The word of adults


Man finds any excuse for one reason or another to justify his actions, he finds any excuse for any other reason to justify his crimes, he finds any excuse for any other reason to secure his peace, and only o ' does not think that ZIN is COWARD.
What you win is yours, what you chew is doubtful.
A person who is friendly to everyone is not friendly to anyone.
Shortness is the sister of talent.

The smartest people in the world are idlers.

Revealing the secret of others is treason, revealing one's own secret is foolishness.

A true friend is known when disaster strikes.

It is never too late to learn.

It's too late.
Tit Livy

I came, I saw, I won.

The face is the mirror of the soul.
Plato is a friend, but the truth is greater.

The state is me.
Louis XIV

Socrates is a friend, but the best friend is the truth.

Do you want to make an elephant out of a fly?

I'm looking for a man.

Wisdom is the most accurate of the sciences.

When a person finds happiness in the happiness of another, he is considered to have truly lived.
Lying is also alcoholism itself. Even when a liar dies, he dies by lying.

People who hate the truth hate those who speak it boldly.

Development is a necessity, not a coincidence.

The biggest mistake a person makes is knowing that he is perfect in everything.

There is no reason for a person who is not afraid of the truth to be afraid of a lie.

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

The idea is above the fact.

Many great truths were mocked at first.

In time, science will go beyond imagination.

One must learn to be submissive and obedient to one's decisions.

A hero who is not dead in battle, Bari is one of the betrayers who perished.
Shaukat Rahman

Every moment of life is beautiful, every moment of life is precious.
Anwar Obidjon

Who will be united with friends,
All his purpose will be his.
Fariduddin Attar

Have you ever imagined that you can’t do anything, from now on it will be very difficult to do it.
Benedict Spinoza

How wonderful is man? If he is a real person.

There is no happiness in inaction.
Fedor Dostoevskiy

One must also understand what is impossible to understand: otherwise one would not have bothered about it.
Johann Goethe

Another advantage of good deeds is that it elevates the soul and makes it prone to more noble deeds.
Jan Jacques Russo

You need more intelligence than you need to teach someone to learn for yourself.
Michel de Monten

It’s not enough to be smart, the important thing is to be able to use it.
Rene Descartes

Knowledge is power. And power is in knowledge.
Francis Bacon

The issue is not the integrity of knowledge, but the integrity of the mind.

We also looked up,
We also had perseverance, endurance.
When the lion called us,
But the ants were traveling.
This danger, familiar to all life,
Ant-wound thick fibers.
My friend, it hurts, the lion is ignorant,
Let's feed these ants.
Abdulla Oripov

If some offend you,
Do not burn in the fire of torment!
You know, and everyone
It’s hard to get your heart together.
Sometimes giving your life to oppression,
Rest in the truth,
Some are completely offended by you
They may even call you ignorant.
It's better to say good than bad,
I'm sure you will find a supporter.
There is so much truth in the world, lies,
It is impossible to burn everyone equally.
So, buy a lie,
Better a poor horse than no horse at all.
My friend, to tell the truth,
Just do what your conscience tells you to do!
Thank you

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