There are several factors that cause shortness of breath. For example, physiological (natural) shortness of breath occurs when you fall down a flight of stairs or run after a bus. Rapid muscle contraction increases the need for oxygen in the blood several times. The brain, on the other hand, tries to make up for the lack of oxygen by reflexive breathing. Physiological shortness of breath does not pose a threat to the body if it passes after twenty minutes. However, if you continue to breathe for a long time after walking to the second floor, then your physical condition is not as enviable. When the body is in good physical condition, shortness of breath is infrequent and not obvious.
Shortness of breath can also be caused by pathological factors. For example, it can cause cardiovascular failure, lung disease, anemia, obesity, bronchial asthma and various other diseases.
Shortness of breath, which develops suddenly and turns into suffocation, is a characteristic symptom of cardiac asthma. This type of attack is usually bothersome at night, the patient turns pale, his body sweats coldly, his blood pressure drops, he becomes restless, and wet wheezing occurs.
Attention! In case of sudden onset of shortness of breath, seek medical advice immediately. This is because it is a sign of a serious disorder in the organs of the body.
Natural recipes to relieve shortness of breath in a natural way
If you want to get rid of shortness of breath, mix a hundred grams of incense and flaxseed with half a kilo of honey and consume one teaspoon three times a day.
If you eat 8-10 pieces of chilanji fruit every day, your shortness of breath will be prevented.
Up to 8-9 gr. A person who drinks basil juice mixed with honey will get rid of shortness of breath.
A mixture of one gram of mummy, honey and aloe vera can be used to treat shortness of breath if eaten daily for lunch.
10 gr. Boiling yellow alfalfa in water and drinking it with honey is a cure for shortness of breath.
30 g of spruce fruit. crushed and passed through a sieve, 15 gr. It is crushed with the addition of beef fat and licked with the foamed honey for a week to cure shortness of breath caused by sputum.
2 gr. If you crush mustard seeds and eat them with honey, you will get rid of shortness of breath.
Wheat bran is a remedy for shortness of breath when added to boiled water with sugar, honey and sweet almond oil.

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