Is there a risk of toxicosis during pregnancy?


Toxicity in pregnancy is a pathological phenomenon that is observed only during pregnancy and interferes with its course. In most cases, it goes away on its own, and sometimes it can even terminate the pregnancy.
Causes of toxicosis
To date, the exact cause of toxicosis has not been determined. The International Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has identified the possible causes of its origin. They are:
  1. Hormonal changes. After a woman is first fertilized, the secretion of hormones in the body changes. As a result, the woman begins to feel unwell.
  2. Due to chronic diseases. Toxicity is more common in women who have a chronic disease (especially by the digestive, respiratory, and endocrine systems) and whose immune system is weak. That is why a woman who is planning a pregnancy should undergo a general medical examination before joining and treat them if they have chronic diseases.
  3. The psycho-emotional state of a woman. Stress, insomnia, and excessive mental labor can lead to toxicosis and complicate its course.
  4. Harmful habits, drinking alcohol, smoking and taking drugs.
  5. The age of the woman. Early pregnancy (under 20 years of age) and late first pregnancy (over 35 years of age) are accompanied by different manifestations of toxicosis.
  6. Hereditary predisposition. If a woman's mother, aunt, or grandmother suffered from toxicosis during pregnancy, that woman is also more likely to develop toxicosis.
There are 3 different forms of toxicosis
  1. Early toxicosis (in the first trimester of pregnancy);
  2. Evening toxicosis (in the second and third trimesters, usually in the last two to three months);
  3. Rare toxicosis (usually observed in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, but at any stage of pregnancy).
Early toxicosis: types, duration of origin, treatment
Early toxicosis - occurs in the early stages of pregnancy and ends at the end of the 1st trimester. In most cases, the symptoms start at 5-6 weeks, sometimes a woman may feel unwell after fertilization before menstruation stops. There are 2 types of early toxicosis:
Return - light, moderate, plentiful;
Pregnancy recurrence is the most common type of early toxicosis. During the first week of pregnancy, a woman may experience nausea and vomiting, especially in the morning. This condition is not toxicosis and poses no risk to the woman. Toxicity includes processes that occur several times during the day, accompanied by suffocation of the appetite, impaired taste and smell.
By weight is divided into:
  1. Light shape. The return is observed 5 times during the day. It starts after a meal, the woman's condition worsens. Treatment is simple or goes away on its own by 10-12 weeks.
  2. Medium weight shape. The return is observed up to 10 times during the day. Not related to food, the woman's general condition significantly worsens, general weakness is observed. Properly treated, it passes and does not pose a risk to pregnancy.
  3. Repeated repetitions. Repeating up to 20 times or more during the day can cause a woman to become hungry and dehydrated, decrease body mass, increase body temperature, and increase heart rate. This condition requires immediate medical attention, otherwise the result can be fatal.
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Salivation (ptialism) is the excessive separation of saliva (solivation) and excessive fluid loss (1 liter per day). Ptyalism can occur independently in pregnancy or after recurrence. The woman begins to feel unwell, sleep disturbances, loss of body mass are observed.
Treatment of early toxicosis
Mild manifestations of ptyalism and vomiting can also be treated at home. If the effect of treatment is not felt, treatment in an inpatient setting is necessary. If excessive salivation and recurrent vomiting are observed, seek medical attention immediately.
Is there a risk of toxicosis during pregnancy?
Is there a risk of toxicosis during pregnancy?
Special treatment of early toxicosis.
  1. Provide the woman with physical and emotional peace of mind;
  2. Proper diet (eating high-calorie foods infrequently, every 2-3 hours);
  3. Taking sedatives (motherwort, valerian tincture);
  4. Take treatment measures against vomiting;
  5. Vitamin therapy;
  6. Hepatoprotectors;
  7. Intravenous fluids for dehydration.
Important. If all the measures taken do not help, the pregnancy should be terminated compulsorily.
Evening toxicosis: types, duration of origin, treatment
Evening toxicosis usually occurs from the 30th week of pregnancy. Sometimes it occurs in the second trimester of pregnancy and is severe. The following forms of toxicosis are distinguished:
  1. Water retention in pregnant women - the formation of tumors as a result of accumulation of fluid in the body;
  2. Nephropathies are characterized by the appearance of three clinical symptoms: edema, increased protein in the urine and blood pressure;
  3. Preeclampsia is a post-nephropathy stage characterized by dysfunction of the nervous system;
  4. Eclampsia is the last stage of nocturnal toxicosis, manifested by seizures and fainting.
Water retention in pregnant women is explained by fluid retention in the tissues. Its main clinical manifestations are tumors. There are 3 levels of Vodyanka:
    1. First degree. Tumors appear in the area of ​​the legs. If you press on the swollen area by hand, a mark will remain.
    2. Second degree. The tumors spread to the upper abdominal area, but no fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity. When the skin of the abdomen is pressed, a mark remains.
    3. Third degree. Tumors also occur on the abdomen and face. The woman's condition worsens, shortness of breath, increased heart rate.
