as the table was set, they said that the work had moved easily and that it had come from the right, as if the spear of the hero had touched it and broken it. Of course, Father Tolanboy, who heard the good news, could not find a place to put himself.
* * *
It was a wedding that reached seven climates. Tolanboy's father entered the chimpanzee like a squeaky young man, picked up Marjon, who was as frightened as an eighteen-year-old girl, and gently laid her on the bed, not on the forty-ply bed. The young men of Kayvoi shouted, turned off the light, and went out.
Tolanboy was a young man in his twenties, and Marjon was a girl whose mother had not kissed him. Tolanboy Otabek, Marjon Kumushbibi: "Are you that?" he says, not believing his eyes. "Yes, that's me," says Tolanboy. He reads a ghazal from Fuzuli; the dawns with the ghazal, the days with the sunset… The nights are connected to the days, and the days to the months. The coral fills up like the moon, and as the moon approaches, she sees a boy like a ram. Again, Tolanboy's father's companions gather in this apartment. Toshpolat rides a straw horse, which is given to him as a sovup sarup, and Ahmad Donish is dressed in a drum. The naming ceremony for a baby becomes a formal debate. One of them says, "Let there be seventy," and the other says, "Let there be Tavsan, and Tavsan will come after Tolan." Father Tolanboy himself says, "Bozurgon will be Tora."
Thus, the child's name will be Bozurgon Tora. The step of Bozurgon Tora is blessed: the work of his parents is successful and the house is full of blessings. By the time he was four years old, Tolanboy's father's farm was producing an unprecedented amount of money, and he was miscalculating his income. In the end, at the suggestion of the eldest son, Tolanboy's father bought a new Mercedes. Bozurgon Tora named the car "Du-dut". Every day he starts shouting that he is going to ride in the "Du-dut", the father does not want to put his younger brother in the back seat, he must sit in the front. "Yeah, well, if you meet Melissa, you'll answer for yourself," Dad said. Zomin will return to Jizzakh
Tears welled up in Marjon's eyes as he watched the parents. "I'm here, thank you for creating me," he whispered. "Thank you for not withholding your priceless blessing." His past flashed through his eyes like a nightmare. Bright days pass and cover the whole world. He gives thanks again and again to the Lord who created him, he never tires of giving thanks…
* * *
Behold, brethren, this is the thing which your servant has seen. It is neither tissue nor tissue, nor tumors… In fact, life itself is a miracle. Is it possible that a tiny legend can come true in the heart of a miracle? Or do you suspect a myth?

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