Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) tablets


? Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) tablet - a drug that normalizes metabolism and stimulates appetite

#Vitamin C
# Vitamin S

? Dosage form: tablet

? Contents:

Ascorbic acid - 25 mg.

? According to the effect:


? Application

- When vitamin C is low in the body
- In avitaminosis (absence of vitamin C in the body at all).
- On physical loads
- When the appetite is lost
- When the gums are loose and the teeth are moving
"She's sick."
- In acute viral diseases
- In chronic infectious diseases
—Anti-cancer (especially for the prevention of cancer caused by radiation and chemotherapy).
- Reduces the intensity of allergic reactions.
- Strengthens blood vessels.
- Improves metabolism.
- Very active boosts immunity.
- Milk is accepted at the time of bleeding

Method of administration and dosage

Accepted. The tablet is taken after meals. 3 to 4 times a day.

? Side effects

Can it be observed mainly when taking a lot?

- Headache
- Insomnia
- Nausea and vomiting
- Hyperacid gastritis
- Diarrhea
- Increased blood pressure


- When there is a high allergic reaction to the drug
- People with diabetes
- Patients with kidney stones
- In cases of thrombus
- In thalassemia

NOTE: It should be taken sparingly during pregnancy. Up to 2-3 tablets per day are prescribed to pregnant women.

Vitamin C is also popularly known as "Askorbinka".

Vitamin C also comes in ampoule form (everyone should know).

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