Treatment of evening toxicosis
  1. Reduce fluid intake (no more than 1 liter per day) and reduce salt in the diet;
  2. Reduce any products that retain fluid from the diet (limit fatty, salty, spicy, spicy foods);
  3. Taking diuretics to reduce swelling (furosemide, hypothiazide, etc.)
In most cases, the results of treatment are known in 6-8 days, and in severe cases, treatment can be extended to 10-12 days.
Nephropathy. It is often caused by untimely and improper treatment of vodyanka in pregnancy. This type of toxicosis is characterized by a triad symptom:
  1. swelling;
  2. hypertension (increased blood pressure);
  3. proteinuria (protein excretion in the urine).
Nephropathy can be monosymptomatic (occurrence of only one symptom) or polysymptom (occurrence of all symptoms).
The cure. Treatment of nephropathy is carried out only in an inpatient setting. The treatment consists of:
  1. Strict bed rest, physical and emotional calm;
  2. Normalize water intake. The consumption of dairy plants is increased by reducing water intake and salt intake for the pregnant woman;
  3. Normalize sleep using sedatives;
  4. Taking diuretics to reduce swelling;
  5. Therapeutic examination and taking antihypertensive drugs.
Ineffective treatment requires termination of pregnancy, thus protecting the female body from danger.
The most recent stage of toxicosis is preeclampsia and eclampsia.
In preeclampsia headache, decreased visual acuity, drowsiness, weakness are observed. Some patients also experience abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. These conditions are explained by circulatory disorders in the brain and an increase in intracranial pressure. Treatment of preeclampsia is carried out in the same way as that of nephropathy, but all treatments are performed under anesthesia (using oxygen inhalation) because the risk of progressing to the stage of eclampsia is high.
Eclampsia manifested by severe seizures and fainting. The seizure occurs in three stages:
1. The first stage. Small contractions of the facial muscles then pass to the muscles in the upper body. This condition lasts for 20-30 seconds.
2. The second stage. It is manifested by a strong contraction of all muscles, complete cessation of breathing, loss of consciousness of the woman. This condition lasts for 25 seconds.
3. The third stage. The seizures stop and the woman goes into a comatose state. The woman cannot remember anything when she regains consciousness, complains of muscle aches and weakness. The duration of this phase is 1,5 minutes.
Therapeutic measures. In eclampsia, treatment should be carried out in the intensive care unit. They include:
  1. Seizures are prevented (oxygen, ether are given);
  2. Lowering blood pressure, intravenous administration of hypotensive drugs (the woman should be under anesthesia at this time);
  3. Giving sleeping pills (a pregnant woman is put to sleep for 1-2 days).
Intensive care is carried out in the intensive care unit for up to 10 days, and if the attacks recur, early delivery is allowed.
Rare form, types, duration of treatment, treatment of toxicosis
Toxicosis of this type occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy, but can also be observed at any stage. These include:
  1. Dermatoses;
  2. Pregnancy jaundice (yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes);
  3. "Yellow" atrophy of the liver;
  4. Bronchial asthma;
  5. Tetany (occurrence of urticaria in various parts of the body as a result of impaired calcium metabolism);
  6. Osteomalacia (softening and deformation of bones as a result of disorders of phosphorus and calcium metabolism in the body);
Dermatoses - skin diseases that occur during pregnancy. In most cases, itching occurs that spreads to all parts of the skin. The woman's general condition worsens, irritability increases, sleep is disturbed. Occasionally, skin eczema is also observed (accompanied by inflammatory skin disease, itching, irritation, rash). Treatment is carried out in an inpatient setting. The woman is prescribed a diet and is forbidden to eat spicy, bitter and smoked products. Antihistamines, vitamins, calcium supplements are prescribed to reduce itching and irritation. Manganese primochka is applied to the injured skin area.
Pregnant jaundice rarely occurs. On its basis, as a result of liver damage, yellowing of the skin, itching is observed. If such a diagnosis is made, the woman is immediately hospitalized and the pregnancy is terminated.
"Yellow" dystrophy of the liver - is the most dangerous form of toxicosis. It is very difficult and often ends in death. Liver damage intensifies, jaundice increases, seizures begin, and the woman enters a coma. Immediate termination of pregnancy can save a woman’s life.
Bronchial asthma. A very rare form of toxicosis. Her treatment is positive and the pregnancy is preserved. The woman is prescribed sedatives, vitamin therapy and calcium supplements.
Pregnancy tetany. Impaired function of the thyroid gland leads to deficiencies in calcium metabolism in the body. In the clinical picture of the disease, there is a strong contraction of the muscles of the upper and lower body, contraction of the muscles of the face and abdomen is rare. Parathyroid hormone (a hormone produced by the thyroid gland) and calcium supplements are used in treatment. The result is positive and the pregnancy is preserved.
Osteomalacia caused by disorders of calcium and phosphorus metabolism in the body. The clinical picture is characterized by softening and deformation of the bones, most often the spine and pelvic bones. Treatment is carried out with vitamins D and E, physiotherapy. Pregnancy is terminated if the outcome of treatment is unknown.

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