Treatment of hemorrhoids at home


It is not easy to live with pulsating pains in the rectum. With hemorrhoids, even the simplest movements - sitting, standing, going to the toilet - become a real pain. The idea that “just like me, another 12,5 percent of the world’s population suffers from hemorrhoids” is no relief. So what is this disease and how to get rid of hemorrhoids at home?

Causes of hemorrhoids or hemorrhoids

In most cases, hemorrhoids occur due to circulatory disorders in the small pelvis (pelvis): if for any reason the re-flow of blood from the veins in the rectum is impaired. Stomach cramps, constipation, diarrhea, pregnancy - all this leads to elongation and swelling of the walls of blood vessels, which leads to the formation of hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoidal nodules can be located both inside and outside the rectum - around the anus (in the latter case they can be seen with the unaided eye).

Ways to treat hemorrhoids at home

First-degree hemorrhoids are milder in the treatment of non-severe pathological changes in the rectal walls and anal sphincter tissue. If the disease progresses to the third or fourth stage, which is characterized by the protrusion of the nodes through the posterior exit hole (in the third stage they are reintroduced independently, in the fourth stage even this is impossible), it can only be removed surgically. Or one has to rely on miracles to happen, but as world experience of humanity confirms, miracles happen very rarely.
Does this mean that hemorrhoids cannot be treated at home? No, it is not. There is a cure for hemorrhoids. First, the treatment of hemorrhoids in the first and second stages is conservative - it is more important to follow the rules of medication, hygiene and change the regimen. Second, symptomatic treatment is given at all stages of hemorrhoid development, which can relieve pain, itching, inflammation in the anal area, and even slightly reduce the size of the hemorrhoidal nodules.
Of course, treatment of hemorrhoids at home can be done only when the doctor is aware of it and with his consent.

Use of topical folk remedies for the treatment of hemorrhoids

First of all, they are used to relieve itching, itching around the back discharge hole and relieve the pain caused by it. The cause of these events is the outflow of mucus from the rectum through the anus and / or inflammation of the hemorrhoidal nodes. Herbal enemas, baths and compresses can be used to relieve itching, irritation and inflammation.

Infusion of medicinal herbs, as a rule, is prepared as follows: crushed leaves, bark, fruit, flowers or roots of plants are poured hot boiled water: 25–30 grams of plant material at the rate of 1 liter of water. The resulting mixture is heated in a boiling water bath in a closed container for 15 minutes, then cooled for 45 minutes. The drip is filtered through a gauze or small-mesh sieve, the liquid in the remaining grass is also squeezed out and the drip is ready for use.

In hemorrhoids, the compress is prepared as follows: a cotton disc, a folded gauze or a pharmacy bandage is dipped in the drug and placed on the injured area. It is often used in the treatment of external hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoid baths are a mixture of hot water with a tincture of medicinal herbs. The tub is filled with the prepared solution and sit on it for 15-20 minutes. It is recommended to pull the buttocks to the sides so that the drug has an unobstructed effect. The temperature of the solution can be hot (up to 40 ° C), warm (up to 30 ° C) or cold (10-15 ° C). Attention! Cold baths are not recommended when there is inflammatory disease in the small pelvis!
Steam baths can also be used. The temperature of the solution reaches 75-80 degrees. It is not necessary to sit in the bath, the patient stands on the tub and exposes the space to steam.

Home remedies for hemorrhoids. Medicinal herbal tinctures or other substances are mixed with the base (usually water or butter is taken instead of the base). The water is frozen, mixed with medicinal substances and a candle is made from chilled butter.
In hemorrhoids, microenemas are used only if the hemorrhoidal nodes (external and internal) and the inner surface of the rectum are not inflamed. A small amount of solution (up to 200 ml) is poured into the tube, then the tip of the nebulizer is inserted into the rectum (Vaseline can be rubbed on the tip for easier access) and the liquid is injected into the intestine. It is recommended to try to soak the solution for 10-15 minutes.

Be careful! An allergic reaction can occur when there is an individual intolerance to drugs, so it is necessary to first apply a drop without dripping on the elbow and see how the skin reacts. If nothing appears to cause skin irritation in half an hour or an hour, this medicinal plant can be used to treat hemorrhoids.

Medicinal herbs and plants in the treatment of hemorrhoids

Aloe. The juice of this plant has an anti-inflammatory effect and provides quick relief from the aggravation of hemorrhoids. Both the plant itself and tincture can be used in this way. To do this, a dozen plant leaves are cut into pieces (not too small), pour a liter of cold water over them and prepare a tincture in a water bath. A compress soaked in a tincture made from aloe leaves or the plant itself is placed on the inflamed area. Sometimes a candle is made from aloe kernel and left in the rectum overnight.

