Some drugs and their cheap analogues

Top 10 Nervous System Sedatives!


In the mid-19th century, doctors believed that "all diseases are caused by nerves." This slogan has not lost its relevance in the 21st century. The rhythm of life is accelerating as usual, the demands are increasing, and the fatigue is increasing. At such times, it is not possible to get rid of stress just by adjusting your rest regime and getting enough sleep. It is beneficial to take sedatives in some way to restore the tone of the nervous system and return to normal. Modern pharmacology is no exception. The drug market is constantly enriched with new sedative drugs. Their harmful effects are diminishing. Here are the TOP 10 best nervous system sedatives
1. Phytosedan (sedative herb)
Despite being a natural sedative, its effectiveness is not inferior to synthetic drugs. All this is due to the wonderful combination of medicinal herbs (thyme, thyme, thyme, valerian and licorice root). Practice has shown that phytosedan easily solves sleep problems and is an effective treatment if stress has not become chronic. It can be given to children because it is natural, does not cause drowsiness, is not expensive.
2. Persen
Another popular remedy is valerian lemon, which is a combination of mint. Has a mild relaxing and soothing effect. Relieves symptoms of depression and panic.
It is prescribed for the prevention of psychosomatic disorders. Learning does not call, does not reduce attention,
Disadvantages: Not recommended for children under 3 years of age, prolonged use may cause constipation.
3. Tenoten
It is prescribed to patients with chronic stress, neurotic states, autonomic and psychosomatic disorders. Strengthened memory. Increases the body's resistance to stress. Contraindications: pregnancy, lactase deficiency, children under 3 years.
4. Depression
The most natural antidepressant is the active ingredient of St. John's wort extract. Recommended for depression, panic attacks, hypersensitivity to seasonal weather changes during menopause. Disadvantages: is given by prescription, can not be up to 6 years, causes photoallergy. It should not be used in combination with other antidepressants.

5. Afobazol
It is the most powerful, safe and inexpensive among modern anti-anxiety drugs and tranquilizers. It calms the nerves well, relieves panic, premenstrual syndrome, insomnia, and insomnia problems. It is prescribed to patients who want to quit smoking and drinking. It doesn’t call for learning. Not recommended for pregnant and lactating women under 18 years of age.

6. Gerbion
A combination natural remedy, it contains valerian root, mint leaves, hops and lemon balm (melissa) herbs. Calms the central nervous system. It is prescribed to people who are impressionable, agitated, sleepless, and in constant stress. Adults should drink 20-30 drops a day. Not available to under-12s, not available to car drivers for holding alcohol.
7. Novopassit
This drug is used against unpleasant conditions such as irritability, panic, fear, apathy, hyperexcitability. It is prescribed to women during menopause, anti-allergy, neurosis and psychosis. Adverse effects may include nausea, vomiting, or dizziness. Novopassit also reduces the reactivity and attention of the organism. Not recommended for children under 12 years of age.
8. Phenibut
Being the best of modern nootropics, it activates the brain, enhances mental processes. Has a tranquilizer (sedative and anti-panic) effect. When sleep is difficult, it is prescribed in cases of constant fear and other neurotic states. It is effective in dizziness, headaches from tension, ‘seasickness’ and Mener’s disease. It can also be given to children. On the downside, this drug can be toxic to the liver when taken in large amounts.
9. Pantogam
This nootropic drug protects the brain from oxygen deprivation, increases mental and physical activity. Due to its sedative effect, it is recommended in the treatment of various addictions, schizophrenia, epilepsy and Parkinson's disease. It is also widely used in pediatrics, improves children's memory and sleep, is prescribed in children with epilepsy and mental disorders. The downside is that it is not possible in pregnancy (1st trimester), allergic conditions and renal pathology. Invokes signs of drowsiness and lethargy.
10. Glycine
It is a time-tested drug in terms of effectiveness and is the best sedative for children. It is prescribed in cases of emotional tension, aggression and conflict, intensifying metabolic processes in the brain. Improves mood, improves sleep, reduces agitation. Used in abstinence syndrome and adult climax. There are no contraindications, and the price is not expensive.
! Remember to consult a doctor before using the drug!

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