Topic: We are against corruption!


Topic: We are against corruption!

1. How do I understand the term “corruption”?
2. Corruption is a vicious threat to human and social life.
3. The fight against corruption in our country.

When we go to school and work in the morning, our mothers and grandmothers open their hands in prayer and say: wish you all the best. There is so much wisdom in that. As long as a person lives in life, he strives to live well.
I remember reading a story once.
Noah, who had lived a thousand years, was asked: What did you liken life to? It’s like a house with two doors, I went in one and went out the other. If a good man lays a brick in this house by his good deeds, a bad man removes a brick from this building. Well-known writer Utkir Hoshimov's work "Between Two Doors" is built on this basis. I think involuntarily. Which path will I take in this life path ?!
I understand the negative aspects of corruption in the XNUMXst century, such as going against the conscience of corruption, putting personal interests above the interests of the people, finishing their work with ease, taking bribes and giving bribes. Hazrat Alisher Navoi about six hundred years ago:
If he suffers a thousand times, he will cry out to me,
If Elga does, I will cry a thousand times.
I consider corruption to be, in the words of Hazrat Alisher Navoi, an oppression of the people.
Every conscientious person realizes that corruption is a vicious circle that disrupts human and social life and hinders the development of society. After all, a student who has no education by giving money receives a diploma in higher education, and a person gets a job through money through acquaintances. If we count them, we cannot count them. Imagine that. The student who studied with money became a teacher. He sowed the seeds of illiteracy, not the seeds of knowledge, in the hearts of not one, but thousands, millions of students. It bore fruit years later. There is a growing number of people in society who feel nothing, not thousands, not millions, and who do not strive to improve family and community life. A conscious person cannot contain it. Or let's take the driver. If he doesn’t read, if he doesn’t know the rules of the road, traffic accidents will increase and people’s lives will be in danger. This is the truth, as our ancestor Alisher Navoi said, oppression of the people!
Which way do we go in this life path ?! How can we protect and fight against the scourge of corruption today? There is no doubt that a person can follow the right path only if he confidently follows the rules set out in the Constitution of Happiness - the Constitution, based on his beliefs.
We are proud to live in the land of our happy motherland - Uzbekistan!
Saints, you are the cradle of genius,
You are the gate of paradise found by the Naqshbandis.
The flight of life is also a song.
You are holy, holy, O shrine,
Uzbekistan, homeland, motherland!
President Sh. Mirziyoyev is currently fighting corruption. We see and read this through the media every day.


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