Tips for nursing mothers


Tips for nursing mothers

🌟The baby should be held correctly during breastfeeding;

🌟To prevent periodic inflammation of the mammary glands, it is necessary to periodically apply a special cream and lotion that does not affect the baby;

🌟 Frequent, short-term breastfeeding reduces chest pain;

🌟 Taking a warm shower before breastfeeding also helps relieve pain;

🌟If you put cold compresses on the breasts after breastfeeding, the pain will remain;

🌟 Breastfeeding mothers are advised to drink as much fluid and rest as possible;

🌟If cracks appear in the nipples, it is recommended to apply lanolin, solcoseryl ointments or retail oil;

🌟It is not recommended to apply alcohol-containing solutions (zelenka or iodine) on the skin of the breast. It is also not possible to use soap in this area.

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