Birch resin. This substance is produced from birch bark and has many healing properties - antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and regenerative. In hemorrhoids, birch resin is used in the form of a bath: two liters of hot water is mixed with 1 tablespoon of resin. It is recommended to sit in the bath until the water cools.

Oak bark. It has strong mucous membrane covering properties and anti-inflammatory effect, which has a very good effect in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the mucous tissue. When a tincture made from oak bark falls on the mucous membrane of the human body, a protective shell is formed that protects the mucous layer from exposure. It can be used both as a compress and as a suppository (mixed with butter).

Forest strawberries. Forest strawberry leaves-based tincture has anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and blood-stopping properties. It can be used both in the form of baths and compresses, and in the form of huqna.

Potatoes. Ordinary potatoes are widely used in folk medicine to eliminate hemorrhoids; its freshly squeezed juice and potato starch have mucous-covering and anti-inflammatory properties. Potatoes are often used in the form of suppositories to treat hemorrhoids. A small column is cut from the central part of the raw root (its shape should be as flat as possible to avoid damaging the surface of the rectum) and left overnight in the rectum.

Chamomile. The queen of medicinal plants, despite its simple appearance, has many useful properties - tincture made from its flowers has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antispasmodic and analgesic effect, as well as helps in the process of inflammation. increases the rate of regeneration of sections. In hemorrhoids, chamomile can be used in the form of liquid medicine, baths and huqna, as well as handmade candles. To do this, 1 tablespoon chamomile pack is soaked in a glass of boiling water, the resulting tincture is cooled and poured into molds for a little ice. Once frozen, candles with a strong analgesic (due to freezing) and anti-inflammatory effect are ready. The form for freezing the candle can be made from the fingers of a medical glove.

Boyimodaron. This plant has a hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect and is especially useful in the onset of bleeding and exacerbation of hemorrhoids. Thyme leaves are easily found in pharmacies; Follow the instructions given when preparing the tincture. In hemorrhoids, nectar tincture is used for liquid medicine and bath.

Garlic. It has a strong anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antibacterial effect. In hemorrhoids, the garlic is both fresh (peeled garlic cloves are inserted into the back and left until they come out naturally) and in the form of an independently prepared candle (crushed garlic is mixed with butter, cooled, and a candle is formed from it). Baths with anti-inflammatory effect are also made from garlic and milk (in the ratio of adding 2 grams of chopped garlic and onion to 200 liters of heated milk).

Chistotel. Cannabis contains isoquinoline alkaloids that have anti-inflammatory effects. Therefore, hemp tincture is used to relieve itchy skin. In the natural treatment of hemorrhoids, tincture of hemp is used in the form of a liquid medicine, and it can also be added to baths.

Bee products against hemorrhoids

In folk medicine, honey and other bee products are widely used. Candles are made from honey (either rubbed in a thin layer on a candle made entirely of honey, or potatoes) or used as an external agent (without mixing or as an ingredient in other ointments).

Propolis is used to prepare Vaseline-based ointment in the rapid treatment of external nodular hemorrhoids. To do this, 80 g of Vaseline is mixed with 10 g of lanolin and 7 g of propolis, the resulting mixture is dissolved in a water bath, stirred and filtered through a gauze or small sieve. The ointment is applied to a compress or cotton disc and applied to the external hemorrhoidal nodules. Instead of Vaseline can be used animal oil or butter in the ratio of 10 g of base for 100 g of propolis. The mixture is cooled and applied to the hemorrhoidal nodules.
It is also possible to make candles from propolis. To do this, propolis is mixed with water and poured into small ice cubes. A mixture of propolis and water is also used for husks.

Cold water and ice

Ice packs (boiled water is poured into ice packs and left in the refrigerator in the evening) are a good help when there is severe pain in the internal hemorrhoidal nodules. For external use, baths with a mixture of cold water and ice are used. In addition, ice stops bleeding. Be careful! Ice should not be used when there is inflammation of the small pelvic organs.

Manganese (potassium permanganate)

Potassium permanganate solution is an excellent antiseptic. It can be used both as baths (0,1-0,5% concentrated solution) and in the form of huqna (0,02-0,1%). Be careful! Poisoning with manganese is possible, so the concentration of the solution must be strictly observed.
Treatment of hemorrhoids using topical folk remedies
As a rule, such means include tinctures of medicinal plants, which have an anti-inflammatory effect, stop bleeding, help to normalize vascular tone, improve blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis in the small pelvic organs. .

Gorets pochechuyniy. This plant improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, narrows blood vessels and at the same time does not raise blood pressure. When passed with constipation, the property of the plant helps as a laxative in hemorrhoids.
Dalachoy. It has a mucous membrane covering and anti-inflammatory effect. The strong spasmolytic effect on the smooth muscles of the blood vessels helps to get rid of blood stasis in the small pelvic organs. Be careful! Dalachoy can raise blood pressure.

