Vitamin B7 (vitamin N or Biotin)


Vitamin B7 (vitamin N or Biotin)

Main functions:
1. Contains enzymes involved in the metabolism of proteins and fats;
2. Important in carbohydrate metabolism - participates in the synthesis of the enzyme glucokinase;
3. Participates in purine metabolism;
4. It is a source of sulfur involved in collagen synthesis.

Hypo / avitaminosis vitamin «V7»
MKB-10: Ye53

The main reasons:
1. Genetic diseases
2. Alcoholism
3. When antibiotics are used
4. Malabsorption

Main symptoms:
1. Damage to the skin of the feet and hands
2. Dry and unhealthy appearance of the skin
3. Pale pale tongue
4. Drowsiness, depression
5. Hypotension (decrease in blood pressure)
6. Increased blood sugar and cholesterol
7. Anemia
8. Loss of appetite
9. Hair loss, worsening of the condition.

Daily requirement:
Adults - 50 mcg
For children - 10–50 mcg

The picture shows products rich in vitamin V7 (biotin).


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