A simple bodrezak. It has strong blood-stopping properties, has a calming and mild laxative effect. In folk medicine, both the fruit and the peel tincture of cucumber are used. Be careful! If a patient with hemorrhoids has increased blood clotting, bodrezak tincture should not be used because of the risk of thrombus formation in hemorrhoidal nodules.

Stinging nettle (in the pot). It is able to stop excessive bleeding, improve blood clotting, has anti-inflammatory effect, enhances metabolism and improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. In women, nettles increase the tone of the uterus.

Zubturum. Like Gorets pochechuyniy, it has a mild laxative effect and has a good effect on constipation. In addition, zubuturum has many beneficial properties such as anti-inflammatory, blood-stopping and immunostimulatory.

Diarrhea plants

If a patient with hemorrhoids often suffers from constipation, herbal laxatives may help.

Eggplant peel. Increases intestinal peristalsis, reduces fluid absorption by the colonic mucosa, which helps to soften stools. Eggplant peel is one of the most harmless laxatives. Typically, the drug is consumed at night, given that the effect begins after 8-12 hours.

Features of the treatment of hemorrhoids in men and women

According to statistics, 85% of pregnant women and women who are expected to give birth soon have hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids in men are more common in those who are professional drivers, heavy physical workers, professional athletes.

Treatment of hemorrhoids in women. General recommendations for women would be appropriate. Special attention should be paid to constipation as a result of factors that are unique to women - pregnancy, childbirth, blood stasis, inflammation of the small pelvis, and multiple diets.

Treatment of hemorrhoids in men. Recommendations are also general for men. Only men who contribute to the development of this disease - malnutrition, frequent consumption of alcohol, "office life" and sedentary work, driving a car, need to eliminate inactivity

Prevention of hemorrhoids

The easiest way to treat hemorrhoids at home is to change your diet and lifestyle.
First of all, the diet should be reconsidered to prevent constipation (this is dangerous as it contributes to the development of hemorrhoids due to increased pressure in the abdomen). To do this, it is necessary to consume products that contain ballast substances (fiber). However, the inclusion of fiber-rich foods in the daily diet should be done with great caution - excess fiber leads to increased gas production, which also creates high pressure in the abdominal cavity. The amount of fiber consumption for an adult should be in the range of 25-30 grams per day. If there is a problem with this for any reason, the missing fiber can be replaced with bio-supplements. The more fiber your body absorbs with food, the more water you need to drink.
Some types of food can increase blood flow to the walls of the rectum, which increases the risk of aggravating the symptoms of hemorrhoids. First of all, such products include alcoholic beverages and spicy foods. Such products should be completely limited or minimized.
It is necessary to drink enough fluids for the passage of feces through the rectum without tension: 6 glasses a day.
It is recommended to consume fermented foods regularly - they are popular yeast-dairy products (yogurt, ryazhenka, prostokvasha), yogurt, kimchi and others. According to some studies, regular consumption of fermented foods improves digestion, increases the synthesis of nutrients in the intestine, maintains acid-base balance. In addition, probiotics with “good” bacteria, such as Bifidius and Lactobacillus, also improve intestinal peristalsis. A glass of “live” yogurt will be a tasty and useful addition to the diet in hemorrhoids.

There are certain rules to follow when using the toilet:
First, don’t try to get it all out of yourself right away and at once (remember about the detrimental side of intra-abdominal pressure).
Second, it is recommended to go to the toilet on time - that is, as soon as there is a call. The habit of tolerance increases the dryness of the stool, which leads to unnecessary straining during defecation and an increase in intra-abdominal pressure. If such a problem occurs, mild diarrhea can be used. But their overuse is also not recommended, otherwise the inflammatory process in the rectum may begin.
Third, you can try to put a chair under the feet so that the knees are slightly higher than the pelvis, which will help to get the stool out faster.
Fourth, you should not stay in the toilet for long - sitting on the toilet for a long time increases blood flow to the back of the body, including hemorrhoids.
Finally, it is recommended to wash with mild baby soap after each defecation - this will help reduce the chances of inflammation of the hemorrhoidal nodules.

Hemorrhoids are indicated by exercise and an active lifestyle. Regular physical activity improves the condition of the cardiovascular system of the body and thus reduces the pressure on the veins in the small pelvic area. Even if the patient’s occupation requires sitting or standing for long periods of time, it is recommended that five minutes of exercise be allocated every hour to distribute the blood and prevent its stagnation in the small pelvis. Exercise should not be associated with lifting weights - this can lead to an increase in hemorrhoids; it is also recommended to reduce the number of sittings. In general, you should exercise at least 2,5 hours a week. Running, walking, swimming, long walks are good help in hemorrhoids.

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